# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Manages subcommands in a script.

Each subcommand should look like this:
  @usage('[pet name]')
  def CMDpet(parser, args):
    '''Prints a pet.

    Many people likes pet. This command prints a pet for your pleasure.
    parser.add_option('--color', help='color of your pet')
    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if len(args) != 1:
      parser.error('A pet name is required')
    pet = args[0]
    if options.color:
      print('Nice %s %d' % (options.color, pet))
      print('Nice %s' % pet)
    return 0

  - usage decorator alters the 'usage: %prog' line in the command's help.
  - docstring is used to both short help line and long help line.
  - parser can be augmented with arguments.
  - return the exit code.
  - Every function in the specified module with a name starting with 'CMD' will
    be a subcommand.
  - The module's docstring will be used in the default 'help' page.
  - If a command has no docstring, it will not be listed in the 'help' page.
    Useful to keep compatibility commands around or aliases.
  - If a command is an alias to another one, it won't be documented. E.g.:
      CMDoldname = CMDnewcmd
    will result in oldname not being documented but supported and redirecting to
    newcmd. Make it a real function that calls the old function if you want it
    to be documented.
  - CMDfoo_bar will be command 'foo-bar'.

import difflib
import sys
import textwrap

def usage(more):
  """Adds a 'usage_more' property to a CMD function."""
  def hook(fn):
    fn.usage_more = more
    return fn
  return hook

def epilog(text):
  """Adds an 'epilog' property to a CMD function.

  It will be shown in the epilog. Usually useful for examples.
  def hook(fn):
    fn.epilog = text
    return fn
  return hook

def CMDhelp(parser, args):
  """Prints list of commands or help for a specific command."""
  # This is the default help implementation. It can be disabled or overriden if
  # wanted.
  if not any(i in ('-h', '--help') for i in args):
    args = args + ['--help']
  _, args = parser.parse_args(args)
  # Never gets there.
  assert False

def _get_color_module():
  """Returns the colorama module if available.

  If so, assumes colors are supported and return the module handle.
  return sys.modules.get('colorama') or sys.modules.get('third_party.colorama')

def _function_to_name(name):
  """Returns the name of a CMD function."""
  return name[3:].replace('_', '-')

class CommandDispatcher(object):
  def __init__(self, module):
    """module is the name of the main python module where to look for commands.

    The python builtin variable __name__ MUST be used for |module|. If the
    script is executed in the form 'python script.py', __name__ == '__main__'
    and sys.modules['script'] doesn't exist. On the other hand if it is unit
    tested, __main__ will be the unit test's module so it has to reference to
    itself with 'script'. __name__ always match the right value.
    self.module = sys.modules[module]

  def enumerate_commands(self):
    """Returns a dict of command and their handling function.

    The commands must be in the '__main__' modules. To import a command from a
    submodule, use:
      from mysubcommand import CMDfoo

    Automatically adds 'help' if not already defined.

    Normalizes '_' in the commands to '-'.

    A command can be effectively disabled by defining a global variable to None,
      CMDhelp = None
    cmds = dict(
        (_function_to_name(name), getattr(self.module, name))
        for name in dir(self.module) if name.startswith('CMD'))
    cmds.setdefault('help', CMDhelp)
    return cmds

  def find_nearest_command(self, name_asked):
    """Retrieves the function to handle a command as supplied by the user.

    It automatically tries to guess the _intended command_ by handling typos
    and/or incomplete names.
    commands = self.enumerate_commands()
    name_to_dash = name_asked.replace('_', '-')
    if name_to_dash in commands:
      return commands[name_to_dash]

    # An exact match was not found. Try to be smart and look if there's
    # something similar.
    commands_with_prefix = [c for c in commands if c.startswith(name_asked)]
    if len(commands_with_prefix) == 1:
      return commands[commands_with_prefix[0]]

    # A #closeenough approximation of levenshtein distance.
    def close_enough(a, b):
      return difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=a, b=b).ratio()

    hamming_commands = sorted(
        ((close_enough(c, name_asked), c) for c in commands),
    if (hamming_commands[0][0] - hamming_commands[1][0]) < 0.3:
      # Too ambiguous.

