# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """SCM-specific utility classes.""" import distutils.version import glob import io import os import platform import re import sys import gclient_utils import subprocess2 def ValidateEmail(email): return ( re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%\-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", email) is not None) def GetCasedPath(path): """Elcheapos way to get the real path case on Windows.""" if sys.platform.startswith('win') and os.path.exists(path): # Reconstruct the path. path = os.path.abspath(path) paths = path.split('\\') for i in range(len(paths)): if i == 0: # Skip drive letter. continue subpath = '\\'.join(paths[:i+1]) prev = len('\\'.join(paths[:i])) # glob.glob will return the cased path for the last item only. This is why # we are calling it in a loop. Extract the data we want and put it back # into the list. paths[i] = glob.glob(subpath + '*')[0][prev+1:len(subpath)] path = '\\'.join(paths) return path def GenFakeDiff(filename): """Generates a fake diff from a file.""" file_content = gclient_utils.FileRead(filename, 'rb').splitlines(True) filename = filename.replace(os.sep, '/') nb_lines = len(file_content) # We need to use / since patch on unix will fail otherwise. data = io.StringIO() data.write("Index: %s\n" % filename) data.write('=' * 67 + '\n') # Note: Should we use /dev/null instead? data.write("--- %s\n" % filename) data.write("+++ %s\n" % filename) data.write("@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n" % nb_lines) # Prepend '+' to every lines. for line in file_content: data.write('+') data.write(line) result = data.getvalue() data.close() return result def determine_scm(root): """Similar to upload.py's version but much simpler. Returns 'git' or None. """ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, '.git')): return 'git' try: subprocess2.check_call( ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'], stdout=subprocess2.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess2.DEVNULL, cwd=root) return 'git' except (OSError, subprocess2.CalledProcessError): return None def only_int(val): if val.isdigit(): return int(val) return 0 class GIT(object): current_version = None @staticmethod def ApplyEnvVars(kwargs): env = kwargs.pop('env', None) or os.environ.copy() # Don't prompt for passwords; just fail quickly and noisily. # By default, git will use an interactive terminal prompt when a username/ # password is needed. That shouldn't happen in the chromium workflow, # and if it does, then gclient may hide the prompt in the midst of a flood # of terminal spew. The only indication that something has gone wrong # will be when gclient hangs unresponsively. Instead, we disable the # password prompt and simply allow git to fail noisily. The error # message produced by git will be copied to gclient's output. env.setdefault('GIT_ASKPASS', 'true') env.setdefault('SSH_ASKPASS', 'true') # 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms. env.setdefault('GIT_PAGER', 'cat') return env @staticmethod def Capture(args, cwd=None, strip_out=True, **kwargs): env = GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs) output = subprocess2.check_output( ['git'] + args, cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess2.PIPE, env=env, **kwargs) output = output.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return output.strip() if strip_out else output @staticmethod def CaptureStatus(cwd, upstream_branch): """Returns git status. Returns an array of (status, file) tuples.""" if upstream_branch is None: upstream_branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd) if upstream_branch is None: raise gclient_utils.Error('Cannot determine upstream branch') command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--name-status', '--no-renames', '-r', '%s...' % upstream_branch] status = GIT.Capture(command, cwd) results = [] if status: for statusline in status.splitlines(): # 3-way merges can cause the status can be 'MMM' instead of 'M'. This # can happen when the user has 2 local branches and he diffs between # these 2 branches instead diffing to upstream. m = re.match(r'^(\w)+\t(.+)$', statusline) if not m: raise gclient_utils.Error( 'status currently unsupported: %s' % statusline) # Only grab the first letter. results.append(('%s ' % m.group(1)[0], m.group(2))) return results @staticmethod def GetConfig(cwd, key, default=None): try: return GIT.Capture(['config', key], cwd=cwd) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return default @staticmethod def GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, key, default=None): assert branch, 'A branch must be given' key = 'branch.%s.