Commit 0628f3e8 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

Cast constants to float to avoid gcc converting to and from

float<->double in every operation.

Originally committed as revision 23118 to svn://
parent e969e261
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
# define SHR(a,b) ((a)*(1.0/(1<<(b))))
# define compute_antialias compute_antialias_float
# define FIXR_OLD(a) ((int)((a) * FRAC_ONE + 0.5))
# define FIXR(x) (x)
# define FIXHR(x) (x)
# define FIXR(x) ((float)(x))
# define FIXHR(x) ((float)(x))
# define MULH3(x, y, s) ((s)*(y)*(x))
# define MULLx(x, y, s) ((y)*(x))
# define RENAME(a) a ## _float
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