Commit c8b67ed8 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

git-cl: Remove support for buildbot masters in git-cl.

Bug: 976104
Change-Id: Ief05a8923fcbb9e7515d7c9031afb18b7544da6e
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
parent 0910f787
......@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ DEFAULT_LINT_IGNORE_REGEX = r"$^"
# File name for yapf style config files.
YAPF_CONFIG_FILENAME = '.style.yapf'
# Buildbucket master name prefix for Buildbot masters.
MASTER_PREFIX = 'master.'
# Shortcut since it quickly becomes repetitive.
Fore = colorama.Fore
......@@ -344,32 +341,6 @@ def _get_properties_from_options(options):
return properties
def _prefix_master(master):
"""Convert user-specified master name to full master name.
Buildbucket uses full master name(master.tryserver.chromium.linux) as bucket
name, while the developers always use shortened master name
(tryserver.chromium.linux) by stripping off the prefix 'master.'. This
function does the conversion for buildbucket migration.
if master.startswith(MASTER_PREFIX):
return master
return '%s%s' % (MASTER_PREFIX, master)
def _unprefix_master(bucket):
"""Convert bucket name to shortened master name.
Buildbucket uses full master name(master.tryserver.chromium.linux) as bucket
name, while the developers always use shortened master name
(tryserver.chromium.linux) by stripping off the prefix 'master.'. This
function does the conversion for buildbucket migration.
if bucket.startswith(MASTER_PREFIX):
return bucket[len(MASTER_PREFIX):]
return bucket
def _buildbucket_retry(operation_name, http, *args, **kwargs):
"""Retries requests to buildbucket service and returns parsed json content."""
try_count = 0
......@@ -428,7 +399,7 @@ def _get_bucket_map(changelist, options, option_parser):
if masters is None:
return None
return {_prefix_master(m): b for m, b in masters.iteritems()}
return {m: b for m, b in masters.iteritems()}
if options.bucket:
return {options.bucket: {b: [] for b in}}
......@@ -479,9 +450,6 @@ def _trigger_try_jobs(auth_config, changelist, buckets, options, patchset):
print_text.append('Tried jobs on:')
for bucket, builders_and_tests in sorted(buckets.iteritems()):
print_text.append('Bucket: %s' % bucket)
master = None
if bucket.startswith(MASTER_PREFIX):
master = _unprefix_master(bucket)
for builder, tests in sorted(builders_and_tests.iteritems()):
print_text.append(' %s: %s' % (builder, tests))
parameters = {
......@@ -502,9 +470,6 @@ def _trigger_try_jobs(auth_config, changelist, buckets, options, patchset):
'buildset:%s' % buildset,
if master:
parameters['properties']['master'] = master
tags.append('master:%s' % master)
......@@ -598,18 +563,12 @@ def print_try_jobs(options, builds):
builder_names_cache[b['id']] = name
return name
def get_bucket(b):
bucket = b['bucket']
if bucket.startswith('master.'):
return bucket[len('master.'):]
return bucket
if options.print_master:
name_fmt = '%%-%ds %%-%ds' % (
max(len(str(get_bucket(b))) for b in builds.itervalues()),
max(len(str(b['bucket'])) for b in builds.itervalues()),
max(len(str(get_builder(b))) for b in builds.itervalues()))
def get_name(b):
return name_fmt % (get_bucket(b), get_builder(b))
return name_fmt % (b['bucket'], get_builder(b))
name_fmt = '%%-%ds' % (
max(len(str(get_builder(b))) for b in builds.itervalues()))
......@@ -4952,6 +4911,9 @@ def CMDtry(parser, args):
parser.error('Can\'t trigger tryjobs: %s' % error_message)
buckets = _get_bucket_map(cl, options, parser)
if buckets and any(b.startswith('master.') for b in buckets):
print('ERROR: Buildbot masters are not supported.')
return 1
# If no bots are listed and we couldn't get a list based on PRESUBMIT files,
# then we default to triggering a CQ dry run (see
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