%s' % (branch, key) return GIT.GetConfig(cwd, key, default) @staticmethod def SetConfig(cwd, key, value=None): if value is None: args = ['config', '--unset', key] else: args = ['config', key, value] GIT.Capture(args, cwd=cwd) @staticmethod def SetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, key, value=None): assert branch, 'A branch must be given' key = 'branch.%s.%s' % (branch, key) GIT.SetConfig(cwd, key, value) @staticmethod def IsWorkTreeDirty(cwd): return GIT.Capture(['status', '-s'], cwd=cwd) != '' @staticmethod def GetEmail(cwd): """Retrieves the user email address if known.""" return GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'user.email', '') @staticmethod def ShortBranchName(branch): """Converts a name like 'refs/heads/foo' to just 'foo'.""" return branch.replace('refs/heads/', '') @staticmethod def GetBranchRef(cwd): """Returns the full branch reference, e.g. 'refs/heads/main'.""" try: return GIT.Capture(['symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'], cwd=cwd) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return None @staticmethod def GetRemoteHeadRef(cwd, url, remote): """Returns the full default remote branch reference, e.g. 'refs/remotes/origin/main'.""" if os.path.exists(cwd): try: # Try using local git copy first ref = 'refs/remotes/%s/HEAD' % remote ref = GIT.Capture(['symbolic-ref', ref], cwd=cwd) if not ref.endswith('master'): return ref # Check if there are changes in the default branch for this particular # repository. GIT.Capture(['remote', 'set-head', '-a', remote], cwd=cwd) return GIT.Capture(['symbolic-ref', ref], cwd=cwd) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: pass try: # Fetch information from git server resp = GIT.Capture(['ls-remote', '--symref', url, 'HEAD']) regex = r'^ref: (.*)\tHEAD$' for line in resp.split('\n'): m = re.match(regex, line) if m: return ''.join(GIT.RefToRemoteRef(m.group(1), remote)) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: pass # Return default branch return 'refs/remotes/%s/main' % remote @staticmethod def GetBranch(cwd): """Returns the short branch name, e.g. 'main'.""" branchref = GIT.GetBranchRef(cwd) if branchref: return GIT.ShortBranchName(branchref) return None @staticmethod def GetRemoteBranches(cwd): return GIT.Capture(['branch', '-r'], cwd=cwd).split() @staticmethod def FetchUpstreamTuple(cwd, branch=None): """Returns a tuple containing remote and remote ref, e.g. 'origin', 'refs/heads/main' """ try: branch = branch or GIT.GetBranch(cwd) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: pass if branch: upstream_branch = GIT.GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, 'merge') if upstream_branch: remote = GIT.GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, 'remote', '.') return remote, upstream_branch upstream_branch = GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'rietveld.upstream-branch') if upstream_branch: remote = GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'rietveld.upstream-remote', '.') return remote, upstream_branch # Else, try to guess the origin remote. remote_branches = GIT.GetRemoteBranches(cwd) if 'origin/main' in remote_branches: # Fall back on origin/main if it exits. return 'origin', 'refs/heads/main' if 'origin/master' in remote_branches: # Fall back on origin/master if it exits. return 'origin', 'refs/heads/master' return None, None @staticmethod def RefToRemoteRef(ref, remote): """Convert a checkout ref to the equivalent remote ref. Returns: A tuple of the remote ref's (common prefix, unique suffix), or None if it doesn't appear to refer to a remote ref (e.g. it's a commit hash). """ # TODO(mmoss): This is just a brute-force mapping based of the expected git # config. It's a bit better than the even more brute-force replace('heads', # ...), but could still be smarter (like maybe actually using values gleaned # from the git config). m = re.match('^(refs/(remotes/)?)?branch-heads/', ref or '') if m: return ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', ref.replace(m.group(0), '')) m = re.match('^((refs/)?remotes/)?%s/|(refs/)?heads/' % remote, ref or '') if m: return ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, ref.replace(m.group(0), '')) return None @staticmethod def RemoteRefToRef(ref, remote): assert remote, 'A remote must be given' if not ref or not ref.startswith('refs/'): return None if not ref.startswith('refs/remotes/'): return ref if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads/'): return 'refs' + ref[len('refs/remotes'):] if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote): return 'refs/heads' + ref[len('refs/remotes/%s' % remote):] return None @staticmethod def GetUpstreamBranch(cwd): """Gets the current branch's upstream branch.""" remote, upstream_branch = GIT.FetchUpstreamTuple(cwd) if remote != '.' and upstream_branch: remote_ref = GIT.RefToRemoteRef(upstream_branch, remote) if remote_ref: upstream_branch = ''.join(remote_ref) return upstream_branch @staticmethod def