Commit a342c92b authored by's avatar

Gerrit git cl upload: record issue id for a branch.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 5e8bb9a2
......@@ -1083,10 +1083,19 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
self.rietveld_server = settings.GetDefaultServerUrl()
return self.rietveld_server
def GetGerritServer(self):
# We don't support multiple Gerrit servers, and assume it to be same as
# origin, except with a '-review' suffix for first subdomain.
parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.GetRemoteUrl()).netloc.split('.')
parts[0] = parts[0] + '-review'
return 'https://%s' % '.'.join(parts)
def GetIssueURL(self):
"""Get the URL for a particular issue."""
if not self.GetIssue():
return None
if settings.GetIsGerrit():
return '%s/%s' % (self.GetGerritServer(), self.GetIssue())
return '%s/%s' % (self.GetRietveldServer(), self.GetIssue())
def GetDescription(self, pretty=False):
......@@ -1163,12 +1172,12 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
def AddComment(self, message):
return self.RpcServer().add_comment(self.GetIssue(), message)
def SetIssue(self, issue):
"""Set this branch's issue. If issue=0, clears the issue."""
def SetIssue(self, issue=None):
"""Set this branch's issue. If issue isn't given, clears the issue."""
if issue:
self.issue = issue
RunGit(['config', self._IssueSetting(), str(issue)])
if self.rietveld_server:
if not settings.GetIsGerrit() and self.rietveld_server:
RunGit(['config', self._RietveldServer(), self.rietveld_server])
current_issue = self.GetIssue()
......@@ -1319,6 +1328,8 @@ or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
def _IssueSetting(self):
"""Return the git setting that stores this change's issue."""
if settings.GetIsGerrit():
return 'branch.%s.gerritissue' % self.GetBranch()
return 'branch.%s.rietveldissue' % self.GetBranch()
def _PatchsetSetting(self):
......@@ -2157,6 +2168,7 @@ def AddChangeIdToCommitMessage(options, args):
new_log_desc = CreateDescriptionFromLog(args)
if git_footers.get_footer_change_id(new_log_desc):
print 'git-cl: Added Change-Id to commit message.'
return new_log_desc
print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Gerrit commit-msg hook not available.'
......@@ -2229,6 +2241,10 @@ def GerritUpload(options, args, cl, change):
message = git_footers.add_footer_change_id(
message, GenerateGerritChangeId(message))
change_ids = git_footers.get_footer_change_id(message)
assert len(change_ids) == 1
change_id = change_ids[0]
remote, upstream_branch = cl.FetchUpstreamTuple(cl.GetBranch())
if remote is '.':
......@@ -2252,9 +2268,10 @@ def GerritUpload(options, args, cl, change):
if not git_footers.get_footer_change_id(change_desc.description):
AddChangeIdToCommitMessage(options, args)
change_desc.set_description(AddChangeIdToCommitMessage(options, args))
ref_to_push = 'HEAD'
parent = '%s/%s' % (gerrit_remote, branch)
change_id = git_footers.get_footer_change_id(change_desc.description)[0]
commits = RunGitSilent(['rev-list', '%s..%s' % (parent,
......@@ -2285,13 +2302,25 @@ def GerritUpload(options, args, cl, change):
git_command.append('--receive-pack=git receive-pack %s' %
' '.join(receive_options))
git_command += [gerrit_remote, ref_to_push + ':refs/for/' + branch]
push_stdout = gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(
['git'] + git_command,
# Flush after every line: useful for seeing progress when running as
# recipe.
filter_fn=lambda _: sys.stdout.flush())
if options.squash:
regex = re.compile(r'remote:\s+https?://[\w\-\.\/]*/(\d+)\s.*')
change_numbers = [
for m in map(regex.match, push_stdout.splitlines())
if m]
if len(change_numbers) != 1:
('Created|Updated %d issues on Gerrit, but only 1 expected.\n'
'Change-Id: %s') % (len(change_numbers), change_id))
head = RunGit(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
RunGit(['update-ref', '-m', 'Uploaded ' + head, shadow_branch, ref_to_push])
# TODO(ukai): parse Change-Id: and set issue number?
return 0
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
self.mock(subprocess2, 'check_call', self._mocked_call)
self.mock(subprocess2, 'check_output', self._mocked_call)
self.mock(subprocess2, 'communicate', self._mocked_call)
self.mock(git_cl.gclient_utils, 'CheckCallAndFilter', self._mocked_call)
self.mock(git_common, 'is_dirty_git_tree', lambda x: False)
self.mock(git_common, 'get_or_create_merge_base',
lambda *a: (
......@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
'diff', '--name-status', '--no-renames', '-r', 'fake_ancestor_sha...',
((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
'config', 'branch.working.rietveldissue'],), '12345'),
......@@ -333,6 +335,7 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
def _dcommit_calls_bypassed(cls):
return [
((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
'config', 'branch.working.rietveldissue'],), '12345'),
((['git', 'config', 'branch.working.rietveldserver'],),
......@@ -567,7 +570,7 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
'diff', '--name-status', '--no-renames', '-r',
'fake_ancestor_sha...', '.'],),
((['git', 'config', 'branch.master.rietveldissue'],), ''),
((['git', 'config', 'branch.master.gerritissue'],), ''),
'config', 'branch.master.rietveldpatchset'],), ''),
......@@ -593,7 +596,6 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
if not git_footers.get_footer_change_id(description) and not squash:
calls += [
# DownloadGerritHook(False)
((False, ),
......@@ -645,10 +647,23 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
'push', receive_pack, 'origin',
ref_to_push + ':refs/for/refs/heads/master'],),
'remote: Processing changes: (\)\n'
'remote: Processing changes: (|)\n'
'remote: Processing changes: (/)\n'
'remote: Processing changes: (-)\n'
'remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (/)\n'
'remote: Processing changes: new: 1, done\n'
'remote: New Changes:\n'
'remote: XXX.\n'
' * [new branch] hhhh -> refs/for/refs/heads/master\n')),
if squash:
calls += [
((['git', 'config', 'branch.master.gerritissue', '123456'],), ''),
((['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],), 'abcdef0123456789'),
((['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'Uploaded abcdef0123456789',
'refs/heads/git_cl_uploads/master', 'abcdef0123456789'],),
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