Commit 944b6053 authored by dtu's avatar dtu Committed by Commit bot

Fix per-file owners check for deleted files.

Previously if you deleted a file that you had per-file owners on, it would fail
the owners check. This fixes that.

Originally, owners.Database used glob to enumerate the directory and added all
the matching files in the directory to some dicts holding the owners
information. If a CL deleted a file, it'd no longer be on the filesystem, so it
wouldn't be in these dicts. There'd be no per-file owners information for it.

With this patch, the Database no longer enumerates individual files. It instead
keeps track of the glob patterns and checks the CL's files against the patterns
at lookup time.

TEST=tests/ && tests/  # Unit test included.

parent f2d73522
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import base64
import collections
import glob
import httplib
import json
import logging
......@@ -2721,7 +2720,7 @@ class ChangeDescription(object):
if add_owners_tbr:
owners_db = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(),
fopen=file, os_path=os.path, glob=glob.glob)
fopen=file, os_path=os.path)
all_reviewers = set(tbr_names + reviewers)
missing_files = owners_db.files_not_covered_by(change.LocalPaths(),
......@@ -4841,7 +4840,7 @@ def CMDowners(parser, args):
[f.LocalPath() for f in
cl.GetChange(base_branch, None).AffectedFiles()],
change.RepositoryRoot(), author,
fopen=file, os_path=os.path, glob=glob.glob,
fopen=file, os_path=os.path,
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Examples for all of these combinations can be found in tests/
import collections
import fnmatch
import random
import re
......@@ -94,35 +95,32 @@ class Database(object):
of changed files, and see if a list of changed files is covered by a
list of reviewers."""
def __init__(self, root, fopen, os_path, glob):
def __init__(self, root, fopen, os_path):
root: the path to the root of the Repository
open: function callback to open a text file for reading
os_path: module/object callback with fields for 'abspath', 'dirname',
'exists', 'join', and 'relpath'
glob: function callback to list entries in a directory match a glob
(i.e., glob.glob)
self.root = root
self.fopen = fopen
self.os_path = os_path
self.glob = glob
# Pick a default email regexp to use; callers can override as desired.
self.email_regexp = re.compile(BASIC_EMAIL_REGEXP)
# Mapping of owners to the paths they own.
self.owned_by = {EVERYONE: set()}
# Mapping of owners to the paths or globs they own.
self._owners_to_paths = {EVERYONE: set()}
# Mapping of paths to authorized owners.
self.owners_for = {}
self._paths_to_owners = {}
# Mapping reviewers to the preceding comment per file in the OWNERS files.
self.comments = {}
# Set of paths that stop us from looking above them for owners.
# (This is implicitly true for the root directory).
self.stop_looking = set([''])
self._stop_looking = set([''])
# Set of files which have already been read.
self.read_files = set()
......@@ -135,6 +133,7 @@ class Database(object):
in order avoid suggesting the author as a reviewer for their own changes."""
suggested_owners = self._covering_set_of_owners_for(files, author)
if EVERYONE in suggested_owners:
if len(suggested_owners) > 1:
......@@ -154,11 +153,7 @@ class Database(object):
covered_objs = self._objs_covered_by(reviewers)
uncovered_files = [f for f in files
if not self._is_obj_covered_by(f, covered_objs)]
return set(uncovered_files)
return set(f for f in files if not self._is_obj_covered_by(f, reviewers))
def _check_paths(self, files):
def _is_under(f, pfx):
......@@ -171,25 +166,23 @@ class Database(object):
assert all(self.email_regexp.match(r) for r in reviewers)
def _objs_covered_by(self, reviewers):
objs = self.owned_by[EVERYONE]
for r in reviewers:
objs = objs | self.owned_by.get(r, set())
return objs
def _stop_looking(self, objname):
return objname in self.stop_looking
def _is_obj_covered_by(self, objname, covered_objs):
while not objname in covered_objs and not self._stop_looking(objname):
def _is_obj_covered_by(self, objname, reviewers):
reviewers = list(reviewers) + [EVERYONE]
while True:
for reviewer in reviewers:
for owned_pattern in self._owners_to_paths.get(reviewer, set()):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(objname, owned_pattern):