IsAncestor(cwd, maybe_ancestor, ref): """Verifies if |maybe_ancestor| is an ancestor of |ref|.""" try: GIT.Capture(['merge-base', '--is-ancestor', maybe_ancestor, ref], cwd=cwd) return True except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return False @staticmethod def GetOldContents(cwd, filename, branch=None): if not branch: branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # git show <sha>:<path> wants a posix path. filename = filename.replace('\\', '/') command = ['show', '%s:%s' % (branch, filename)] try: return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd, strip_out=False) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return '' @staticmethod def GenerateDiff(cwd, branch=None, branch_head='HEAD', full_move=False, files=None): """Diffs against the upstream branch or optionally another branch. full_move means that move or copy operations should completely recreate the files, usually in the prospect to apply the patch for a try job.""" if not branch: branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd) command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '-p', '--no-color', '--no-prefix', '--no-ext-diff', branch + "..." + branch_head] if full_move: command.append('--no-renames') else: command.append('-C') # TODO(maruel): --binary support. if files: command.append('--') command.extend(files) diff = GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd, strip_out=False).splitlines(True) for i in range(len(diff)): # In the case of added files, replace /dev/null with the path to the # file being added. if diff[i].startswith('--- /dev/null'): diff[i] = '--- %s' % diff[i+1][4:] return ''.join(diff) @staticmethod def GetDifferentFiles(cwd, branch=None, branch_head='HEAD'): """Returns the list of modified files between two branches.""" if not branch: branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd) command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--name-only', branch + "..." + branch_head] return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd).splitlines(False) @staticmethod def GetAllFiles(cwd): """Returns the list of all files under revision control.""" command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'ls-files', '--', '.'] return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd).splitlines(False) @staticmethod def GetPatchName(cwd): """Constructs a name for this patch.""" short_sha = GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--short=4', 'HEAD'], cwd=cwd) return "%s#%s" % (GIT.GetBranch(cwd), short_sha) @staticmethod def GetCheckoutRoot(cwd): """Returns the top level directory of a git checkout as an absolute path. """ root = GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup'], cwd=cwd) return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, root)) @staticmethod def GetGitDir(cwd): return os.path.abspath(GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], cwd=cwd)) @staticmethod def IsInsideWorkTree(cwd): try: return GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'], cwd=cwd) except (OSError, subprocess2.CalledProcessError): return False @staticmethod def IsDirectoryVersioned(cwd, relative_dir): """Checks whether the given |relative_dir| is part of cwd's repo.""" return bool(GIT.Capture(['ls-tree', 'HEAD', relative_dir], cwd=cwd)) @staticmethod def CleanupDir(cwd, relative_dir): """Cleans up untracked file inside |relative_dir|.""" return bool(GIT.Capture(['clean', '-df', relative_dir], cwd=cwd)) @staticmethod def ResolveCommit(cwd, rev): # We do this instead of rev-parse --verify rev^{commit}, since on Windows # git can be either an executable or batch script, each of which requires # escaping the caret (^) a different way. if gclient_utils.IsFullGitSha(rev): # git-rev parse --verify FULL_GIT_SHA always succeeds, even if we don't # have FULL_GIT_SHA locally. Removing the last character forces git to # check if FULL_GIT_SHA refers to an object in the local database. rev = rev[:-1] try: return GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', rev], cwd=cwd) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return None @staticmethod def IsValidRevision(cwd, rev, sha_only=False): """Verifies the revision is a proper git revision. sha_only: Fail unless rev is a sha hash. """ sha = GIT.ResolveCommit(cwd, rev) if sha is None: return False if sha_only: return sha == rev.lower() return True @classmethod def AssertVersion(cls, min_version): """Asserts git's version is at least min_version.""" if cls.current_version is None: current_version = cls.Capture(['--version'], '.') matched = re.search(r'git version (.+)', current_version) cls.current_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(matched.group(1)) min_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(min_version) return (min_version <= cls.current_version, cls.current_version)