Commit 09d7da86 authored by Rafaël Carré's avatar Rafaël Carré Committed by Carl Eugen Hoyos

Accept stdin as input for patcheck.

Patch by Rafaël Carré, rafael d carre a gmail

Originally committed as revision 24499 to svn://
parent 28e241de
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
# if no argument provided, write stdin to a file and re-run the script
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
cat > patcheck.stdout
$0 patcheck.stdout
rm -f patcheck.stdout
TMP=patcheck.tmp TMP=patcheck.tmp
OPT="-nH" OPT="-nH"
#FILES=`grep '^+++' $* | sed 's/+++ //g'` #FILES=`grep '^+++' $* | sed 's/+++ //g'`
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