Commit 2064a3b8 authored by Kacper Michajłow's avatar Kacper Michajłow Committed by Michael Niedermayer

configure: Don't disable SSA Optimizer on MSVC v19.00.24218+.

Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <>
parent bdbbb8f1
......@@ -6320,9 +6320,9 @@ EOF
check_func strtoll || add_cflags -Dstrtoll=_strtoi64
check_func strtoull || add_cflags -Dstrtoull=_strtoui64
# the new SSA optimzer in VS2015 U3 is mis-optimizing some parts of the code
# this flag should be re-checked on newer compiler releases and put under a
# version check once its fixed
check_cflags -d2SSAOptimizer-
# Issue has been fixed in MSVC v19.00.24218.
check_cpp_condition windows.h "_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190024218" ||
check_cflags -d2SSAOptimizer-
for pfx in "" host_; do
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