Commit 073811cd authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

fix forw_ptr crc check

not really beautiful but i did not find a nice solution
note, untested

Originally committed as revision 10037 to svn://
parent f0a9978c
......@@ -98,12 +98,15 @@ static inline uint64_t get_vb_trace(ByteIOContext *bc, char *file, char *func, i
#define get_vb(bc) get_vb_trace(bc, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
static int get_packetheader(NUTContext *nut, ByteIOContext *bc, int calculate_checksum)
static int get_packetheader(NUTContext *nut, ByteIOContext *bc, int calculate_checksum, uint64_t startcode)
int64_t size;
// start= url_ftell(bc) - 8;
init_checksum(bc, av_crc04C11DB7_update, 0);
startcode= be2me_64(startcode);
startcode= av_crc04C11DB7_update(0, &startcode, 8);
init_checksum(bc, av_crc04C11DB7_update, startcode);
size= get_v(bc);
if(size > 4096)
......@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ static int decode_main_header(NUTContext *nut){
unsigned int stream_count;
int i, j, tmp_stream, tmp_mul, tmp_pts, tmp_size, count, tmp_res;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1);
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, MAIN_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
GET_V(tmp , tmp >=2 && tmp <= 3)
......@@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ static int decode_stream_header(NUTContext *nut){
uint64_t tmp, end;
AVStream *st;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1);
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, STREAM_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
GET_V(stream_id, tmp < s->nb_streams && !nut->stream[tmp].time_base);
......@@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ static int decode_info_header(NUTContext *nut){
int64_t value, end;
char name[256], str_value[1024], type_str[256], *type= type_str;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1);
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, INFO_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
GET_V(stream_id_plus1, tmp <= s->nb_streams)
......@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@ static int decode_syncpoint(NUTContext *nut, int64_t *ts, int64_t *back_ptr){
nut->last_syncpoint_pos= url_ftell(bc)-8;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1);
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, SYNCPOINT_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
tmp= get_v(bc);
......@@ -482,7 +485,7 @@ static int find_and_decode_index(NUTContext *nut){
return -1;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1);
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, INDEX_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
get_v(bc); //max_pts
......@@ -737,7 +740,7 @@ static int nut_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
skip= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 0);
skip= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 0, tmp);
url_fseek(bc, skip, SEEK_CUR);
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