Commit c0cb4576 authored by's avatar

Offer empty branches for deletion & provide upstream distances

Empty branch output:
    # Empty branches
    git branch -D ipc2 # Empty.
    git branch -D m3 # Empty.
Empty branches that have origin/* as upstream will not be considered for deletion.

Provide distance from upstream in output, i.e.

    # Branch gypi-own - [master: ahead 1, behind 281]
    # Branch m2 - [master: ahead 1]

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent dc112ac5
......@@ -19,12 +19,21 @@ import git_cl
def get_branches():
"""Get list of all local git branches."""
return [Branch(l[2:]) for l in git_cl.RunGit(["branch"]).splitlines()]
branches = [l.split() for l in git_cl.RunGit(
"--format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)",
return [Branch(*b) for b in branches]
def get_change_count(start, end):
return int(git_cl.RunGit(["rev-list", "%s..%s" % (start, end), "--count" ]))
class Branch(git_cl.Changelist):
def __init__(self, name):
def __init__(self, name, upstream):
git_cl.Changelist.__init__(self, branchref=name)
self._upstream = upstream
self._distance = None
self._issue_status = None
def GetStatus(self):
......@@ -42,8 +51,23 @@ class Branch(git_cl.Changelist):
self._issue_status = 'abandoned'
self._issue_status = 'no-issue'
if (self._issue_status != 'pending'
and not self.GetDistance()[0]
and not self._upstream.startswith("origin/")):
self._issue_status = 'empty'
return self._issue_status
def GetDistance(self):
if not self._distance:
self._distance = [get_change_count(self._upstream, self.GetBranch()),
get_change_count(self.GetBranch(), self._upstream)]
return self._distance
def GetDistanceInfo(self):
formatted_dist = ", ".join(["%s %d" % (x,y)
for (x,y) in zip(["ahead","behind"], self.GetDistance()) if y])
return "[%s%s]" % (
self._upstream, ": " + formatted_dist if formatted_dist else "")
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__)
......@@ -53,6 +77,7 @@ def main():
branches = get_branches()
filtered = { 'closed' : [],
'empty' : [],
'pending' : [],
'abandoned' : [],
'no-issue' : []}
......@@ -65,18 +90,23 @@ def main():
print "git branch -D %s # Issue %s is closed." % (branch.GetBranch(),
print "# Empty branches"
for branch in filtered['empty']:
print "git branch -D %s # Empty." % (branch.GetBranch())
print "\n# Pending Branches"
for branch in filtered['pending']:
print "# Branch %s - Issue %s" % (branch.GetBranch(), branch.GetIssue())
print "# Branch %s - Issue %s - %s" % (
branch.GetBranch(), branch.GetIssue(), branch.GetDistanceInfo())
print "\n# Branches with abandoned issues"
for branch in filtered['abandoned']:
print "# Branch %s - was issue %s" % (
branch.GetBranch(), branch.GetIssue())
print "# Branch %s - was issue %s - %s" % (
branch.GetBranch(), branch.GetIssue(), branch.GetDistanceInfo())
print "\n# Branches without associated issues"
for branch in filtered['no-issue']:
print "# Branch %s" % (branch.GetBranch())
print "# Branch %s - %s" % (branch.GetBranch(), branch.GetDistanceInfo())
return 0
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