Commit 96550949 authored by's avatar

Rename roll-dep to roll-dep-svn and add roll-dep for git.

It is inspired by src/tools/ but generalized.,

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent a1bf72dd
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
base_dir=$(dirname "$0")
PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 exec python "$base_dir/" "$@"
@echo off
:: Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
:: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
:: found in the LICENSE file.
:: This is required with cygwin only.
:: Defer control.
%~dp0python "%~dp0\" %*
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file. # found in the LICENSE file.
"""This scripts takes the path to a dep and a git or svn revision, and updates """Rolls DEPS controlled dependency.
the parent repo's DEPS file with the corresponding git revision. Sample
[chromium/src]$ roll-dep third_party/WebKit 12345 Works only with git checkout and git dependencies.
After the script completes, the DEPS file will be dirty with the new revision.
The user can then:
$ git add DEPS
$ git commit
""" """
import ast
import optparse import optparse
import os import os
import re import re
import subprocess
import sys import sys
from itertools import izip
from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE
from textwrap import dedent
SHA1_RE = re.compile('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$')
GIT_SVN_ID_RE = re.compile('^git-svn-id: .*@([0-9]+) .*$')
'''Roll %(dep_path)s %(before_rev)s:%(after_rev)s%(svn_range)s
Summary of changes available at:
def shorten_dep_path(dep):
"""Shorten the given dep path if necessary."""
while len(dep) > 31:
dep = '.../' + dep.lstrip('./').partition('/')[2]
return dep
def posix_path(path):
"""Convert a possibly-Windows path to a posix-style path."""
(_, path) = os.path.splitdrive(path)
return path.replace(os.sep, '/')
def platform_path(path):
"""Convert a path to the native path format of the host OS."""
return path.replace('/', os.sep)
def find_gclient_root():
"""Find the directory containing the .gclient file."""
cwd = posix_path(os.getcwd())
result = ''
for _ in xrange(len(cwd.split('/'))):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(result, '.gclient')):
return result
result = os.path.join(result, os.pardir)
assert False, 'Could not find root of your gclient checkout.'
def get_solution(gclient_root, dep_path):
"""Find the solution in .gclient containing the dep being rolled."""
dep_path = os.path.relpath(dep_path, gclient_root)
cwd = os.getcwd().rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
gclient_root = os.path.realpath(gclient_root)
gclient_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, '.gclient')
gclient_locals = {}
execfile(gclient_path, {}, gclient_locals)
for soln in gclient_locals['solutions']:
soln_relpath = platform_path(soln['name'].rstrip('/')) + os.sep
if (dep_path.startswith(soln_relpath) or
cwd.startswith(os.path.join(gclient_root, soln_relpath))):
return soln
assert False, 'Could not determine the parent project for %s' % dep_path
def is_git_hash(revision):
"""Determines if a given revision is a git hash."""
return SHA1_RE.match(revision)
def verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Verify that a git revision exists in a repository."""
p = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '-n', '1', revision],
cwd=dep_path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate()[0].strip()
if p.returncode != 0 or not is_git_hash(result):
result = None
return result
def get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision):
"""Given a git revision, return the corresponding svn revision."""
p = Popen(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%B', git_revision],
stdout=PIPE, cwd=dep_path)
(log, _) = p.communicate()
assert p.returncode == 0, 'git log %s failed.' % git_revision
for line in reversed(log.splitlines()):
m = GIT_SVN_ID_RE.match(line.strip())
if m:
return None
def convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Find the git revision corresponding to an svn revision."""
