Commit a5a2c8a6 authored by's avatar

gerrit_util: Add GCE metadata server auth.


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git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 398ed34e
......@@ -15,36 +15,19 @@ import logging
import netrc
import os
import re
import socket
import stat
import sys
import time
import urllib
import urlparse
from cStringIO import StringIO
_netrc_file = '_netrc' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '.netrc'
_netrc_file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], _netrc_file)
NETRC = netrc.netrc(_netrc_file)
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Could not read netrc file %s' % _netrc_file
NETRC = netrc.netrc(os.devnull)
except netrc.NetrcParseError as e:
_netrc_stat = os.stat(e.filename)
if _netrc_stat.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'WARNING: netrc file %s cannot be used because its file permissions '
'are insecure. netrc file permissions should be 600.' % _netrc_file)
print >> sys.stderr, ('ERROR: Cannot use netrc file %s due to a parsing '
'error.' % _netrc_file)
del _netrc_stat
NETRC = netrc.netrc(os.devnull)
del _netrc_file
LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
# Controls the transport protocol used to communicate with gerrit.
# This is parameterized primarily to enable GerritTestCase.
......@@ -84,17 +67,141 @@ def GetConnectionClass(protocol=None):
"Don't know how to work with protocol '%s'" % protocol)
class Authenticator(object):
"""Base authenticator class for authenticator implementations to subclass."""
def get_auth_header(self, host):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get():
"""Returns: (Authenticator) The identified Authenticator to use.
Probes the local system and its environment and identifies the
Authenticator instance to use.
if GceAuthenticator.is_gce():
return GceAuthenticator()
return NetrcAuthenticator()
class NetrcAuthenticator(Authenticator):
"""Authenticator implementation that uses ".netrc" for token.
def __init__(self):
self.netrc = self._get_netrc()
def _get_netrc():
path = '_netrc' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '.netrc'
path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], path)
return netrc.netrc(path)
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Could not read netrc file %s' % path
return netrc.netrc(os.devnull)
except netrc.NetrcParseError as e:
st = os.stat(e.path)
if st.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'WARNING: netrc file %s cannot be used because its file '
'permissions are insecure. netrc file permissions should be '
'600.' % path)
print >> sys.stderr, ('ERROR: Cannot use netrc file %s due to a '
'parsing error.' % path)
return netrc.netrc(os.devnull)
def get_auth_header(self, host):
auth = self.netrc.authenticators(host)
if auth:
return 'Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (auth[0], auth[2])))
return None
class GceAuthenticator(Authenticator):
"""Authenticator implementation that uses GCE metadata service for token.
_INFO_URL = ''
_ACQUIRE_URL = ('http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/'
_ACQUIRE_HEADERS = {"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"}
_cache_is_gce = None
_token_cache = None
_token_expiration = None
def is_gce(cls):
if cls._cache_is_gce is None:
cls._cache_is_gce = cls._test_is_gce()
return cls._cache_is_gce
def _test_is_gce(cls):
# Based on
resp = cls._get(cls._INFO_URL)
except socket.error:
# Could not resolve URL.
return False
return resp.getheader('Metadata-Flavor', None) == 'Google'
def _get(url, **kwargs):
next_delay_sec = 1
for i in xrange(TRY_LIMIT):
if i > 0:
# Retry server error status codes.'Encountered server error; retrying after %d second(s).',
next_delay_sec *= 2
p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
c = GetConnectionClass(protocol=p.scheme)(p.netloc)
c.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
resp = c.getresponse()
LOGGER.debug('GET [%s] #%d/%d (%d)', url, i+1, TRY_LIMIT, resp.status)
if resp.status < httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
return resp
def _get_token_dict(cls):
if cls._token_cache:
# If it expires within 25 seconds, refresh.
if cls._token_expiration < time.time() - 25:
return cls._token_cache
resp = cls._get(cls._ACQUIRE_URL, headers=cls._ACQUIRE_HEADERS)
if resp.status != httplib.OK:
return None
cls._token_cache = json.load(resp)
cls._token_expiration = cls._token_cache['expires_in'] + time.time()
return cls._token_cache
def get_auth_header(self, _host):
token_dict = self._get_token_dict()
if not token_dict:
return None
return '%(token_type)s %(access_token)s' % token_dict
def CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='GET', headers=None, body=None):
"""Opens an https connection to a gerrit service, and sends a request."""
headers = headers or {}
bare_host = host.partition(':')[0]
auth = NETRC.authenticators(bare_host)
auth = Authenticator.get().get_auth_header(bare_host)
if auth:
headers.setdefault('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % (
base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (auth[0], auth[2]))))
headers.setdefault('Authorization', auth)
LOGGER.debug('No authorization found in netrc for %s.' % bare_host)
LOGGER.debug('No authorization found for %s.' % bare_host)
if 'Authorization' in headers and not path.startswith('a/'):
url = '/a/%s' % path
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