Commit 77463bb1 authored by Manh Nguyen's avatar Manh Nguyen Committed by LUCI CQ

Preserve raw commit message

Commit messages are now sent to input_api in the exact format that user
has used

Bug: angleproject:4714
Change-Id: I30592aec75d57618f5c028bb63a18f95239976e0
Reviewed-on: 's avatarEdward Lesmes <>
Commit-Queue: Manh Nguyen <>
parent 59622a5b
......@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ def _create_description_from_log(args):
log_args = [args[0] + '..' + args[1]]
log_args = args[:] # Hope for the best!
return RunGit(['log', '--pretty=format:%s%n%n%b'] + log_args)
return RunGit(['log', '--pretty=format:%B'] + log_args)
class GerritChangeNotExists(Exception):
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