Commit ac9b0f37 authored by Aaron Gable's avatar Aaron Gable Committed by Commit Bot

Restore py2/py3 compatibility with basestring

A previous CL replaced "basestring" with "str", because basestring
does not exist in Python 3. However, this broke Python 2's ability
to interoperate with unicode strings. This CL introduces a workaround
(defining basestring to be equivalent to string, if it doesn't exist
already), and restores the references to basestring. This workaround
can be fixed when we're 100% on Python 3.

It also undoes some unnecessary and harder-to-read formatting changes.

Bug: 942522
Change-Id: I4a31ee46dc048134c2e4832b6c44ea00ce341899
Commit-Queue: Aaron Gable <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarDirk Pranke <>
parent 1e2cb157
......@@ -117,6 +117,14 @@ import subprocess2
import setup_color
# TODO( Remove this when python3 migration is done.
except NameError:
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
basestring = str
# Singleton object to represent an unset cache_dir (as opposed to a disabled
# one, e.g. if a spec explicitly says `cache_dir = None`.)
UNSET_CACHE_DIR = object()
......@@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ def ToGNString(value, allow_dicts = True):
allow_dicts indicates if this function will allow converting dictionaries
to GN scopes. This is only possible at the top level, you can't nest a
GN scope in a list, so this should be set to False for recursive calls."""
if isinstance(value, str):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
if value.find('\n') >= 0:
raise GNException("Trying to print a string with a newline in it.")
return '"' + \
......@@ -290,7 +298,7 @@ class DependencySettings(object):
self._custom_hooks = custom_hooks or []
# Post process the url to remove trailing slashes.
if isinstance(self.url, str):
if isinstance(self.url, basestring):
# urls are sometime incorrectly written as proto://host/path/@rev. Replace
# it to proto://host/path@rev.
self.set_url(self.url.replace('/@', '@'))
......@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# This is inherited from WorkItem. We want the URL to be a resource.
if self.url and isinstance(self.url, str):
if self.url and isinstance(self.url, basestring):
# The url is usually given to gclient either as https://blah@123
# or just https://blah. The @123 portion is irrelevant.
......@@ -452,7 +460,7 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
self.url, parsed_url)
elif isinstance(self.url, str):
elif isinstance(self.url, basestring):
parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
if (not parsed_url[0] and
not re.match(r'^\w+\@[\w\.-]+\:[\w\/]+', parsed_url[2])):
......@@ -741,7 +749,7 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
if 'recursedeps' in local_scope:
for ent in local_scope['recursedeps']:
if isinstance(ent, str):
if isinstance(ent, basestring):
self.recursedeps[ent] = self.deps_file
else: # (depname, depsfilename)
self.recursedeps[ent[0]] = ent[1]
......@@ -1008,7 +1016,7 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
variables = self.get_vars()
for arg in self._gn_args:
value = variables[arg]
if isinstance(value, str):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = gclient_eval.EvaluateCondition(value, variables)
lines.append('%s = %s' % (arg, ToGNString(value)))
with open(os.path.join(self.root.root_dir, self._gn_args_file), 'w') as f:
......@@ -1387,21 +1395,6 @@ it or fix the checkout.
except SyntaxError as e:
gclient_utils.SyntaxErrorToError('.gclient', e)
# Supporting Unicode URLs in both Python 2 and 3 is annoying. Try to
# convert to ASCII in case the URL doesn't actually have any Unicode
# characters, otherwise raise an error.
# This isn't an issue on Python 3 because everything's Unicode anyway.
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
url = config_dict['solutions'][0]['url']
if isinstance(url, unicode):
config_dict['solutions'][0]['url'] = url.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise gclient_utils.Error(
"Invalid .gclient file. The url mustn't be unicode.")
except KeyError:
# Append any target OS that is not already being enforced to the tuple.
target_os = config_dict.get('target_os', [])
if config_dict.get('target_os_only', False):
......@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ else:
from io import StringIO
# TODO( Remove this when python3 migration is done.
except NameError:
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
basestring = str
class _NodeDict(collections.MutableMapping):
"""Dict-like type that also stores information on AST nodes and tokens."""
