Commit a0ffbe45 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

gclient: Convert target ref to patch to a remote ref.

Bug: 956807
Change-Id: I2e1d0b61d99796434115012709b6e79e507e2986
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
parent 47ec0697
......@@ -370,11 +370,7 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
return ref
self.Print('Failed to find a remote ref that contains %s. '
'Candidate refs were %s.' % (commit, remote_refs))
# Fallback to the commit we got.
# This means that apply_path_ref will try to find the merge-base between the
# patch and the commit (which is most likely the commit) and cherry-pick
# everything in between.
return commit
return None
def apply_patch_ref(self, patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch, options,
......@@ -419,7 +415,22 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
base_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
target_branch = target_branch or self._GetTargetBranchForCommit(base_rev)
if target_branch:
# Convert the target branch to a remote ref if possible.
remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(target_branch, self.remote)
if remote_ref:
target_branch = ''.join(remote_ref)
target_branch = self._GetTargetBranchForCommit(base_rev)
# Fallback to the commit we got.
# This means that apply_path_ref will try to find the merge-base between the
# patch and the commit (which is most likely the commit) and cherry-pick
# everything in between.
if not target_branch:
target_branch = base_rev
self.Print('===Applying patch ref===')
self.Print('Patch ref is %r @ %r. Target branch for patch is %r. '
'Current HEAD is %r. Current dir is %r' % (
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