Commit 9a5e3bd8 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

gclient_scm: Simplify fetching refs.

Bug: 874501, 942229
Change-Id: Ie9896e8a289e32a1b468ed5fa51c95a81970bdf8
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
parent 422c432d
......@@ -1299,21 +1299,19 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
def _Fetch(self, options, remote=None, prune=False, quiet=False,
cfg = gclient_utils.DefaultIndexPackConfig(self.url)
# When a mirror is configured, it fetches only the refs/heads, and possibly
# the refs/branch-heads and refs/tags, but not the refs/changes. So, if
# we're asked to fetch a refs/changes ref from the mirror, it won't have it.
# This makes sure that we always fetch refs/changes directly from the
# repository and not from the mirror.
if refspec and refspec.startswith('refs/changes'):
remote, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
# Make sure that we fetch the (remote) refs/changes/xx ref to the (local)
# refs/changes/xx ref.
if ':' not in refspec:
refspec += ':' + refspec
if (refspec and refspec.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads')
and not getattr(options, 'with_branch_heads', False)):
refspec = '%s:%s' % (refspec.replace('/remotes', '', 1), refspec)
# When updating, the ref is modified to be a remote ref .
# (e.g. refs/heads/NAME becomes refs/remotes/REMOTE/NAME).
# Try to reverse that mapping.
original_ref = scm.GIT.RemoteRefToRef(refspec, self.remote)
if original_ref:
refspec = original_ref + ':' + refspec
# When a mirror is configured, it only fetches
# refs/{heads,branch-heads,tags}/*.
# If asked to fetch other refs, we must fetch those directly from the
# repository, and not from the mirror.
if not original_ref.startswith(
('refs/heads/', 'refs/branch-heads/', 'refs/tags/')):
remote, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
fetch_cmd = cfg + [
remote or self.remote,
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class GIT(object):
return remote, upstream_branch
def RefToRemoteRef(ref, remote=None):
def RefToRemoteRef(ref, remote):
"""Convert a checkout ref to the equivalent remote ref.
......@@ -240,10 +240,24 @@ class GIT(object):
m = re.match('^(refs/(remotes/)?)?branch-heads/', ref or '')
if m:
return ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', ref.replace(, ''))
if remote:
m = re.match('^((refs/)?remotes/)?%s/|(refs/)?heads/' % remote, ref or '')
if m:
return ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, ref.replace(, ''))
m = re.match('^((refs/)?remotes/)?%s/|(refs/)?heads/' % remote, ref or '')
if m:
return ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, ref.replace(, ''))
return None
def RemoteRefToRef(ref, remote):
assert remote, 'A remote must be given'
if not ref or not ref.startswith('refs/'):
return None
if not ref.startswith('refs/remotes/'):
return ref
if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads/'):
return 'refs' + ref[len('refs/remotes'):]
if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote):
return 'refs/heads' + ref[len('refs/remotes/%s' % remote):]
return None
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
......@@ -108,33 +109,9 @@ class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
self.assertEqual(scm.GIT.GetEmail(self.root_dir), '')
def testRefToRemoteRefNoRemote(self):
refs = {
# local ref for upstream branch-head
'refs/remotes/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/',
# upstream ref for branch-head
'refs/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# could be either local or upstream ref, assumed to refer to
# upstream, but probably don't want to encourage refs like this.
'branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# actively discouraging refs like this, should prepend with 'refs/'
'remotes/branch-heads/1234': None,
# might be non-"branch-heads" upstream branches, but can't resolve
# without knowing the remote.
'refs/heads/1234': None,
'heads/1234': None,
# underspecified, probably intended to refer to a local branch
'1234': None,
for k, v in refs.items():
r = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(k)
self.assertEqual(r, v, msg='%s -> %s, expected %s' % (k, r, v))
def testRefToRemoteRefWithRemote(self):
def testRefToRemoteRef(self):
remote = 'origin'
refs = {
# This shouldn't be any different from the NoRemote() version.
'refs/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# local refs for upstream branch
'refs/remotes/%s/foobar' % remote: ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote,
......@@ -147,11 +124,35 @@ class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
'heads/foobar': ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'foobar'),
# underspecified, probably intended to refer to a local branch
'foobar': None,
# tags and other refs
'refs/tags/TAG': None,
'refs/changes/34/1234': None,
for k, v in refs.items():
r = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(k, remote)
self.assertEqual(r, v, msg='%s -> %s, expected %s' % (k, r, v))
def testRemoteRefToRef(self):
remote = 'origin'
refs = {
'refs/remotes/branch-heads/1234': 'refs/branch-heads/1234',
# local refs for upstream branch
'refs/remotes/origin/foobar': 'refs/heads/foobar',
# tags and other refs
'refs/tags/TAG': 'refs/tags/TAG',
'refs/changes/34/1234': 'refs/changes/34/1234',
# different remote
'refs/remotes/other-remote/foobar': None,
# underspecified, probably intended to refer to a local branch
'heads/foobar': None,
'origin/foobar': None,
'foobar': None,
None: None,
for k, v in refs.items():
r = scm.GIT.RemoteRefToRef(k, remote)
self.assertEqual(r, v, msg='%s -> %s, expected %s' % (k, r, v))
class RealGitTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
def setUp(self):
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