Commit 01d46198 authored by Alexander Strange's avatar Alexander Strange

All else being equal, prefer PTS over DTS in timestamp correction

Because DTS values aren't passed through decoders, they tend to be
inaccurate if decoder delay doesn't match what was expected by the encoder.

In particular this improves timestamps for H.264 without num_reorder_frames
set and with -strict 1, which causes DTS to be up to 16 frames ahead of the

Note that this doesn't really improve any file with very broken PTS/DTS,
since PTS isn't much more accurate in these.

Originally committed as revision 25242 to svn://
parent 7a8bfa5d
......@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ int64_t guess_correct_pts(PtsCorrectionContext *ctx, int64_t reordered_pts, int6
ctx->num_faulty_pts += reordered_pts <= ctx->last_pts;
ctx->last_pts = reordered_pts;
if ((ctx->num_faulty_pts<ctx->num_faulty_dts || dts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
if ((ctx->num_faulty_pts<=ctx->num_faulty_dts || dts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
&& reordered_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
pts = reordered_pts;
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