Commit c9121141 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

gclient_scm: Use cherry-picking instead of rebasing.

We have a problem when in this situation, we checkout |patch| and rebase it on
top of |base|, thus including an |extra commit| that we shouldn't.

o master
. o patch
o extra commit
o base (what gclient synced src at)

This does merge-base between |patch| and |master|, and cherry-picks only the
changes belonging to the patch.

Bug: 850812
Change-Id: Id09ae1682e53b69ed49b2fb649310de6a6a8a29e
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAaron Gable <>
parent 0c91147d
......@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
if self.out_cb:
filter_kwargs['predicate'] = self.out_cb
self.filter = gclient_utils.GitFilter(**filter_kwargs)
self._used_revision = None
def BinaryExists():
......@@ -343,26 +344,48 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
def apply_patch_ref(self, patch_repo, patch_ref, options, file_list):
base_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
self.Print('===Applying patch ref===')
self.Print('Repo is %r @ %r, ref is %r, root is %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, self.checkout_path))
self.Print('Repo is %r @ %r, ref is %r (%r), root is %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, self._used_revision,
self._Capture(['reset', '--hard'])
self._Capture(['fetch', patch_repo, patch_ref])
if file_list is not None:
self._Capture(['checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
patch_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
if not options.rebase_patch_ref:
self._Capture(['checkout', patch_rev])
# If the revision we were asked to sync is a reference
# (e.g. refs/heads/master) we can use it as our "master revision".
if self._used_revision.startswith('refs/'):
master_rev = self._used_revision
# Otherwise, fall back to refs/remotes/origin/master.
master_rev = 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
self._Capture(['fetch', self.remote, 'refs/heads/master'])
# Find the merge-base between the master_rev and patch_rev to find out
# the changes we need to cherry-pick on top of base_rev.
merge_base = self._Capture(['merge-base', master_rev, patch_rev])
self.Print('Merge base of %s and %s is %s' % (
master_rev, patch_rev, merge_base))
if merge_base == patch_rev:
# IF the merge-base is patch_rev, it means patch_rev is already part
# of the history, so just check it out.
self._Capture(['checkout', patch_rev])
self._Capture(['cherry-pick', merge_base + '..' + patch_rev])
if file_list is not None:
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
self.Print('Failed to apply %r @ %r to %r at %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, self.checkout_path))
self.Print('git returned non-zero exit status %s:\n%s' % (
e.returncode, e.stderr))
if options.rebase_patch_ref:
# TODO(ehmaldonado): Look into cherry-picking to avoid an expensive
# checkout + rebase.
self._Capture(['rebase', base_rev])
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
self.Print('Failed to apply %r @ %r to %r at %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, self.checkout_path))
self.Print('git returned non-zero exit status %s:\n%s' % (
e.returncode, e.stderr))
self._Capture(['rebase', '--abort'])
if options.reset_patch_ref:
self._Capture(['reset', '--soft', base_rev])
......@@ -418,6 +441,8 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
# hash is also a tag, only make a distinction at checkout
rev_type = "hash"
self._used_revision = revision
mirror = self._GetMirror(url, options)
if mirror:
url = mirror.mirror_path
......@@ -8,5 +8,4 @@ the Build and Test Yeti.
As the CI needs of the browser grew, Batty, the Build and Test Yeti, got
a new friend:
The End.
The End!!
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
return False
for repo in ['repo_%d' % r for r in range(1, self.NB_GIT_REPOS + 1)]:
subprocess2.check_call(['git', 'init', '-q', join(self.git_root, repo)])
self.git_hashes[repo] = [None]
self.git_hashes[repo] = [(None, None)]
self.git_port = find_free_port(, 20000)
self.git_base = 'git://%s:%d/git/' % (, self.git_port)
# Start the daemon.
......@@ -275,17 +275,28 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
return subprocess2.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=path).strip()
def _commit_git(self, repo, tree):
def _commit_git(self, repo, tree, base=None):
repo_root = join(self.git_root, repo)
if base:
base_commit = self.git_hashes[repo][base][0]
['git', 'checkout', base_commit], cwd=repo_root)
self._genTree(repo_root, tree)
commit_hash = commit_git(repo_root)
