Commit 0adba3d8 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

fixing bquant_offset

Originally committed as revision 5179 to svn://
parent e70e7a4b
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ float ff_xvid_rate_estimate_qscale(MpegEncContext *s, int dry_run){
xvid_plg_data.max_quant[0]= s->avctx->qmax;
xvid_plg_data.max_quant[1]= s->avctx->qmax;
xvid_plg_data.max_quant[2]= s->avctx->qmax; //FIXME i/b factor & offset
xvid_plg_data.bquant_offset = s->avctx->b_quant_offset;
xvid_plg_data.bquant_offset = 100 * s->avctx->b_quant_offset;
xvid_plg_data.bquant_ratio = 100 * s->avctx->b_quant_factor;
#if 0
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ int ff_xvid_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx) {
/* Bframes */
xvid_enc_create.max_bframes = avctx->max_b_frames;
xvid_enc_create.bquant_offset = avctx->b_quant_offset;
xvid_enc_create.bquant_offset = 100 * avctx->b_quant_offset;
xvid_enc_create.bquant_ratio = 100 * avctx->b_quant_factor;
if( avctx->max_b_frames > 0 && !x->quicktime_format ) |= XVID_GLOBAL_PACKED;
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