return True
if self._should_stop_looking(objname):
objname = self.os_path.dirname(objname)
return objname in covered_objs
return False
def _enclosing_dir_with_owners(self, objname):
"""Returns the innermost enclosing directory that has an OWNERS file."""
dirpath = objname
while not dirpath in self.owners_for:
if self._stop_looking(dirpath):
while not self._owners_for(dirpath):
if self._should_stop_looking(dirpath):
dirpath = self.os_path.dirname(dirpath)
return dirpath
......@@ -197,12 +190,23 @@ class Database(object):
def load_data_needed_for(self, files):
for f in files:
dirpath = self.os_path.dirname(f)
while not dirpath in self.owners_for:
while not self._owners_for(dirpath):
self._read_owners(self.os_path.join(dirpath, 'OWNERS'))
if self._stop_looking(dirpath):
if self._should_stop_looking(dirpath):
dirpath = self.os_path.dirname(dirpath)
def _should_stop_looking(self, objname):
return any(fnmatch.fnmatch(objname, stop_looking)
for stop_looking in self._stop_looking)
def _owners_for(self, objname):
obj_owners = set()
for owned_path, path_owners in self._paths_to_owners.iteritems():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(objname, owned_path):
obj_owners |= path_owners
return obj_owners
def _read_owners(self, path):
owners_path = self.os_path.join(self.root, path)
if not self.os_path.exists(owners_path):
......@@ -231,7 +235,7 @@ class Database(object):
in_comment = False
if line == 'set noparent':
m = re.match('per-file (.+)=(.+)', line)
......@@ -243,10 +247,9 @@ class Database(object):
raise SyntaxErrorInOwnersFile(owners_path, lineno,
'per-file globs cannot span directories or use escapes: "%s"' %
baselines = self.glob(full_glob_string)
for baseline in (self.os_path.relpath(b, self.root) for b in baselines):
self._add_entry(baseline, directive, 'per-file line',
owners_path, lineno, '\n'.join(comment))
relative_glob_string = self.os_path.relpath(full_glob_string, self.root)
self._add_entry(relative_glob_string, directive, 'per-file line',
owners_path, lineno, '\n'.join(comment))
if line.startswith('set '):
......@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ class Database(object):
def _add_entry(self, path, directive,
line_type, owners_path, lineno, comment):
if directive == 'set noparent':
elif directive.startswith('file:'):
owners_file = self._resolve_include(directive[5:], owners_path)
if not owners_file:
......@@ -269,19 +272,20 @@ class Database(object):
dirpath = self.os_path.dirname(owners_file)
for key in self.owned_by:
if not dirpath in self.owned_by[key]:
for key in self._owners_to_paths:
if not dirpath in self._owners_to_paths[key]:
if dirpath in self.owners_for:
self.owners_for.setdefault(path, set()).update(self.owners_for[dirpath])
if dirpath in self._paths_to_owners:
self._paths_to_owners.setdefault(path, set()).update(
elif self.email_regexp.match(directive) or directive == EVERYONE:
self.comments.setdefault(directive, {})
self.comments[directive][path] = comment
self.owned_by.setdefault(directive, set()).add(path)
self.owners_for.setdefault(path, set()).add(directive)
self._owners_to_paths.setdefault(directive, set()).add(path)
self._paths_to_owners.setdefault(path, set()).add(directive)
raise SyntaxErrorInOwnersFile(owners_path, lineno,
('%s is not a "set" directive, file include, "*", '
......@@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ class Database(object):
dirname = current_dir
distance = 1
while True:
for owner in self.owners_for.get(dirname, []):
for owner in self._owners_for(dirname):
if author and owner == author:
all_possible_owners.setdefault(owner, [])
......@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ class Database(object):
# directory, only count the closest one.
if not any(current_dir == el[0] for el in all_possible_owners[owner]):
all_possible_owners[owner].append((current_dir, distance))
if self._stop_looking(dirname):
if self._should_stop_looking(dirname):
dirname = self.os_path.dirname(dirname)
distance += 1
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class OwnersFinder(object):
indentation = 0
def __init__(self, files, local_root, author,
fopen, os_path, glob,
fopen, os_path,
self.email_postfix = email_postfix
