Commit cbd7dc3c authored by's avatar

Use CLs more consistently instead of branch names



git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent bf23eff3
......@@ -18,11 +18,9 @@ import logging
import multiprocessing
import optparse
import os
import Queue
import re
import stat
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap
import time
import traceback
......@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ def RunGitWithCode(args, suppress_stderr=False):
def RunGitSilent(args):
"""Returns stdout, suppresses stderr and ingores the return code."""
"""Returns stdout, suppresses stderr and ignores the return code."""
return RunGitWithCode(args, suppress_stderr=True)[1]
......@@ -929,6 +927,7 @@ class Changelist(object):
self.branchref = branchref
if self.branchref:
assert branchref.startswith('refs/heads/')
self.branch = ShortBranchName(self.branchref)
self.branch = None
......@@ -1449,7 +1448,7 @@ class Changelist(object):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# This is because lots of untested code accesses Rietveld-specific stuff
# directly, and it's hard to fix for sure. So, just let it work, and fix
# on a cases by case basis.
# on a case by case basis.
return getattr(self._codereview_impl, attr)
......@@ -1935,7 +1934,7 @@ class _RietveldChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
upstream_branch = ShortBranchName(upstream_branch)
if remote is '.':
# A local branch is being tracked.
local_branch = ShortBranchName(upstream_branch)
local_branch = upstream_branch
if settings.GetIsSkipDependencyUpload(local_branch):
print ('Skipping dependency patchset upload because git config '
......@@ -1943,7 +1942,7 @@ class _RietveldChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(options)
branch_cl = Changelist(branchref=local_branch,
branch_cl = Changelist(branchref='refs/heads/'+local_branch,
branch_cl_issue_url = branch_cl.GetIssueURL()
branch_cl_issue = branch_cl.GetIssue()
......@@ -2925,21 +2924,9 @@ def color_for_status(status):
'error': Fore.WHITE,
}.get(status, Fore.WHITE)
def fetch_cl_status(branch, auth_config=None):
"""Fetches information for an issue and returns (branch, issue, status)."""
cl = Changelist(branchref=branch, auth_config=auth_config)
url = cl.GetIssueURL()
status = cl.GetStatus()
if url and (not status or status == 'error'):
# The issue probably doesn't exist anymore.
url += ' (broken)'
return (branch, url, status)
def get_cl_statuses(
branches, fine_grained, max_processes=None, auth_config=None):
"""Returns a blocking iterable of (branch, issue, status) for given branches.
def get_cl_statuses(changes, fine_grained, max_processes=None):
"""Returns a blocking iterable of (cl, status) for given branches.
If fine_grained is true, this will fetch CL statuses from the server.
Otherwise, simply indicate if there's a matching url for the given branches.
......@@ -2950,50 +2937,41 @@ def get_cl_statuses(
See GetStatus() for a list of possible statuses.
def fetch(branch):
if not branch:
return None
return fetch_cl_status(branch, auth_config=auth_config)
# Silence otherwise it becomes unwieldly.
upload.verbosity = 0
if fine_grained:
# Process one branch synchronously to work through authentication, then
# spawn processes to process all the other branches in parallel.
if branches:
yield fetch(branches[0])
if changes:
fetch = lambda cl: (cl, cl.GetStatus())
yield fetch(changes[0])
branches_to_fetch = branches[1:]
changes_to_fetch = changes[1:]
pool = ThreadPool(
min(max_processes, len(branches_to_fetch))
min(max_processes, len(changes_to_fetch))
if max_processes is not None
else len(branches_to_fetch))
else len(changes_to_fetch))
fetched_branches = set()
it = pool.imap_unordered(fetch, branches_to_fetch).__iter__()
fetched_cls = set()
it = pool.imap_unordered(fetch, changes_to_fetch).__iter__()
while True:
row =
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
yield row
# Add any branches that failed to fetch.
for b in set(branches_to_fetch) - fetched_branches:
cl = Changelist(branchref=b, auth_config=auth_config)
yield (b, cl.GetIssueURL() if b else None, 'error')
for cl in set(changes_to_fetch) - fetched_cls:
yield (cl, 'error')
# Do not use GetApprovingReviewers(), since it requires an HTTP request.
for b in branches:
cl = Changelist(branchref=b, auth_config=auth_config)
url = cl.GetIssueURL() if b else None
yield (b, url, 'waiting' if url else 'error')
for cl in changes:
yield (cl, 'waiting' if cl.GetIssueURL() else 'error')
def upload_branch_deps(cl, args):
......@@ -3146,25 +3124,27 @@ def CMDstatus(parser, args):
print('No local branch found.')
return 0
changes = (
changes = [
Changelist(branchref=b, auth_config=auth_config)
for b in branches.splitlines())
# TODO(tandrii): refactor to use CLs list instead of branches list.
branches = [c.GetBranch() for c in changes]
alignment = max(5, max(len(b) for b in branches))
for b in branches.splitlines()]
print 'Branches associated with reviews:'
output = get_cl_statuses(branches,
output = get_cl_statuses(changes,
branch_statuses = {}
alignment = max(5, max(len(ShortBranchName(b)) for b in branches))
for branch in sorted(branches):
alignment = max(5, max(len(ShortBranchName(c.GetBranch())) for c in changes))
for cl in sorted(changes, key=lambda c: c.GetBranch()):
branch = cl.GetBranch()
while branch not in branch_statuses:
b, i, status =
branch_statuses[b] = (i, status)
issue_url, status = branch_statuses.pop(branch)
c, status =
branch_statuses[c.GetBranch()] = status
status = branch_statuses.pop(branch)
url = cl.GetIssueURL()
if url and (not status or status == 'error'):
# The issue probably doesn't exist anymore.
url += ' (broken)'
color = color_for_status(status)
reset = Fore.RESET
if not setup_color.IS_TTY:
......@@ -3172,8 +3152,8 @@ def CMDstatus(parser, args):
reset = ''
status_str = '(%s)' % status if status else ''
print ' %*s : %s%s %s%s' % (
alignment, ShortBranchName(branch), color, issue_url, status_str,
alignment, ShortBranchName(branch), color, url,
status_str, reset)
cl = Changelist(auth_config=auth_config)
......@@ -128,17 +128,19 @@ class BranchMapper(object):
include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1)
if (self.verbosity >= 2):
# Avoid heavy import unless necessary.
from git_cl import get_cl_statuses, color_for_status
from git_cl import get_cl_statuses, color_for_status, Changelist
status_info = get_cl_statuses(self.__branches_info.keys(),
change_cls = [Changelist(branchref='refs/heads/'+b)
for b in self.__branches_info.keys() if b]
status_info = get_cl_statuses(change_cls,
fine_grained=self.verbosity > 2,
for _ in xrange(len(self.__branches_info)):
# This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be
# retrieved.
(branch, url, status) =
self.__status_info[branch] = (url, color_for_status(status))
# This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be
# retrieved.
for cl, status in status_info:
self.__status_info[cl.GetBranch()] = (cl.GetIssueURL(),
roots = set()
......@@ -258,9 +260,9 @@ class BranchMapper(object):
# The Rietveld issue associated with the branch.
if self.verbosity >= 2:
none_text = '' if self.__is_invalid_parent(branch) else 'None'
(url, color) = self.__status_info[branch]
line.append(url or none_text, color=color)
(url, color) = ('', '') if self.__is_invalid_parent(branch) \
else self.__status_info[branch]
line.append(url or '', color=color)
# The subject of the most recent commit on the branch.
if self.show_subject:
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