Commit c81db8c5 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by LUCI CQ

git-cl: Remove GetIsGerrit.

It's always true.

Change-Id: I96a53c032de705724e61c64ee37e9a14b596cbd5
Reviewed-on: 's avatarJosip Sokcevic <>
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
parent fa64482d
......@@ -832,12 +832,6 @@ class Settings(object):
def GetDefaultCCList(self):
return self._GetConfig('')
def GetIsGerrit(self):
"""Returns True if this repo is associated with Gerrit."""
if self.is_gerrit is None:
self.is_gerrit = self._GetConfig('').lower() == 'true'
return self.is_gerrit
def GetSquashGerritUploads(self):
"""Returns True if uploads to Gerrit should be squashed by default."""
if self.squash_gerrit_uploads is None:
......@@ -3023,8 +3017,6 @@ def DownloadGerritHook(force):
force: True to update hooks. False to install hooks if not present.
if not settings.GetIsGerrit():
src = ''
dst = os.path.join(settings.GetRoot(), '.git', 'hooks', 'commit-msg')
if not os.access(dst, os.X_OK):
......@@ -4302,9 +4294,6 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
if options.use_commit_queue:
options.send_mail = True
# For sanity of test expectations, do this otherwise lazy-loading *now*.
cl = Changelist()
# Warm change details cache now to avoid RPCs later, reducing latency for
# developers.
......@@ -3453,7 +3453,6 @@ class CMDUploadTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
mock.patch('git_cl._trigger_tryjobs', return_value={}).start()
mock.patch('git_cl.Changelist.CMDUpload', return_value=0).start()
mock.patch('git_cl.Settings.GetIsGerrit', return_value=True).start()
def testWarmUpChangeDetailCache(self):
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