Commit a16ccaf1 authored by Aaron Gable's avatar Aaron Gable Committed by Commit Bot

bot_update: use patch repo instead of project if it is mapped

This is a step away from patch_project, which was a holdover
from Rietveld. Instead of mapping "projects" (which are
poorly-defined and not guaranteed to be unique) to subpaths,
instead map repository urls (which are at least unique).

Eventually we may be able to compute this directly from DEPS
instead of hardcoding the mapping here, but at least this is
a step in the right direction.

Bug: 765633
Change-Id: Idd65984fc6edefcbedb0438d38c2338b10b7e8e5
Commit-Queue: Aaron Gable <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarRobbie Iannucci <>
parent 2da7cbd7
......@@ -227,17 +227,19 @@ Wrapper for easy calling of gclient steps.
Remove all index.lock files. If a previous run of git crashed, bot was
reset, etc... we might end up with leftover index.lock files.
&mdash; **def [calculate\_patch\_root](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/, patch_project, gclient_config=None):**
&mdash; **def [calculate\_patch\_root](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/, patch_project, gclient_config=None, patch_repo=None):**
Returns path where a patch should be applied to based patch_project.
Maps "patch_project" to a path of directories relative to checkout's root,
which describe where to place the patch.
Maps the patch's repo to a path of directories relative to checkout's root,
which describe where to place the patch. If no mapping is found for the
repo url, falls back to trying to find a mapping for the old-style
For now, considers only first solution ([0]), but in theory can
be extended to all of them.
See patch_projects solution config property.
See patch_projects and repo_path_map solution config property.
Relative path, including solution's root.
......@@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ Chromium config. This may happen for one of two reasons:
&mdash; **def [runhooks](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/, args=None, name='runhooks', \*\*kwargs):**
&mdash; **def [set\_patch\_project\_revision](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/, patch_project, gclient_config=None):**
&mdash; **def [set\_patch\_project\_revision](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/, patch_project, gclient_config=None):**
Updates config revision corresponding to patch_project.
......@@ -780,7 +782,7 @@ like checkout or compile), and some of these tests have failed.
[DEPS](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/tests/ [gclient](#recipe_modules-gclient), [recipe\_engine/properties][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/properties]
&mdash; **def [RunSteps](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/tests/, patch_project):**
&mdash; **def [RunSteps](/recipes/recipe_modules/gclient/tests/, patch_project, patch_repository_url):**
### *recipes* / [gerrit:examples/full](/recipes/recipe_modules/gerrit/examples/
[DEPS](/recipes/recipe_modules/gerrit/examples/ [gerrit](#recipe_modules-gerrit), [recipe\_engine/step][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/step]
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class BotUpdateApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
root = patch_root
if root is None:
root = self.m.gclient.calculate_patch_root('patch_project'), cfg)'patch_project'), cfg, self._repository)
if patch:
issue = issue or self._issue
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ def RunSteps(api):
api.gclient.c.patch_projects['v8/v8'] = ('src/v8', 'HEAD')
api.gclient.c.patch_projects['angle/angle'] = ('src/third_party/angle',
api.gclient.c.repo_path_map[''] = (
'src/third_party/webrtc', 'HEAD')
patch ='patch', True)
clobber = True if'clobber') else False
no_shallow = True if'no_shallow') else False
......@@ -233,3 +236,9 @@ def GenTests(api):
'event.patchSet.ref': 'refs/changes/11/338811/3',
yield api.test('tryjob_gerrit_webrtc') +
......@@ -306,16 +306,19 @@ class GclientApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def calculate_patch_root(self, patch_project, gclient_config=None):
def calculate_patch_root(self, patch_project, gclient_config=None,
"""Returns path where a patch should be applied to based patch_project.
Maps "patch_project" to a path of directories relative to checkout's root,
which describe where to place the patch.
Maps the patch's repo to a path of directories relative to checkout's root,
which describe where to place the patch. If no mapping is found for the
repo url, falls back to trying to find a mapping for the old-style
For now, considers only first solution ([0]), but in theory can
be extended to all of them.
See patch_projects solution config property.
See patch_projects and repo_path_map solution config property.
Relative path, including solution's root.
......@@ -323,15 +326,17 @@ class GclientApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
solution root.
cfg = gclient_config or self.c
root, _ = cfg.patch_projects.get(patch_project, ('', ''))
if root:
# Note, that c.patch_projects contains patch roots as
# slash(/)-separated path, which are roots of the respective project repos
# and include actual solution name in them.
return self.m.path.join(*root.split('/'))
# Default case - assume patch is for first solution, as this is what most
# projects rely on.
root, _ = cfg.repo_path_map.get(patch_repo, ('', ''))
if not root:
root, _ = cfg.patch_projects.get(patch_project, ('', ''))
if not root:
# Failure case - assume patch is for first solution, as this is what most
# projects rely on.
# Note, that c.patch_projects contains patch roots as
# slash(/)-separated path, which are roots of the respective project repos
# and include actual solution name in them.
return self.m.path.join(*root.split('/'))
def set_patch_project_revision(self, patch_project, gclient_config=None):
"""Updates config revision corresponding to patch_project.
......@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ def BaseConfig(USE_MIRROR=True, CACHE_DIR=None,
# then a patch to Angle project can be applied to a chromium src's
# checkout after first updating Angle's repo to its master's HEAD.
patch_projects = Dict(value_type=tuple, hidden=True),
# Same as the above, except the keys are full repo URLs.
repo_path_map = Dict(value_type=tuple, hidden=True),
# Check out refs/branch-heads.
# TODO (machenbach): Only implemented for bot_update atm.
......@@ -13,20 +13,24 @@ DEPS = [
'patch_project': recipe_api.Property(),
'patch_project': recipe_api.Property(None),
'patch_repository_url': recipe_api.Property(None),
def RunSteps(api, patch_project):
def RunSteps(api, patch_project, patch_repository_url):
src_cfg = api.gclient.make_config(CACHE_DIR='[ROOT]/git_cache')
soln = = 'src'
soln.url = ''
src_cfg.patch_projects['v8'] = ('src/v8', 'HEAD')
src_cfg.patch_projects['v8/v8'] = ('src/v8', 'HEAD')
src_cfg.repo_path_map[''] = (
'src/third_party/webrtc', 'HEAD')
api.gclient.c = src_cfg
patch_root = api.gclient.calculate_patch_root(patch_project)
patch_root = api.gclient.calculate_patch_root(
patch_project, None, patch_repository_url)
......@@ -43,3 +47,10 @@ def GenTests(api):'v8') +
yield (
api.test('webrtc') +
patch_repository_url='') +
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