Commit 749fbd9a authored by's avatar

Be verbose about what's happening in 'git cl land' when pusing to pending ref.

Also reduce number of attempts and give up right away on ACL errors.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent a2e54c17
......@@ -2088,39 +2088,62 @@ def PushToGitPending(remote, pending_ref, upstream_ref):
cherry = RunGit(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
code = 0
out = ''
attempt = 0
while attempt < 5:
attempt += 1
max_attempts = 3
attempts_left = max_attempts
while attempts_left:
if attempts_left != max_attempts:
print 'Retrying, %d attempts left...' % (attempts_left - 1,)
attempts_left -= 1
# Fetch. Retry fetch errors.
print 'Fetching pending ref %s...' % pending_ref
code, out = RunGitWithCode(
['retry', 'fetch', remote, '+%s:%s' % (pending_ref, local_pending_ref)],
['retry', 'fetch', remote, '+%s:%s' % (pending_ref, local_pending_ref)])
if code:
print 'Fetch failed with exit code %d.' % code
if out.strip():
print out.strip()
# Try to cherry pick. Abort on merge conflicts.
print 'Cherry-picking commit on top of pending ref...'
RunGitWithCode(['checkout', local_pending_ref], suppress_stderr=True)
code, out = RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', cherry], suppress_stderr=True)
code, out = RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', cherry])
if code:
print (
'Your patch doesn\'t apply cleanly to upstream ref \'%s\', '
'the following files have merge conflicts:' % upstream_ref)
'Your patch doesn\'t apply cleanly to ref \'%s\', '
'the following files have merge conflicts:' % pending_ref)
print RunGit(['diff', '--name-status', '--diff-filter=U']).strip()
print 'Please rebase your patch and try again.'
RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', '--abort'], suppress_stderr=True)
RunGitWithCode(['cherry-pick', '--abort'])
return code, out
# Applied cleanly, try to push now. Retry on error (flake or non-ff push).
print 'Pushing commit to %s... It can take a while.' % pending_ref
code, out = RunGitWithCode(
['retry', 'push', '--porcelain', remote, 'HEAD:%s' % pending_ref])
if code == 0:
# Success.
return code, out
print 'Push failed with exit code %d.' % code
if out.strip():
print out.strip()
if IsFatalPushFailure(out):
print (
'Fatal push error. Make sure your .netrc credentials and git '
' are correct and you have push access to the repo.')
return code, out
print 'All attempts to push to pending ref failed.'
return code, out
def IsFatalPushFailure(push_stdout):
"""True if retrying push won't help."""
return '(prohibited by Gerrit)' in push_stdout
@subcommand.usage('[upstream branch to apply against]')
def CMDdcommit(parser, args):
"""Commits the current changelist via git-svn."""
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