def __init__(self, data, tokens=None):
......@@ -78,35 +86,30 @@ def _NodeDictSchema(dict_schema):
# See for docs how to configure schema.
_GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA = _NodeDictSchema({
# Repo and revision to check out under the path
# (same as if no dict was used).
schema.Or(None, str),
'url': schema.Or(None, basestring),
# Optional condition string. The dep will only be processed
# if the condition evaluates to True.
schema.Optional('dep_type', default='git'):
schema.Optional('condition'): basestring,
schema.Optional('dep_type', default='git'): basestring,
# CIPD package.
'packages': [
'package': str,
'version': str,
'package': basestring,
'version': basestring,
schema.Optional('dep_type', default='cipd'):
schema.Optional('condition'): basestring,
schema.Optional('dep_type', default='cipd'): basestring,
......@@ -114,26 +117,22 @@ _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA = _NodeDictSchema({
# Hook action: list of command-line arguments to invoke.
'action': [str],
'action': [basestring],
# Name of the hook. Doesn't affect operation.
schema.Optional('name'): basestring,
# Hook pattern (regex). Originally intended to limit some hooks to run
# only when files matching the pattern have changed. In practice, with
# git, gclient runs all the hooks regardless of this field.
schema.Optional('pattern'): basestring,
# Working directory where to execute the hook.
schema.Optional('cwd'): basestring,
# Optional condition string. The hook will only be run
# if the condition evaluates to True.
schema.Optional('condition'): basestring,
......@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema(
# List of host names from which dependencies are allowed (whitelist).
# NOTE: when not present, all hosts are allowed.
# NOTE: scoped to current DEPS file, not recursive.
schema.Optional('allowed_hosts'): [schema.Optional(str)],
schema.Optional('allowed_hosts'): [schema.Optional(basestring)],
# Mapping from paths to repo and revision to check out under that path.
# Applying this mapping to the on-disk checkout is the main purpose
......@@ -152,95 +151,87 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema(
# Var(): allows variable substitution (either from 'vars' dict below,
# or command-line override)
schema.Optional('deps'): _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA,
# Similar to 'deps' (see above) - also keyed by OS (e.g. 'linux').
# Also see 'target_os'.
schema.Optional(str): _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA,
schema.Optional('deps_os'): _NodeDictSchema({
schema.Optional(basestring): _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA,
# Dependency to get gclient_gn_args* settings from. This allows these
# values to be set in a recursedeps file, rather than requiring that
# they exist in the top-level solution.
schema.Optional('gclient_gn_args_from'): basestring,
# Path to GN args file to write selected variables.
schema.Optional('gclient_gn_args_file'): basestring,
# Subset of variables to write to the GN args file (see above).
schema.Optional('gclient_gn_args'): [schema.Optional(str)],
schema.Optional('gclient_gn_args'): [schema.Optional(basestring)],
# Hooks executed after gclient sync (unless suppressed), or explicitly
# on gclient hooks. See _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA for details.
# Also see 'pre_deps_hooks'.
schema.Optional('hooks'): _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA,
# Similar to 'hooks', also keyed by OS.
schema.Optional(str): _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA
schema.Optional('hooks_os'): _NodeDictSchema({
schema.Optional(basestring): _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA
# Rules which #includes are allowed in the directory.
# Also see 'skip_child_includes' and 'specific_include_rules'.
schema.Optional('include_rules'): [schema.Optional(str)],
schema.Optional('include_rules'): [schema.Optional(basestring)],
# Hooks executed before processing DEPS. See 'hooks' for more details.
schema.Optional('pre_deps_hooks'): _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA,
# Recursion limit for nested DEPS.
schema.Optional('recursion'): int,
# Whitelists deps for which recursion should be enabled.
schema.Optional('recursedeps'): [
schema.Optional(schema.Or(str, (str, str), [str, str])),
(basestring, basestring),
[basestring, basestring]
