Commit f0dfba3f authored by's avatar

Add all modified files to new changelists by default.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 68f2e096
......@@ -306,6 +306,10 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
"""Returns the local repository checkout root directory."""
return self._local_root
def Exists(self):
"""Returns True if this change already exists (i.e., is not new)."""
return (self.issue or self.description or self._files)
def _NonDeletedFileList(self):
"""Returns a list of files in this change, not including deleted files."""
return [file[1] for file in self.GetFiles()
......@@ -978,21 +982,26 @@ def Change(change_info, override_description):
other_files = GetFilesNotInCL()
#Edited files will have a letter for the first character in a string.
#This regex looks for the presence of that character.
# Edited files (as opposed to files with only changed properties) will have
# a letter for the first character in the status string.
file_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z].+\Z", re.IGNORECASE)
affected_files = filter(lambda x: file_re.match(x[0]), other_files)
unaffected_files = filter(lambda x: not file_re.match(x[0]), other_files)
affected_files = [x for x in other_files if file_re.match(x[0])]
unaffected_files = [x for x in other_files if not file_re.match(x[0])]
separator1 = ("\n---All lines above this line become the description.\n"
"---Repository Root: " + change_info.GetLocalRoot() + "\n"
"---Paths in this changelist (" + + "):\n")
separator2 = "\n\n---Paths modified but not in any changelist:\n\n"
text = (description + separator1 + '\n' +
'\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in change_info.GetFiles()]) +
separator2 +
'\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in affected_files]) + '\n' +
'\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in unaffected_files]) + '\n')
'\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in change_info.GetFiles()]))
if change_info.Exists():
text += (separator2 +
'\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in affected_files]) + '\n')
text += ('\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in affected_files]) + '\n' +
text += '\n'.join([f[0] + f[1] for f in unaffected_files]) + '\n'
handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
os.write(handle, text)
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class ChangeInfoUnittest(GclTestsBase):
members = [
'CloseIssue', 'Delete', 'GetFiles', 'GetFileNames', 'GetLocalRoot',
'Load', 'MissingTests', 'Save', 'UpdateRietveldDescription',
'Exists', 'Load', 'MissingTests', 'Save', 'UpdateRietveldDescription',
'description', 'issue', 'name',
'patch', 'patchset',
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