err_msg = 'Unknown error'
revision = int(revision)
latest_svn_rev = None
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
for ref in ('HEAD', 'origin/master'):
log_p = Popen(['git', 'log', ref],
cwd=dep_path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
grep_p = Popen(['grep', '-e', '^commit ', '-e', '^ *git-svn-id: '],
stdin=log_p.stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
git_rev = None
prev_svn_rev = None
for line in grep_p.stdout:
if line.startswith('commit '):
git_rev = line.split()[1]
svn_rev = int(line.split()[1].partition('@')[2])
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'WARNING: Could not parse svn revision out of "%s"' % line)
if not latest_svn_rev or int(svn_rev) > int(latest_svn_rev):
latest_svn_rev = svn_rev
if svn_rev == revision:
return git_rev
if svn_rev > revision:
prev_svn_rev = svn_rev
if prev_svn_rev:
err_msg = 'git history skips from revision %d to revision %d.' % (
svn_rev, prev_svn_rev)
err_msg = (
'latest available revision is %d; you may need to '
'"git fetch origin" to get the latest commits.' %
raise RuntimeError('No match for revision %d; %s' % (revision, err_msg))
def get_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Convert the revision argument passed to the script to a git revision."""
svn_revision = None
if revision.startswith('r'):
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision[1:])
svn_revision = revision[1:]
elif'[a-fA-F]', revision):
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if not git_revision:
raise RuntimeError('Please \'git fetch origin\' in %s' % dep_path)
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
elif len(revision) > 6:
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if git_revision:
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision)
svn_revision = revision
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision)
svn_revision = revision
except RuntimeError:
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if not git_revision:
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
return git_revision, svn_revision
def is_pristine(root, merge_base='origin/master'):
"""Returns True if a git checkout is pristine."""
cmd = ['git', 'diff', '--ignore-submodules', merge_base]
return not (
subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=root).strip() or
subprocess.check_output(cmd + ['--cached'], cwd=root).strip())
def ast_err_msg(node):
return 'ERROR: Undexpected DEPS file AST structure at line %d column %d' % (
node.lineno, node.col_offset)
def roll(root, deps_dir, key, reviewers, bug):
def find_deps_section(deps_ast, section): deps = os.path.join(root, 'DEPS')
"""Find a top-level section of the DEPS file in the AST."""
try: try:
result = [n.value for n in deps_ast.body if with open(deps, 'rb') as f:
n.__class__ is ast.Assign and deps_content =
n.targets[0].__class__ is ast.Name and except OSError:
n.targets[0].id == section][0] print >> sys.stderr, (
return result 'Ensure the script is run in the directory containing DEPS file.')
except IndexError: return 1
return None
def find_dict_index(dict_node, key):
"""Given a key, find the index of the corresponding dict entry."""
assert dict_node.__class__ is ast.Dict, ast_err_msg(dict_node)
indices = [i for i, n in enumerate(dict_node.keys) if
n.__class__ is ast.Str and n.s == key]
assert len(indices) < 2, (
'Found redundant dict entries for key "%s"' % key)
return indices[0] if indices else None
def update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision):
"""Update an AST node with the new git revision."""
if node.__class__ is ast.Str:
return update_string(deps_lines, node, git_revision)
elif node.__class__ is ast.BinOp:
return update_binop(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision)
elif node.__class__ is ast.Call:
return update_call(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision)
assert False, ast_err_msg(node)
def update_string(deps_lines, string_node, git_revision):
"""Update a string node in the AST with the new git revision."""
line_idx = string_node.lineno - 1
start_idx = string_node.col_offset - 1
line = deps_lines[line_idx]
(prefix, sep, old_rev) = string_node.s.partition('@')
if sep:
start_idx = line.find(prefix + sep, start_idx) + len(prefix + sep)
tail_idx = start_idx + len(old_rev)
start_idx = line.find(prefix, start_idx)
tail_idx = start_idx + len(prefix)
old_rev = prefix
deps_lines[line_idx] = line[:start_idx] + git_revision + line[tail_idx:]
return line_idx
def update_binop(deps_lines, deps_ast, binop_node, git_revision):
"""Update a binary operation node in the AST with the new git revision."""
# Since the revision part is always last, assume that it's the right-hand
# operand that needs to be updated.
return update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, binop_node.right, git_revision)
def update_call(deps_lines, deps_ast, call_node, git_revision):
"""Update a function call node in the AST with the new git revision."""