# Blacklists directories for checking 'include_rules'.
schema.Optional('skip_child_includes'): [schema.Optional(str)],
schema.Optional('skip_child_includes'): [schema.Optional(basestring)],
# Mapping from paths to include rules specific for that path.
# See 'include_rules' for more details.
schema.Optional(str): [str]
schema.Optional('specific_include_rules'): _NodeDictSchema({
schema.Optional(basestring): [basestring]
# List of additional OS names to consider when selecting dependencies
# from deps_os.
schema.Optional('target_os'): [schema.Optional(str)],
schema.Optional('target_os'): [schema.Optional(basestring)],
# For recursed-upon sub-dependencies, check out their own dependencies
# relative to the parent's path, rather than relative to the .gclient
# file.
schema.Optional('use_relative_paths'): bool,
# For recursed-upon sub-dependencies, run their hooks relative to the
# parent's path instead of relative to the .gclient file.
schema.Optional('use_relative_hooks'): bool,
# Variables that can be referenced using Var() - see 'deps'.
schema.Optional(str): schema.Or(str, bool),
schema.Optional('vars'): _NodeDictSchema({
schema.Optional(basestring): schema.Or(basestring, bool),
def _gclient_eval(node_or_string, filename='<unknown>', vars_dict=None):
"""Safely evaluates a single expression. Returns the result."""
_allowed_names = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False}
if isinstance(node_or_string, str):
if isinstance(node_or_string, basestring):
node_or_string = ast.parse(node_or_string, filename=filename, mode='eval')
if isinstance(node_or_string, ast.Expression):
node_or_string = node_or_string.body
......@@ -284,7 +275,7 @@ def _gclient_eval(node_or_string, filename='<unknown>', vars_dict=None):
'Var takes exactly one argument (file %r, line %s)' % (
filename, getattr(node, 'lineno', '<unknown>')))
arg = _convert(node.args[0])
if not isinstance(arg, str):
if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
raise ValueError(
'Var\'s argument must be a variable name (file %r, line %s)' % (
filename, getattr(node, 'lineno', '<unknown>')))
......@@ -410,7 +401,7 @@ def ExecLegacy(content, filename='<unknown>', vars_override=None,
return local_scope
def _DeepFormat(node):
if isinstance(node, str):
if isinstance(node, basestring):
return node.format(**vars_dict)
elif isinstance(node, dict):
return {k.format(**vars_dict): _DeepFormat(v) for k, v in node.items()}
......@@ -562,7 +553,7 @@ def EvaluateCondition(condition, variables, referenced_variables=None):
# Allow using "native" types, without wrapping everything in strings.
# Note that schema constraints still apply to variables.
if not isinstance(value, str):
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
# Recursively evaluate the variable reference.
......@@ -597,8 +597,7 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
# but whose branch(s) are the same as official repos.
if (current_url.rstrip(b'/') != url.rstrip('/') and url != 'git://foo' and
['git', 'config',
'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
['git', 'config', 'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
cwd=self.checkout_path).strip() != 'False'):
self.Print('_____ switching %s to a new upstream' % self.relpath)
if not (options.force or options.reset):
......@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ import threading
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
# TODO( Remove this when python3 migration is done.
except NameError:
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
basestring = str
# Constants forwarded from subprocess.
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT
......@@ -214,8 +222,7 @@ class Popen(subprocess.Popen):
# the list.
kwargs['shell'] = bool(sys.platform=='win32')
if isinstance(args, str) or (sys.version_info.major == 2 and
isinstance(args, unicode)):
if isinstance(args, basestring):
tmp_str = args
elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
tmp_str = ' '.join(args)
......@@ -458,8 +465,7 @@ def communicate(args, timeout=None, nag_timer=None, nag_max=None, **kwargs):
stdin = kwargs.pop('stdin', None)
if stdin is not None:
if isinstance(stdin, str) or (sys.version_info.major == 2 and
isinstance(stdin, unicode)):
if isinstance(stdin, basestring):
# When stdin is passed as an argument, use it as the actual input data and
# set the Popen() parameter accordingly.
kwargs['stdin'] = PIPE
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