Commit d60367ba authored by tandrii's avatar tandrii Committed by Commit bot

Gerrit git cl land: add warning if Commit-Queue label exists.


parent 27ed22e6
......@@ -2263,6 +2263,14 @@ class _GerritChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
def CMDLand(self, force, bypass_hooks, verbose):
if git_common.is_dirty_git_tree('land'):
return 1
detail = self._GetChangeDetail(['CURRENT_REVISION', 'LABELS'])
if u'Commit-Queue' in detail.get('labels', {}):
if not force:
ask_for_data('\nIt seems this repository has a Commit Queue, '
'which can test and land changes for you. '
'Are you sure you wish to bypass it?\n'
'Press Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to abort.')
differs = True
last_upload = RunGit(['config',
'branch.%s.gerritsquashhash' % self.GetBranch()],
......@@ -2271,7 +2279,6 @@ class _GerritChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
if not last_upload or RunGit(['diff', last_upload]).strip():
print('WARNING: some changes from local branch haven\'t been uploaded')
detail = self._GetChangeDetail(['CURRENT_REVISION'])
if detail['current_revision'] == last_upload:
differs = False
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