# The only call we know how to handle is Var()
assert == 'Var', ast_err_msg(call_node)
assert call_node.args and call_node.args[0].__class__ is ast.Str, (
return update_var(deps_lines, deps_ast, call_node.args[0].s, git_revision)
def update_var(deps_lines, deps_ast, var_name, git_revision):
"""Update an entry in the vars section of the DEPS file with the new
git revision."""
vars_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'vars')
assert vars_node, 'Could not find "vars" section of DEPS file.'
var_idx = find_dict_index(vars_node, var_name)
assert var_idx is not None, (
'Could not find definition of "%s" var in DEPS file.' % var_name)
val_node = vars_node.values[var_idx]
return update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, val_node, git_revision)
def short_rev(rev, dep_path):
return check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', rev],
def generate_commit_message(deps_section, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev): if not is_pristine(root):
(url, _, old_rev) = deps_section[dep_name].partition('@') print >> sys.stderr, 'Ensure %s is clean first.' % root
if url.endswith('.git'): return 1
url = url[:-4]
old_rev_short = short_rev(old_rev, dep_path)
new_rev_short = short_rev(new_rev, dep_path)
url += '/+log/%s..%s' % (old_rev_short, new_rev_short)
old_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, old_rev)
new_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, new_rev)
except Exception:
# Ignore failures that might arise from the repo not being checked out.
old_svn_rev = new_svn_rev = None
svn_range_str = ''
if old_svn_rev and new_svn_rev:
svn_range_str = ' (svn %s:%s)' % (old_svn_rev, new_svn_rev)
return dedent(ROLL_DESCRIPTION_STR % {
'dep_path': shorten_dep_path(dep_name),
'before_rev': old_rev_short,
'after_rev': new_rev_short,
'svn_range': svn_range_str,
'revlog_url': url,
full_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(root), deps_dir)
head = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=full_dir).strip()
if not head in deps_content:
print('Warning: %s is not checked out at the expected revision in DEPS' %
# It happens if the user checked out a branch in the dependency by himself.
# Fall back to reading the DEPS to figure out the original commit.
for i in deps_content.splitlines():
m = re.match(r'\s+"' + key + '": "([a-z0-9]{40})",', i)
if m:
head =
print >> sys.stderr, 'Expected to find commit %s for %s in DEPS' % (
head, key)
return 1
def update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment): print('Found old revision %s' % head)
line_idx = update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev)
(content, _, _) = deps_lines[line_idx].partition('#')
if comment:
deps_lines[line_idx] = '%s # %s' % (content.rstrip(), comment)
deps_lines[line_idx] = content.rstrip()
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch', 'origin'], cwd=full_dir)
master = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', 'origin/master'], cwd=full_dir).strip()
print('Found new revision %s' % master)
def update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev, comment): if master == head:
"""Update the DEPS file with the new git revision.""" print('No revision to roll!')
commit_msg = ''
with open(deps_file) as fh:
deps_content =
deps_locals = {}
def _Var(key):
return deps_locals['vars'][key]
deps_locals['Var'] = _Var
exec deps_content in {}, deps_locals
deps_lines = deps_content.splitlines()
deps_ast = ast.parse(deps_content, deps_file)
deps_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'deps')
assert deps_node, 'Could not find "deps" section of DEPS file'
dep_idx = find_dict_index(deps_node, dep_name)
if dep_idx is not None:
value_node = deps_node.values[dep_idx]
update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment)
commit_msg = generate_commit_message(deps_locals['deps'], dep_path,
dep_name, new_rev)
deps_os_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'deps_os')
if deps_os_node:
for (os_name, os_node) in izip(deps_os_node.keys, deps_os_node.values):
dep_idx = find_dict_index(os_node, dep_name)
if dep_idx is not None:
value_node = os_node.values[dep_idx]
if value_node.__class__ is ast.Name and == 'None':
update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment)
commit_msg = generate_commit_message(
deps_locals['deps_os'][os_name.s], dep_path, dep_name, new_rev)
if not commit_msg:
print 'Could not find an entry in %s to update.' % deps_file
return 1 return 1
