Commit 1b87c402 authored by Loren Merritt's avatar Loren Merritt

slightly faster ff_imdct_calc_3dn2() on amd64. (gcc added a bunch of useless movsxd)

Originally committed as revision 5962 to svn://
parent 494bbf58
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void ff_fft_calc_3dn2(FFTContext *s, FFTComplex *z)
void ff_imdct_calc_3dn2(MDCTContext *s, FFTSample *output,
const FFTSample *input, FFTSample *tmp)
int k, n8, n4, n2, n;
long k, n8, n4, n2, n;
const uint16_t *revtab = s->fft.revtab;
const FFTSample *tcos = s->tcos;
const FFTSample *tsin = s->tsin;
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