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class OwnersFinder(object):
self.COLOR_GREY = ''
self.COLOR_RESET = ''
self.db = owners_module.Database(local_root, fopen, os_path, glob)
self.db = owners_module.Database(local_root, fopen, os_path)
self.os_path = os_path
......@@ -43,28 +43,15 @@ class OwnersFinder(object):
filtered_files = files
# Eliminate files that author himself can review.
if author:
if author in self.db.owned_by:
for dir_name in self.db.owned_by[author]:
filtered_files = [
file_name for file_name in filtered_files
if not file_name.startswith(dir_name)]
filtered_files = list(filtered_files)
# Eliminate files that everyone can review.
if owners_module.EVERYONE in self.db.owned_by:
for dir_name in self.db.owned_by[owners_module.EVERYONE]:
filtered_files = filter(
lambda file_name: not file_name.startswith(dir_name),
# Eliminate files that the author can review.
filtered_files = list(self.db.files_not_covered_by(
filtered_files, [author] if author else []))
# If some files are eliminated.
if len(filtered_files) != len(files):
files = filtered_files
# Reload the database.
self.db = owners_module.Database(local_root, fopen, os_path, glob)
self.db = owners_module.Database(local_root, fopen, os_path)
self.all_possible_owners = self.db.all_possible_owners(files, None)
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class InputApi(object):
# TODO(dpranke): figure out a list of all approved owners for a repo
# in order to be able to handle wildcard OWNERS files?
self.owners_db = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(),
fopen=file, os_path=self.os_path, glob=self.glob)
fopen=file, os_path=self.os_path)
self.verbose = verbose
self.Command = CommandData
......@@ -65,11 +65,10 @@ def test_repo():
class OutputInterceptedOwnersFinder(owners_finder.OwnersFinder):
def __init__(self, files, local_root,
fopen, os_path, glob,
fopen, os_path, disable_color=False):
super(OutputInterceptedOwnersFinder, self).__init__(
files, local_root, None,
fopen, os_path, glob, disable_color=disable_color)
fopen, os_path, disable_color=disable_color)
self.output = []
self.indentation_stack = []
......@@ -108,13 +107,11 @@ class _BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.repo = test_repo()
self.root = '/'
self.fopen = self.repo.open_for_reading
self.glob = self.repo.glob
def ownersFinder(self, files):
finder = OutputInterceptedOwnersFinder(files, self.root,
return finder
......@@ -73,14 +73,12 @@ class _BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.files = self.repo.files
self.root = '/'
self.fopen = self.repo.open_for_reading
self.glob = self.repo.glob
def db(self, root=None, fopen=None, os_path=None, glob=None):
def db(self, root=None, fopen=None, os_path=None):
root = root or self.root
fopen = fopen or self.fopen
os_path = os_path or self.repo
glob = glob or self.glob
return owners.Database(root, fopen, os_path, glob)
return owners.Database(root, fopen, os_path)
class OwnersDatabaseTest(_BaseTestCase):
......@@ -150,9 +148,15 @@ class OwnersDatabaseTest(_BaseTestCase):
['content/content.gyp', 'content/bar/', 'content/baz/froboz.h'])
def test_per_file(self):
# brett isn't allowed to approve
self.files['/content/baz/OWNERS'] = owners_file(brett,
lines=['per-file ugly.*'])
# peter isn't allowed to approve
# brett is allowed to approve
......@@ -167,14 +171,22 @@ class OwnersDatabaseTest(_BaseTestCase):
def test_per_file_with_spaces(self):
# This is the same as test_per_file(), except that we include spaces
# on the per-file line. brett isn't allowed to approve;
# on the per-file line.
# tom is allowed to approve, but not froboz.h
self.files['/content/baz/OWNERS'] = owners_file(brett,
lines=['per-file ugly.* ='])
# peter isn't allowed to approve
# brett is allowed to approve
# tom is allowed to approve, but not froboz.h
......@@ -182,6 +194,21 @@ class OwnersDatabaseTest(_BaseTestCase):
def test_per_file_with_nonexistent_file(self):
self.files['/content/baz/OWNERS'] = owners_file(brett,
lines=['per-file ugly.*'])
# peter isn't allowed to approve, but brett and tom are.
def test_per_file__set_noparent(self):
self.files['/content/baz/OWNERS'] = owners_file(brett,
lines=['per-file ugly.*',
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