Commit 13404b2e authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

factorize get_cabac asm (0.5% slower but its much cleaner)

Originally committed as revision 6740 to svn://
parent 1e4051aa
......@@ -452,71 +452,72 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
asm volatile(
"movzbl (%1), %0 \n\t"
"movl "RANGE "(%2), %%ebx \n\t"
"movl "RANGE "(%2), %%edx \n\t"
"andl $0xC0, %%ebx \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_lps_range)"(%0, %%ebx, 2), %%esi\n\t"
"movl "LOW "(%2), %%ebx \n\t"
//eax:state ebx:low, edx:range, esi:RangeLPS
"subl %%esi, %%edx \n\t"
#if (defined CMOV_IS_FAST && __CPU__ >= 686)
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"cmpl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"cmova %%ecx, %%esi \n\t"
"sbbl %%ecx, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%ecx, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%edx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%ecx, %0 \n\t"
#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, cabac, statep, low, lowword, range, tmp, tmpbyte)\
"mov "tmp" , %%ecx \n\t"\
"shl $17 , "tmp" \n\t"\
"cmp "low" , "tmp" \n\t"\
"cmova %%ecx , "range" \n\t"\
"sbb %%ecx , %%ecx \n\t"\
"and %%ecx , "tmp" \n\t"\
"sub "tmp" , "low" \n\t"\
"xor %%ecx , "ret" \n\t"
#else /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"sarl $31, %%edx \n\t" //lps_mask
"subl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //RangeLPS - range
"andl %%edx, %%esi \n\t" //(RangeLPS - range)&lps_mask
"addl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //new range
"shl $17, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"subl %%ecx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%edx, %0 \n\t"
#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, cabac, statep, low, lowword, range, tmp, tmpbyte)\
"mov "tmp" , %%ecx \n\t"\
"shl $17 , "tmp" \n\t"\
"sub "low" , "tmp" \n\t"\
"sar $31 , "tmp" \n\t" /*lps_mask*/\
"sub %%ecx , "range" \n\t" /*RangeLPS - range*/\
"and "tmp" , "range" \n\t" /*(RangeLPS - range)&lps_mask*/\
"add %%ecx , "range" \n\t" /*new range*/\
"shl $17 , %%ecx \n\t"\
"and "tmp" , %%ecx \n\t"\
"sub %%ecx , "low" \n\t"\
"xor "tmp" , "ret" \n\t"
#endif /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
//eax:state ebx:low edx:mask esi:range
//eax:bit ebx:low esi:range
#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC(ret, cabac, statep, low, lowword, range, tmp, tmpbyte)\
"movzbl "statep" , "ret" \n\t"\
"mov "range" , "tmp" \n\t"\
"and $0xC0 , "range" \n\t"\
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_lps_range)"("ret", "range", 2), "range" \n\t"\
"sub "range" , "tmp" \n\t"\
BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, cabac, statep, low, lowword, range, tmp, tmpbyte)\
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "("range"), %%ecx \n\t"\
"shl %%cl , "range" \n\t"\
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_mlps_state)"+128("ret"), "tmp" \n\t"\
"mov "tmpbyte" , "statep" \n\t"\
"shl %%cl , "low" \n\t"\
"test "lowword" , "lowword" \n\t"\
" jnz 1f \n\t"\
"mov "BYTE"("cabac"), %%ecx \n\t"\
"movzwl (%%ecx) , "tmp" \n\t"\
"bswap "tmp" \n\t"\
"shr $15 , "tmp" \n\t"\
"sub $0xFFFF , "tmp" \n\t"\
"add $2 , %%ecx \n\t"\
"mov %%ecx , "BYTE "("cabac") \n\t"\
"lea -1("low") , %%ecx \n\t"\
"xor "low" , %%ecx \n\t"\
"shr $15 , %%ecx \n\t"\
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%ecx), %%ecx \n\t"\
"neg %%ecx \n\t"\
"add $7 , %%ecx \n\t"\
"shl %%cl , "tmp" \n\t"\
"add "tmp" , "low" \n\t"\
"1: \n\t"
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%esi), %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%esi \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_mlps_state)"+128(%0), %%edx \n\t"
"movb %%dl, (%1) \n\t"
asm volatile(
"movl "RANGE "(%2), %%esi \n\t"
"movl "LOW "(%2), %%ebx \n\t"
BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%0", "%2", "(%1)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%edx", "%%dl")
"movl %%esi, "RANGE "(%2) \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%ebx \n\t"
"movl %%ebx, "LOW "(%2) \n\t"
"test %%bx, %%bx \n\t"
" jnz 1f \n\t"
"movl "BYTE "(%2), %%ecx \n\t"
"movzwl (%%ecx), %%esi \n\t"
"bswap %%esi \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%esi \n\t"
"subl $0xFFFF, %%esi \n\t"
"addl $2, %%ecx \n\t"
"movl %%ecx, "BYTE "(%2) \n\t"
"leal -1(%%ebx), %%ecx \n\t"
"xorl %%ebx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%ecx \n\t"
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%ecx), %%ecx \n\t"
"neg %%ecx \n\t"
"add $7, %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl , %%esi \n\t"
