Commit d69c5dd5 authored by Edward Lesmes's avatar Edward Lesmes Committed by Commit Bot

bot_update: Don't patch if gerrit_repo or gerrit_ref are empty/None.

We should apply the patch only when gerrit_repo and gerrit_ref are passed,
instead of using only the --apply-patch-on-gclient flag.

Bug: 643346
Change-Id: I28547aed9daeefa2657a108e0bacbfd4fc9fa07e
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAaron Gable <>
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
parent 8678d329
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ def gclient_sync(
revision = 'origin/master'
args.extend(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (name, revision)])
if apply_patch_on_gclient:
if apply_patch_on_gclient and gerrit_repo and gerrit_ref:
# TODO(ehmaldonado): Merge gerrit_repo and gerrit_ref into a patch-ref flag
# and add support for passing multiple patch refs.
args.extend(['--patch-ref', gerrit_repo + '@' + gerrit_ref])
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