Commit e0a7c5d4 authored by's avatar

Run dartfmt when invoking git cl format.

If the repository has third_party/dart-sdk/ unpacked, use that to
format dart files modified in the current patch.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 5b23e871
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Redirects to the version of dartfmt checked into a gclient repo.
dartfmt binaries are pulled down during gclient sync in the mojo repo.
This tool is named instead of dartfmt to parallel, which is in this same repository."""
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import gclient_utils
class NotFoundError(Exception):
"""A file could not be found."""
def __init__(self, e):
'Problem while looking for dartfmt in Chromium source tree:\n'
' %s' % e)
def FindDartFmtToolInChromiumTree():
"""Return a path to the dartfmt executable, or die trying."""
primary_solution_path = gclient_utils.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
if not primary_solution_path:
raise NotFoundError(
'Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.')
dartfmt_path = os.path.join(primary_solution_path, 'third_party', 'dart-sdk',
'dart-sdk', 'bin', 'dartfmt')
if not os.path.exists(dartfmt_path):
raise NotFoundError('File does not exist: %s' % dartfmt_path)
return dartfmt_path
def main(args):
tool = FindDartFmtToolInChromiumTree()
except NotFoundError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, e
# Add some visibility to --help showing where the tool lives, since this
# redirection can be a little opaque.
help_syntax = ('-h', '--help', '-help', '-help-list', '--help-list')
if any(match in args for match in help_syntax):
print '\nDepot tools redirects you to the dartfmt at:\n %s\n' % tool
return[tool] + sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -662,15 +662,8 @@ def GetMacWinOrLinux():
raise Error('Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
def GetBuildtoolsPath():
"""Returns the full path to the buildtools directory.
This is based on the root of the checkout containing the current directory."""
# Overriding the build tools path by environment is highly unsupported and may
# break without warning. Do not rely on this for anything important.
override = os.environ.get('CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH')
if override is not None:
return override
def GetPrimarySolutionPath():
"""Returns the full path to the primary solution. (gclient_root + src)"""
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
if not gclient_root:
......@@ -691,9 +684,24 @@ def GetBuildtoolsPath():
# Some projects' top directory is not named 'src'.
source_dir_name = GetGClientPrimarySolutionName(gclient_root) or 'src'
buildtools_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, source_dir_name, 'buildtools')
return os.path.join(gclient_root, source_dir_name)
def GetBuildtoolsPath():
"""Returns the full path to the buildtools directory.
This is based on the root of the checkout containing the current directory."""
# Overriding the build tools path by environment is highly unsupported and may
# break without warning. Do not rely on this for anything important.
override = os.environ.get('CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH')
if override is not None:
return override
primary_solution = GetPrimarySolutionPath()
buildtools_path = os.path.join(primary_solution, 'buildtools')
if not os.path.exists(buildtools_path):
# Buildtools may be in the gclient root.
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
buildtools_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, 'buildtools')
return buildtools_path
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from third_party import colorama
from third_party import upload
import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611
import clang_format
import dart_format
import fix_encoding
import gclient_utils
import git_common
......@@ -2894,6 +2895,26 @@ def CMDowners(parser, args):
def BuildGitDiffCmd(diff_type, upstream_commit, args, extensions):
"""Generates a diff command."""
# Generate diff for the current branch's changes.
diff_cmd = ['diff', '--no-ext-diff', '--no-prefix', diff_type,
upstream_commit, '--' ]
if args:
for arg in args:
if os.path.isdir(arg):
diff_cmd.extend(os.path.join(arg, '*' + ext) for ext in extensions)
elif os.path.isfile(arg):
DieWithError('Argument "%s" is not a file or a directory' % arg)
diff_cmd.extend('*' + ext for ext in extensions)
return diff_cmd
@subcommand.usage('[files or directories to diff]')
def CMDformat(parser, args):
"""Runs clang-format on the diff."""
......@@ -2912,15 +2933,6 @@ def CMDformat(parser, args):
if rel_base_path:
# Generate diff for the current branch's changes.
diff_cmd = ['diff', '--no-ext-diff', '--no-prefix']
if opts.full:
# Only list the names of modified files.
# Only generate context-less patches.
# Grab the merge-base commit, i.e. the upstream commit of the current
# branch when it was created or the last time it was rebased. This is
# to cover the case where the user may have called "git fetch origin",
......@@ -2936,20 +2948,14 @@ def CMDformat(parser, args):
DieWithError('Could not find base commit for this branch. '
'Are you in detached state?')
# Handle source file filtering.
if args:
for arg in args:
if os.path.isdir(arg):
diff_cmd += [os.path.join(arg, '*' + ext) for ext in CLANG_EXTS]
elif os.path.isfile(arg):
DieWithError('Argument "%s" is not a file or a directory' % arg)
if opts.full:
# Only list the names of modified files.
clang_diff_type = '--name-only'
diff_cmd += ['*' + ext for ext in CLANG_EXTS]
# Only generate context-less patches.
clang_diff_type = '-U0'
diff_cmd = BuildGitDiffCmd(clang_diff_type, upstream_commit, args, CLANG_EXTS)
diff_output = RunGit(diff_cmd)
top_dir = os.path.normpath(
......@@ -2961,18 +2967,20 @@ def CMDformat(parser, args):
except clang_format.NotFoundError, e:
# Set to 2 to signal to CheckPatchFormatted() that this patch isn't
# formatted. This is used to block during the presubmit.
return_value = 0
if opts.full:
# diff_output is a list of files to send to clang-format.
files = diff_output.splitlines()
if not files:
print "Nothing to format."
return 0
cmd = [clang_format_tool]
if not opts.dry_run and not opts.diff:
stdout = RunCommand(cmd + files, cwd=top_dir)
if opts.diff:
if files:
cmd = [clang_format_tool]
if not opts.dry_run and not opts.diff:
stdout = RunCommand(cmd + files, cwd=top_dir)
if opts.diff:
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PATH'] = str(os.path.dirname(clang_format_tool))
......@@ -2991,9 +2999,29 @@ def CMDformat(parser, args):
if opts.diff:
if opts.dry_run and len(stdout) > 0:
return 2
return 0
return_value = 2
# Build a diff command that only operates on dart files. dart's formatter
# does not have the nice property of only operating on modified chunks, so
# hard code full.
dart_diff_cmd = BuildGitDiffCmd('--name-only', upstream_commit,
args, ['.dart'])
dart_diff_output = RunGit(dart_diff_cmd)
if dart_diff_output:
command = [dart_format.FindDartFmtToolInChromiumTree()]
if not opts.dry_run and not opts.diff:
stdout = RunCommand(command, cwd=top_dir, env=env)
if opts.dry_run and stdout:
return_value = 2
except dart_format.NotFoundError as e:
print ('Unable to check dart code formatting. Dart SDK is not in ' +
'this checkout.')
return return_value
def CMDlol(parser, args):
......@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ def CheckPatchFormatted(input_api, output_api):
code, _ = git_cl.RunGitWithCode(cmd, suppress_stderr=True)
if code == 2:
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
'The %s directory requires clang-formatting. '
'The %s directory requires source formatting. '
'Please run git cl format %s' %
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