if self.git_hashes[repo][-1]:
new_tree = self.git_hashes[repo][-1][1].copy()
base = base or -1
if self.git_hashes[repo][base][1]:
new_tree = self.git_hashes[repo][base][1].copy()
new_tree = tree.copy()
self.git_hashes[repo].append((commit_hash, new_tree))
def _create_ref(self, repo, ref, revision):
repo_root = join(self.git_root, repo)
['git', 'update-ref', ref, self.git_hashes[repo][revision][0]],
def _fast_import_git(self, repo, data):
repo_root = join(self.git_root, repo)
logging.debug('%s: fast-import %s', repo, data)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import unittest
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
from testing_support import fake_repos
from testing_support.super_mox import mox, StdoutCheck, SuperMoxTestBase
from testing_support.super_mox import TestCaseUtils
......@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ class BaseGitWrapperTestCase(GCBaseTestCase, StdoutCheck, TestCaseUtils,
self.patch_ref = None
self.patch_repo = None
self.rebase_patch_ref = True
self.reset_patch_ref = True
sample_git_import = """blob
mark :1
......@@ -253,6 +255,149 @@ from :3
gclient_scm.GitWrapper.BinaryExists = self._original_GitBinaryExists
class ApplyPatchFakeRepo(fake_repos.FakeReposBase):
def populateGit(self):
# Creates a tree that looks like this:
# 6 refs/changes/35/1235/1
# /
# 5 refs/changes/34/1234/1
# /
# 1--2--3--4 refs/heads/master
self._commit_git('repo_1', {'commit 1': 'touched'})
self._commit_git('repo_1', {'commit 2': 'touched'})
self._commit_git('repo_1', {'commit 3': 'touched'})
self._commit_git('repo_1', {'commit 4': 'touched'})
self._create_ref('repo_1', 'refs/heads/master', 4)
# Create a change on top of commit 3 that consists of two commits.
{'commit 5': 'touched',
'change': '1234'},
self._create_ref('repo_1', 'refs/changes/34/1234/1', 5)
{'commit 6': 'touched',
'change': '1235'})
self._create_ref('repo_1', 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', 6)
class ApplyPatchTestCase(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
FAKE_REPOS_CLASS = ApplyPatchFakeRepo
def setUp(self):
super(ApplyPatchTestCase, self).setUp()
self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git()
self.options = BaseGitWrapperTestCase.OptionsObject()
self.url = self.git_base + 'repo_1'
def assertCommits(self, commits):
"""Check that all, and only |commits| are present in the current checkout.
for i in commits:
name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'commit ' + str(i))
all_commits = set(range(1, len(self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'])))
for i in all_commits - set(commits):
name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'commit ' + str(i))
def testAppliesPatchOnTopOfMasterByDefault(self):
"""Test the default case, where we apply a patch on top of master."""
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
# Make sure we don't specify a revision.
self.options.revision = None
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testCheckoutOlderThanPatchBase(self):
"""Test applying a patch on an old checkout.
We first checkout commit 1, and try to patch refs/changes/35/1235/1, which
contains commits 5 and 6, and is based on top of commit 3.
The final result should contain commits 1, 5 and 6, but not commits 2 or 3.
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
# Sync to commit 1
self.options.revision = self.githash('repo_1', 1)
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testDoesntRebasePatchMaster(self):
"""Tests that we can apply a patch without rebasing it.
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
self.options.rebase_patch_ref = False
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testDoesntRebasePatchOldCheckout(self):
"""Tests that we can apply a patch without rebasing it on an old checkout.
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
# Sync to commit 1
self.options.revision = self.githash('repo_1', 1)
self.options.rebase_patch_ref = False
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testDoesntSoftResetIfNotAskedTo(self):
"""Test that we can apply a patch without doing a soft reset."""
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
self.options.reset_patch_ref = False
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
# The commit hash after cherry-picking is not known, but it must be
# different from what the repo was synced at before patching.
self.assertNotEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4),
class ManagedGitWrapperTestCase(BaseGitWrapperTestCase):
def testRevertMissing(self):
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