print 'Pinning %s' % dep_name commit_range = '%s..%s' % (head[:9], master[:9])
print 'to revision %s' % new_rev
print 'in %s' % deps_file logs = subprocess.check_output(
with open(deps_file, 'w') as fh: ['git', 'log', commit_range, '--date=short', '--format=%ad %ae %s'],
for line in deps_lines: cwd=full_dir).strip()
print >> fh, line logs = re.sub(r'(?m)^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d [^@]+)@[^ ]+( .*)$', r'\1\2', logs)
deps_file_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(deps_file)) cmd = 'git log %s --date=short --format=\'%%ad %%ae %%s\'' % commit_range
deps_file_root = Popen( reviewer = 'R=%s\n' % ','.join(reviewers) if reviewers else ''
['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], bug = 'BUG=%s\n' % bug if bug else ''
cwd=deps_file_dir, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() msg = (
with open(os.path.join(deps_file_root, '.git', 'MERGE_MSG'), 'w') as fh: 'Roll %s/ to %s.\n'
fh.write(commit_msg) '\n'
'$ %s\n'
'%s') % (
print('Commit message:')
print('\n'.join(' ' + i for i in msg.splitlines()))
deps_content = deps_content.replace(head, master)
with open(deps, 'wb') as f:
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', 'DEPS'], cwd=root)
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', msg], cwd=root)
if not reviewers:
print('You forgot to pass -r, make sure to insert a line')
print('to the commit description before emailing.')
print(' git cl upload --send-mail')
return 0 return 0
def main(argv): def main():
usage = 'Usage: [options] <dep path> <rev> [ <DEPS file> ]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__) description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__,
parser.add_option('--no-verify-revision', usage='roll-dep [flags] <dependency path> <variable>')
help='Don\'t verify the revision passed in. This ' parser.add_option(
'also skips adding an svn revision comment ' '-r', '--reviewer', default='',
'for git dependencies and requires the passed ' help='To specify multiple reviewers, use comma separated list, e.g. '
'revision to be a git hash.', '-r joe,jack,john. Defaults to')
default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('-b', '--bug', default='')
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) not in (2, 3): if not len(args) or len(args) > 2:
parser.error('Expected either 2 or 3 positional parameters.') parser.error('Expect one or two arguments' % args)
arg_dep_path, revision = args[:2]
gclient_root = find_gclient_root() reviewers = None
dep_path = platform_path(arg_dep_path) if options.reviewer:
if not os.path.exists(dep_path): reviewers = options.reviewer.split(',')
dep_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, dep_path) for i, r in enumerate(reviewers):
if not options.no_verify_revision: if not '@' in r:
# Only require the path to exist if the revision should be verified. A path reviewers[i] = r + ''
# to e.g. os deps might not be checked out.
if not os.path.isdir(dep_path): return roll(
print >> sys.stderr, 'No such directory: %s' % arg_dep_path os.getcwd(),
return 1 args[0],
if len(args) > 2: args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None,
deps_file = args[2] reviewers,
else: options.bug)
soln = get_solution(gclient_root, dep_path)
soln_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(gclient_root, soln['name']))
deps_file = os.path.join(soln_path, 'DEPS')
dep_name = posix_path(os.path.relpath(dep_path, gclient_root))
if options.no_verify_revision:
if not is_git_hash(revision):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'The passed revision %s must be a git hash when skipping revision '
'verification.' % revision)
return 1
git_rev = revision
comment = None
git_rev, svn_rev = get_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
comment = ('from svn revision %s' % svn_rev) if svn_rev else None
if not git_rev:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not find git revision matching %s.' % revision
return 1
return update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, git_rev, comment)
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
try: sys.exit(main())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Rolls a git-svn dependency.
It takes the path to a dep and a git commit hash or svn revision, and updates
the parent repo's DEPS file with the corresponding git commit hash.
Sample invocation:
[chromium/src]$ roll-dep-svn third_party/WebKit 12345
After the script completes, the DEPS file will be dirty with the new revision.
