Allow to skip revision check in roll-dep.

Without this change, roll-dep requires dependencies to be
checked out and up to date in order to roll a newer revision.

This change allows to use roll-dep with less checking and
makes the script user responsible to verify the correctness
of the deps path and git hash.

This eases writing a deps roller that updates multiple deps
including a variety of os deps, which might not be checked
out on the host of the deps roller.

BUG=438705, 437462

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent df351768
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ $ git commit
import ast
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
......@@ -80,12 +81,17 @@ def get_solution(gclient_root, dep_path):
assert False, 'Could not determine the parent project for %s' % dep_path
def is_git_hash(revision):
"""Determines if a given revision is a git hash."""
return SHA1_RE.match(revision)
def verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Verify that a git revision exists in a repository."""
p = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '-n', '1', revision],
cwd=dep_path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate()[0].strip()
if p.returncode != 0 or not SHA1_RE.match(result):
if p.returncode != 0 or not is_git_hash(result):
result = None
return result
......@@ -156,6 +162,8 @@ def get_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
svn_revision = revision[1:]
elif'[a-fA-F]', revision):
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if not git_revision:
raise RuntimeError('Please \'git fetch origin\' in %s' % dep_path)
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
elif len(revision) > 6:
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
......@@ -272,8 +280,12 @@ def generate_commit_message(deps_section, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev):
old_rev_short = short_rev(old_rev, dep_path)
new_rev_short = short_rev(new_rev, dep_path)
url += '/+log/%s..%s' % (old_rev_short, new_rev_short)
old_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, old_rev)
new_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, new_rev)
old_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, old_rev)
new_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, new_rev)
except Exception:
# Ignore failures that might arise from the repo not being checked out.
old_svn_rev = new_svn_rev = None
svn_range_str = ''
if old_svn_rev and new_svn_rev:
svn_range_str = ' (svn %s:%s)' % (old_svn_rev, new_svn_rev)
......@@ -344,16 +356,28 @@ def update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev, comment):
def main(argv):
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
help='Don\'t verify the revision passed in. This '
'also skips adding an svn revision comment '
'for git dependencies and requires the passed '
'revision to be a git hash.',
default=False, action='store_true')
(options, argv) = parser.parse_args(argv)
if len(argv) not in (2, 3):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'Usage: <dep path> <svn revision> [ <DEPS file> ]')
'Usage: [options] <dep path> <svn revision> '
'[ <DEPS file> ]')
return 1
(arg_dep_path, revision) = argv[0:2]
gclient_root = find_gclient_root()
dep_path = platform_path(arg_dep_path)
if not os.path.exists(dep_path):
dep_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, dep_path)
assert os.path.isdir(dep_path), 'No such directory: %s' % arg_dep_path
if not options.no_verify_revision:
# Only require the path to exist if the revision should be verified. A path
# to e.g. os deps might not be checked out.
assert os.path.isdir(dep_path), 'No such directory: %s' % arg_dep_path
if len(argv) > 2:
deps_file = argv[2]
......@@ -361,9 +385,16 @@ def main(argv):
soln_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(gclient_root, soln['name']))
deps_file = os.path.join(soln_path, 'DEPS')
dep_name = posix_path(os.path.relpath(dep_path, gclient_root))
(git_rev, svn_rev) = get_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
comment = ('from svn revision %s' % svn_rev) if svn_rev else None
assert git_rev, 'Could not find git revision matching %s.' % revision
if options.no_verify_revision:
assert is_git_hash(revision), (
'The passed revision %s must be a git hash when skipping revision '
'verification.' % revision)
git_rev = revision
comment = None
(git_rev, svn_rev) = get_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
comment = ('from svn revision %s' % svn_rev) if svn_rev else None
assert git_rev, 'Could not find git revision matching %s.' % revision
return update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, git_rev, comment)
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