    if hamming_commands[0][0] < 0.8:
      # Not similar enough. Don't be a fool and run a random command.

    return commands[hamming_commands[0][1]]

  def _gen_commands_list(self):
    """Generates the short list of supported commands."""
    commands = self.enumerate_commands()
    docs = sorted(
        (cmd_name, self._create_command_summary(cmd_name, handler))
        for cmd_name, handler in commands.iteritems())
    # Skip commands without a docstring.
    docs = [i for i in docs if i[1]]
    # Then calculate maximum length for alignment:
    length = max(len(c) for c in commands)

    # Look if color is supported.
    colors = _get_color_module()
    green = reset = ''
    if colors:
      green = colors.Fore.GREEN
      reset = colors.Fore.RESET
    return (
        'Commands are:\n' +
            '  %s%-*s%s %s\n' % (green, length, cmd_name, reset, doc)
            for cmd_name, doc in docs))

  def _add_command_usage(self, parser, command):
    """Modifies an OptionParser object with the function's documentation."""
    cmd_name = _function_to_name(command.__name__)
    if cmd_name == 'help':
      cmd_name = '<command>'
      # Use the module's docstring as the description for the 'help' command if
      # available.
      parser.description = (self.module.__doc__ or '').rstrip()
      if parser.description:
        parser.description += '\n\n'
      parser.description += self._gen_commands_list()
      # Do not touch epilog.
      # Use the command's docstring if available. For commands, unlike module
      # docstring, realign.
      lines = (command.__doc__ or '').rstrip().splitlines()
      if lines[:1]:
        rest = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:]))
        parser.description = '\n'.join((lines[0], rest))
        parser.description = lines[0] if lines else ''
      if parser.description:
        parser.description += '\n'
      parser.epilog = getattr(command, 'epilog', None)
      if parser.epilog:
        parser.epilog = '\n' + parser.epilog.strip() + '\n'

    more = getattr(command, 'usage_more', '')
    extra = '' if not more else ' ' + more
    parser.set_usage('usage: %%prog %s [options]%s' % (cmd_name, extra))

  def _create_command_summary(cmd_name, command):
    """Creates a oneliner summary from the command's docstring."""
    if cmd_name != _function_to_name(command.__name__):
      # Skip aliases. For example using at module level:
      # CMDfoo = CMDbar
      return ''
    doc = command.__doc__ or ''
    line = doc.split('\n', 1)[0].rstrip('.')
    if not line:
      return line
    return (line[0].lower() + line[1:]).strip()

  def execute(self, parser, args):
    """Dispatches execution to the right command.

    Fallbacks to 'help' if not disabled.
    # Unconditionally disable format_description() and format_epilog().
    # Technically, a formatter should be used but it's not worth (yet) the
    # trouble.
    parser.format_description = lambda _: parser.description or ''
    parser.format_epilog = lambda _: parser.epilog or ''

    if args:
      if args[0] in ('-h', '--help') and len(args) > 1:
        # Inverse the argument order so 'tool --help cmd' is rewritten to
        # 'tool cmd --help'.
        args = [args[1], args[0]] + args[2:]
      command = self.find_nearest_command(args[0])
      if command:
        if command.__name__ == 'CMDhelp' and len(args) > 1:
          # Inverse the arguments order so 'tool help cmd' is rewritten to
          # 'tool cmd --help'. Do it here since we want 'tool hel cmd' to work
          # too.
          args = [args[1], '--help'] + args[2:]
          command = self.find_nearest_command(args[0]) or command

        # "fix" the usage and the description now that we know the subcommand.
        self._add_command_usage(parser, command)
        return command(parser, args[1:])

    cmdhelp = self.enumerate_commands().get('help')
    if cmdhelp:
      # Not a known command. Default to help.
      self._add_command_usage(parser, cmdhelp)
      return cmdhelp(parser, args)

    # Nothing can be done.
    return 2