The user can then:
$ git add DEPS
$ git commit
import ast
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
from itertools import izip
from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE
from textwrap import dedent
SHA1_RE = re.compile('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$')
GIT_SVN_ID_RE = re.compile('^git-svn-id: .*@([0-9]+) .*$')
'''Roll %(dep_path)s %(before_rev)s:%(after_rev)s%(svn_range)s
Summary of changes available at:
def shorten_dep_path(dep):
"""Shorten the given dep path if necessary."""
while len(dep) > 31:
dep = '.../' + dep.lstrip('./').partition('/')[2]
return dep
def posix_path(path):
"""Convert a possibly-Windows path to a posix-style path."""
(_, path) = os.path.splitdrive(path)
return path.replace(os.sep, '/')
def platform_path(path):
"""Convert a path to the native path format of the host OS."""
return path.replace('/', os.sep)
def find_gclient_root():
"""Find the directory containing the .gclient file."""
cwd = posix_path(os.getcwd())
result = ''
for _ in xrange(len(cwd.split('/'))):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(result, '.gclient')):
return result
result = os.path.join(result, os.pardir)
assert False, 'Could not find root of your gclient checkout.'
def get_solution(gclient_root, dep_path):
"""Find the solution in .gclient containing the dep being rolled."""
dep_path = os.path.relpath(dep_path, gclient_root)
cwd = os.getcwd().rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
gclient_root = os.path.realpath(gclient_root)
gclient_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, '.gclient')
gclient_locals = {}
execfile(gclient_path, {}, gclient_locals)
for soln in gclient_locals['solutions']:
soln_relpath = platform_path(soln['name'].rstrip('/')) + os.sep
if (dep_path.startswith(soln_relpath) or
cwd.startswith(os.path.join(gclient_root, soln_relpath))):
return soln
assert False, 'Could not determine the parent project for %s' % dep_path
def is_git_hash(revision):
"""Determines if a given revision is a git hash."""
return SHA1_RE.match(revision)
def verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Verify that a git revision exists in a repository."""
p = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '-n', '1', revision],
cwd=dep_path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate()[0].strip()
if p.returncode != 0 or not is_git_hash(result):
result = None
return result
def get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision):
"""Given a git revision, return the corresponding svn revision."""
p = Popen(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%B', git_revision],
stdout=PIPE, cwd=dep_path)
(log, _) = p.communicate()
assert p.returncode == 0, 'git log %s failed.' % git_revision
for line in reversed(log.splitlines()):
m = GIT_SVN_ID_RE.match(line.strip())
if m:
return None
def convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Find the git revision corresponding to an svn revision."""
err_msg = 'Unknown error'
revision = int(revision)
latest_svn_rev = None
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
for ref in ('HEAD', 'origin/master'):
log_p = Popen(['git', 'log', ref],
cwd=dep_path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
grep_p = Popen(['grep', '-e', '^commit ', '-e', '^ *git-svn-id: '],
stdin=log_p.stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
git_rev = None
prev_svn_rev = None
for line in grep_p.stdout:
if line.startswith('commit '):
git_rev = line.split()[1]
svn_rev = int(line.split()[1].partition('@')[2])
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'WARNING: Could not parse svn revision out of "%s"' % line)
if not latest_svn_rev or int(svn_rev) > int(latest_svn_rev):
latest_svn_rev = svn_rev
if svn_rev == revision:
return git_rev
if svn_rev > revision:
prev_svn_rev = svn_rev
if prev_svn_rev:
err_msg = 'git history skips from revision %d to revision %d.' % (
svn_rev, prev_svn_rev)
err_msg = (
'latest available revision is %d; you may need to '
'"git fetch origin" to get the latest commits.' %
raise RuntimeError('No match for revision %d; %s' % (revision, err_msg))
def get_git_revision(dep_path, revision):
"""Convert the revision argument passed to the script to a git revision."""
