Commit 023857be authored by Harikrishnan Varma's avatar Harikrishnan Varma Committed by Guillaume Poirier

make the delta magnitude a user specifyable parameter:

patch by Harikrishnan Varma < hvarma AH divxcorp POIS com >
Original thread:
Date: Mar 14, 2006 1:13 AM
Subject: [Ffmpeg-devel] Audio-video sync problem when transcoding to
xvid in AVI

Originally committed as revision 5166 to svn://
parent f4c7b001
......@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ static int input_sync;
static int limit_filesize = 0; //
static int pgmyuv_compatibility_hack=0;
static int dts_delta_threshold = 10;
const char **opt_names=NULL;
int opt_name_count=0;
......@@ -2047,7 +2048,7 @@ static int av_encode(AVFormatContext **output_files,
// fprintf(stderr, "next:%lld dts:%lld off:%lld %d\n", ist->next_pts, pkt.dts, input_files_ts_offset[ist->file_index], ist->st->codec->codec_type);
if (pkt.dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && ist->next_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
int64_t delta= av_rescale_q(pkt.dts, ist->st->time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q) - ist->next_pts;
if(ABS(delta) > 10LL*AV_TIME_BASE && !copy_ts){
if(ABS(delta) > 1LL*dts_delta_threshold*AV_TIME_BASE && !copy_ts){
input_files_ts_offset[ist->file_index]-= delta;
if (verbose > 2)
fprintf(stderr, "timestamp discontinuity %"PRId64", new offset= %"PRId64"\n", delta, input_files_ts_offset[ist->file_index]);
......@@ -4026,6 +4027,7 @@ const OptionDef options[] = {
{ "vglobal", HAS_ARG | OPT_INT | OPT_EXPERT, {(void*)&video_global_header}, "video global header storage type", "" },
{ "copyts", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, {(void*)&copy_ts}, "copy timestamps" },
{ "shortest", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, {(void*)&opt_shortest}, "finish encoding within shortest input" }, //
{ "dts_delta_threshold", HAS_ARG | OPT_INT | OPT_EXPERT, {(void*)&dts_delta_threshold}, "timestamp discontinuity delta threshold", "" },
/* video options */
{ "b", HAS_ARG | OPT_VIDEO, {(void*)opt_video_bitrate}, "set video bitrate (in kbit/s)", "bitrate" },
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