"addl %%esi, %%ebx \n\t"
"movl %%ebx, "LOW "(%2) \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
:"r"(state), "r"(c)
: "%ecx", "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"
......@@ -683,62 +684,7 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff, uint8_t *sign
"2: \n\t"
"movzbl (%1), %0 \n\t"
"movl %%esi, %%edx \n\t"
"andl $0xC0, %%esi \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_lps_range)"(%0, %%esi, 2), %%esi\n\t"
/*eax:state ebx:low, edx:range, esi:RangeLPS*/
"subl %%esi, %%edx \n\t"
#if (defined CMOV_IS_FAST && __CPU__ >= 686)
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"cmpl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"cmova %%ecx, %%esi \n\t"
"sbbl %%ecx, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%ecx, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%edx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%ecx, %0 \n\t"
#else /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"sarl $31, %%edx \n\t" //lps_mask
"subl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //RangeLPS - range
"andl %%edx, %%esi \n\t" //(RangeLPS - range)&lps_mask
"addl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //new range
"shl $17, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"subl %%ecx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%edx, %0 \n\t"
#endif /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%esi), %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%esi \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_mlps_state)"+128(%0), %%edx \n\t"
"movb %%dl, (%1) \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%ebx \n\t"
"test %%bx, %%bx \n\t"
" jnz 1f \n\t"
"movl "BYTE "(%3), %%ecx \n\t"
"movzwl (%%ecx), %%edx \n\t"
"bswap %%edx \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%edx \n\t"
"subl $0xFFFF, %%edx \n\t"
"addl $2, %%ecx \n\t"
"movl %%ecx, "BYTE "(%3) \n\t"
"leal -1(%%ebx), %%ecx \n\t"
"xorl %%ebx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%ecx \n\t"
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%ecx), %%ecx \n\t"
"neg %%ecx \n\t"
"add $7, %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl , %%edx \n\t"
"addl %%edx, %%ebx \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%0", "%3", "(%1)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%edx", "%%dl")
"test $1, %0 \n\t"
" jz 3f \n\t"
......@@ -750,62 +696,7 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff, uint8_t *sign
"addl $4, %%eax \n\t"
"movl %%eax, %2 \n\t"
"movzbl 61(%1), %0 \n\t"
"movl %%esi, %%edx \n\t"
"andl $0xC0, %%esi \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_lps_range)"(%0, %%esi, 2), %%esi\n\t"
/*eax:state ebx:low, edx:range, esi:RangeLPS*/
"subl %%esi, %%edx \n\t"
#if (defined CMOV_IS_FAST && __CPU__ >= 686)
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"cmpl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"cmova %%ecx, %%esi \n\t"
"sbbl %%ecx, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%ecx, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%edx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%ecx, %0 \n\t"
#else /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
"movl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shl $17, %%edx \n\t"
"subl %%ebx, %%edx \n\t"
"sarl $31, %%edx \n\t" //lps_mask
"subl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //RangeLPS - range
"andl %%edx, %%esi \n\t" //(RangeLPS - range)&lps_mask
"addl %%ecx, %%esi \n\t" //new range
"shl $17, %%ecx \n\t"
"andl %%edx, %%ecx \n\t"
"subl %%ecx, %%ebx \n\t"
"xorl %%edx, %0 \n\t"
#endif /* CMOV_IS_FAST */
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%esi), %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%esi \n\t"
"movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_mlps_state)"+128(%0), %%edx \n\t"
"movb %%dl, 61(%1) \n\t"
"shll %%cl, %%ebx \n\t"
"test %%bx, %%bx \n\t"
" jnz 1f \n\t"
"movl "BYTE "(%3), %%ecx \n\t"
"movzwl (%%ecx), %%edx \n\t"
"bswap %%edx \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%edx \n\t"
"subl $0xFFFF, %%edx \n\t"
"addl $2, %%ecx \n\t"
"movl %%ecx, "BYTE "(%3) \n\t"
"leal -1(%%ebx), %%ecx \n\t"
"xorl %%ebx, %%ecx \n\t"
"shrl $15, %%ecx \n\t"
"movzbl " MANGLE(ff_h264_norm_shift) "(%%ecx), %%ecx \n\t"
"neg %%ecx \n\t"
"add $7, %%ecx \n\t"
"shll %%cl , %%edx \n\t"
"addl %%edx, %%ebx \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%0", "%3", "61(%1)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%edx", "%%dl")
"test $1, %%eax \n\t"
" jnz 4f \n\t"
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