svn_revision = None
if revision.startswith('r'):
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision[1:])
svn_revision = revision[1:]
elif'[a-fA-F]', revision):
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if not git_revision:
raise RuntimeError('Please \'git fetch origin\' in %s' % dep_path)
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
elif len(revision) > 6:
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if git_revision:
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision)
svn_revision = revision
git_revision = convert_svn_revision(dep_path, revision)
svn_revision = revision
except RuntimeError:
git_revision = verify_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
if not git_revision:
svn_revision = get_svn_revision(dep_path, git_revision)
return git_revision, svn_revision
def ast_err_msg(node):
return 'ERROR: Undexpected DEPS file AST structure at line %d column %d' % (
node.lineno, node.col_offset)
def find_deps_section(deps_ast, section):
"""Find a top-level section of the DEPS file in the AST."""
result = [n.value for n in deps_ast.body if
n.__class__ is ast.Assign and
n.targets[0].__class__ is ast.Name and
n.targets[0].id == section][0]
return result
except IndexError:
return None
def find_dict_index(dict_node, key):
"""Given a key, find the index of the corresponding dict entry."""
assert dict_node.__class__ is ast.Dict, ast_err_msg(dict_node)
indices = [i for i, n in enumerate(dict_node.keys) if
n.__class__ is ast.Str and n.s == key]
assert len(indices) < 2, (
'Found redundant dict entries for key "%s"' % key)
return indices[0] if indices else None
def update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision):
"""Update an AST node with the new git revision."""
if node.__class__ is ast.Str:
return update_string(deps_lines, node, git_revision)
elif node.__class__ is ast.BinOp:
return update_binop(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision)
elif node.__class__ is ast.Call:
return update_call(deps_lines, deps_ast, node, git_revision)
assert False, ast_err_msg(node)
def update_string(deps_lines, string_node, git_revision):
"""Update a string node in the AST with the new git revision."""
line_idx = string_node.lineno - 1
start_idx = string_node.col_offset - 1
line = deps_lines[line_idx]
(prefix, sep, old_rev) = string_node.s.partition('@')
if sep:
start_idx = line.find(prefix + sep, start_idx) + len(prefix + sep)
tail_idx = start_idx + len(old_rev)
start_idx = line.find(prefix, start_idx)
tail_idx = start_idx + len(prefix)
old_rev = prefix
deps_lines[line_idx] = line[:start_idx] + git_revision + line[tail_idx:]
return line_idx
def update_binop(deps_lines, deps_ast, binop_node, git_revision):
"""Update a binary operation node in the AST with the new git revision."""
# Since the revision part is always last, assume that it's the right-hand
# operand that needs to be updated.
return update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, binop_node.right, git_revision)
def update_call(deps_lines, deps_ast, call_node, git_revision):
"""Update a function call node in the AST with the new git revision."""
# The only call we know how to handle is Var()
assert == 'Var', ast_err_msg(call_node)
assert call_node.args and call_node.args[0].__class__ is ast.Str, (
return update_var(deps_lines, deps_ast, call_node.args[0].s, git_revision)
def update_var(deps_lines, deps_ast, var_name, git_revision):
"""Update an entry in the vars section of the DEPS file with the new
git revision."""
vars_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'vars')
assert vars_node, 'Could not find "vars" section of DEPS file.'
var_idx = find_dict_index(vars_node, var_name)
assert var_idx is not None, (
'Could not find definition of "%s" var in DEPS file.' % var_name)
val_node = vars_node.values[var_idx]
return update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, val_node, git_revision)
def short_rev(rev, dep_path):
return check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', rev],
def generate_commit_message(deps_section, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev):
(url, _, old_rev) = deps_section[dep_name].partition('@')
if url.endswith('.git'):
url = url[:-4]
old_rev_short = short_rev(old_rev, dep_path)
new_rev_short = short_rev(new_rev, dep_path)
url += '/+log/%s..%s' % (old_rev_short, new_rev_short)
old_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, old_rev)
new_svn_rev = get_svn_revision(dep_path, new_rev)
except Exception:
