Commit 19342bc7 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

swr: test partial flushing

Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <>
parent 86e3289f
......@@ -67,6 +67,18 @@ static void set(uint8_t *a[], int ch, int index, int ch_count, enum AVSampleFor
static void shift(uint8_t *a[], int index, int ch_count, enum AVSampleFormat f){
int i, ch;
f= av_get_alt_sample_fmt(f, 0);
for(ch= 0; ch<ch_count; ch++)
a[ch] += index*av_get_bytes_per_sample(f);
a[0] += index*ch_count*av_get_bytes_per_sample(f);
uint64_t layouts[]={
......@@ -109,10 +121,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
uint8_t *ain[SWR_CH_MAX];
uint8_t *aout[SWR_CH_MAX];
uint8_t *amid[SWR_CH_MAX];
int flush_i=0;
struct SwrContext * forw_ctx= NULL;
struct SwrContext *backw_ctx= NULL;
for(osr=0; osr<5; osr++){
out_sample_rate= sample_rates[osr];
for(osr=0; osr<5; osr++){
out_sample_rate= sample_rates[osr];
......@@ -178,7 +196,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
fprintf(stderr, "[%f %f %f] len:%5d\n", sqrt(sse/out_count), x, maxdiff, out_count);
flush_count=swr_convert(backw_ctx,aout, SAMPLES, 0, 0);
flush_count = swr_convert(backw_ctx,aout, flush_i, 0, 0);
shift(aout, flush_i, in_ch_count, in_sample_fmt);
flush_count+= swr_convert(backw_ctx,aout, SAMPLES-flush_i, 0, 0);
shift(aout, -flush_i, in_ch_count, in_sample_fmt);
for(ch=0; ch<in_ch_count; ch++){
double sse, x, maxdiff=0;
......@@ -200,7 +223,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
x = sum_ab/sum_bb;
sse= sum_aa + sum_bb*x*x - 2*x*sum_ab;
fprintf(stderr, "[%f %f %f] len:%5d\n", sqrt(sse/flush_count), x, maxdiff, flush_count);
fprintf(stderr, "[%f %f %f] len:%5d F:%3d\n", sqrt(sse/flush_count), x, maxdiff, flush_count, flush_i);
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