Commit 04964ee8 authored by Alex Converse's avatar Alex Converse

AAC: Ignore cc_domain for independent (time domain) coupling.

Originally committed as revision 18169 to svn://
parent 620bba16
......@@ -1199,14 +1199,7 @@ static int decode_cce(AACContext * ac, GetBitContext * gb, ChannelElement * che)
} else
coup->ch_select[c] = 2;
coup->coupling_point += get_bits1(gb);
if (coup->coupling_point == 2) {
av_log(ac->avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR,
"Independently switched CCE with 'invalid' domain signalled.\n");
memset(coup, 0, sizeof(ChannelCoupling));
return -1;
coup->coupling_point += get_bits1(gb) || (coup->coupling_point>>1);
sign = get_bits(gb, 1);
scale = pow(2., pow(2., (int)get_bits(gb, 2) - 3));
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