# Ignore failures that might arise from the repo not being checked out.
old_svn_rev = new_svn_rev = None
svn_range_str = ''
if old_svn_rev and new_svn_rev:
svn_range_str = ' (svn %s:%s)' % (old_svn_rev, new_svn_rev)
return dedent(ROLL_DESCRIPTION_STR % {
'dep_path': shorten_dep_path(dep_name),
'before_rev': old_rev_short,
'after_rev': new_rev_short,
'svn_range': svn_range_str,
'revlog_url': url,
def update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment):
line_idx = update_node(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev)
(content, _, _) = deps_lines[line_idx].partition('#')
if comment:
deps_lines[line_idx] = '%s # %s' % (content.rstrip(), comment)
deps_lines[line_idx] = content.rstrip()
def update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, new_rev, comment):
"""Update the DEPS file with the new git revision."""
commit_msg = ''
with open(deps_file) as fh:
deps_content =
deps_locals = {}
def _Var(key):
return deps_locals['vars'][key]
deps_locals['Var'] = _Var
exec deps_content in {}, deps_locals
deps_lines = deps_content.splitlines()
deps_ast = ast.parse(deps_content, deps_file)
deps_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'deps')
assert deps_node, 'Could not find "deps" section of DEPS file'
dep_idx = find_dict_index(deps_node, dep_name)
if dep_idx is not None:
value_node = deps_node.values[dep_idx]
update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment)
commit_msg = generate_commit_message(deps_locals['deps'], dep_path,
dep_name, new_rev)
deps_os_node = find_deps_section(deps_ast, 'deps_os')
if deps_os_node:
for (os_name, os_node) in izip(deps_os_node.keys, deps_os_node.values):
dep_idx = find_dict_index(os_node, dep_name)
if dep_idx is not None:
value_node = os_node.values[dep_idx]
if value_node.__class__ is ast.Name and == 'None':
update_deps_entry(deps_lines, deps_ast, value_node, new_rev, comment)
commit_msg = generate_commit_message(
deps_locals['deps_os'][os_name.s], dep_path, dep_name, new_rev)
if not commit_msg:
print 'Could not find an entry in %s to update.' % deps_file
return 1
print 'Pinning %s' % dep_name
print 'to revision %s' % new_rev
print 'in %s' % deps_file
with open(deps_file, 'w') as fh:
for line in deps_lines:
print >> fh, line
deps_file_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(deps_file))
deps_file_root = Popen(
['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
cwd=deps_file_dir, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].strip()
with open(os.path.join(deps_file_root, '.git', 'MERGE_MSG'), 'w') as fh:
return 0
def main(argv):
usage = 'Usage: roll-dep-svn [options] <dep path> <rev> [ <DEPS file> ]'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__)
help='Don\'t verify the revision passed in. This '
'also skips adding an svn revision comment '
'for git dependencies and requires the passed '
'revision to be a git hash.',
default=False, action='store_true')
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if len(args) not in (2, 3):
parser.error('Expected either 2 or 3 positional parameters.')
arg_dep_path, revision = args[:2]
gclient_root = find_gclient_root()
dep_path = platform_path(arg_dep_path)
if not os.path.exists(dep_path):
dep_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, dep_path)
if not options.no_verify_revision:
# Only require the path to exist if the revision should be verified. A path
# to e.g. os deps might not be checked out.
if not os.path.isdir(dep_path):
print >> sys.stderr, 'No such directory: %s' % arg_dep_path
return 1
if len(args) > 2:
deps_file = args[2]
soln = get_solution(gclient_root, dep_path)
soln_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(gclient_root, soln['name']))
deps_file = os.path.join(soln_path, 'DEPS')
dep_name = posix_path(os.path.relpath(dep_path, gclient_root))
if options.no_verify_revision:
if not is_git_hash(revision):
print >> sys.stderr, (
'The passed revision %s must be a git hash when skipping revision '
'verification.' % revision)
return 1
git_rev = revision
comment = None
git_rev, svn_rev = get_git_revision(dep_path, revision)
comment = ('from svn revision %s' % svn_rev) if svn_rev else None
if not git_rev:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not find git revision matching %s.' % revision
return 1
return update_deps(deps_file, dep_path, dep_name, git_rev, comment)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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