Commit dcfe55f1 authored by Andrii Shyshkalov's avatar Andrii Shyshkalov Committed by Commit Bot

git-cache: add --gc-aggressive support.

This will be used on internal cache updater.

For instance, I've just compressed chromium/src resulting bootstrap
files from 20GiB to 7.5 GiB.


Change-Id: I15411700eb2ac3a26d1c658a12288cc49e48fd48
Reviewed-on: 's avatarEdward Lesmes <>
Commit-Queue: Andrii Shyshkalov <>
parent d4d1ba49
......@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ class Mirror(object):
if not ignore_lock:
def update_bootstrap(self, prune=False):
def update_bootstrap(self, prune=False, gc_aggressive=False):
# The folder is <git number>
gen_number = subprocess.check_output(
[self.git_exe, 'number', 'master'], cwd=self.mirror_path).strip()
......@@ -592,7 +592,10 @@ class Mirror(object):
# Run Garbage Collect to compress packfile.
self.RunGit(['gc', '--prune=all'])
gc_args = ['gc', '--prune=all']
if gc_aggressive:
self.RunGit(gc_args)'-m', 'cp', '-r', src_name, dest_prefix)
......@@ -699,6 +702,8 @@ def CMDupdate_bootstrap(parser, args):
print('Sorry, update bootstrap will not work on Windows.', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
parser.add_option('--gc-aggressive', action='store_true',
help='Run aggressive repacking of the repo.')
parser.add_option('--prune', action='store_true',
help='Prune all other cached bundles of the same repo.')
......@@ -710,7 +715,7 @@ def CMDupdate_bootstrap(parser, args):
options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
url = args[0]
mirror = Mirror(url)
mirror.update_bootstrap(options.prune, options.gc_aggressive)
return 0
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