Commit 745ffa64 authored by's avatar

Skip tracking status in map-branches when -v flag is not supplied.

This CL prevents map-branches from loading the tracking status when
the -v flag is not supplied. This prevents the vanilla map-branches
from taking a potentially long time to retrieve the tracking status.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 44267858
......@@ -733,18 +733,19 @@ def get_git_version():
return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split('.'))
def get_all_tracking_info():
def get_branches_info(include_tracking_status):
format_string = (
# This is not covered by the depot_tools CQ which only has git version 1.8.
if get_git_version() >= MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION: # pragma: no cover
if (include_tracking_status and
get_git_version() >= MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION): # pragma: no cover
format_string += '%(upstream:track)'
info_map = {}
data = run('for-each-ref', format_string, 'refs/heads')
TrackingInfo = collections.namedtuple(
'TrackingInfo', 'hash upstream ahead behind')
BranchesInfo = collections.namedtuple(
'BranchesInfo', 'hash upstream ahead behind')
for line in data.splitlines():
(branch, branch_hash, upstream_branch, tracking_status) = line.split(':')
......@@ -754,7 +755,7 @@ def get_all_tracking_info():
behind_match ='behind (\d+)', tracking_status)
behind = int( if behind_match else None
info_map[branch] = TrackingInfo(
info_map[branch] = BranchesInfo(
hash=branch_hash, upstream=upstream_branch, ahead=ahead, behind=behind)
# Set None for upstreams which are not branches (e.g empty upstream, remotes
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import sys
from third_party import colorama
from third_party.colorama import Fore, Style
from git_common import current_branch, upstream, tags, get_all_tracking_info
from git_common import current_branch, upstream, tags, get_branches_info
from git_common import get_git_version, MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION
import git_cl
......@@ -103,42 +103,48 @@ class BranchMapper(object):
"""A class which constructs output representing the tree's branch structure.
__tracking_info: a map of branches to their TrackingInfo objects which
__branches_info: a map of branches to their BranchesInfo objects which
consist of the branch hash, upstream and ahead/behind status.
__gone_branches: a set of upstreams which are not fetchable by git"""
def __init__(self):
self.verbosity = 0
self.output = OutputManager()
self.__tracking_info = get_all_tracking_info()
self.__gone_branches = set()
self.__roots = set()
self.__branches_info = None
self.__parent_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.__current_branch = None
self.__current_hash = None
self.__tag_set = None
def start(self):
self.__branches_info = get_branches_info(
include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1)
roots = set()
# A map of parents to a list of their children.
self.parent_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
for branch, branch_info in self.__tracking_info.iteritems():
for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.iteritems():
if not branch_info:
parent = branch_info.upstream
if parent and not self.__tracking_info[parent]:
if parent and not self.__branches_info[parent]:
branch_upstream = upstream(branch)
# If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone.
if branch_upstream:
parent = branch_upstream
# A parent that isn't in the tracking info is a root.
# A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root.
self.__current_branch = current_branch()
self.__current_hash = self.__tracking_info[self.__current_branch].hash
self.__current_hash = self.__branches_info[self.__current_branch].hash
self.__tag_set = tags()
def start(self):
for root in sorted(self.__roots):
for root in sorted(roots):
def __is_invalid_parent(self, parent):
......@@ -164,7 +170,7 @@ class BranchMapper(object):
def __append_branch(self, branch, depth=0):
"""Recurses through the tree structure and appends an OutputLine to the
OutputManager for each branch."""
branch_info = self.__tracking_info[branch]
branch_info = self.__branches_info[branch]
branch_hash = branch_info.hash if branch_info else None
line = OutputLine()
......@@ -225,7 +231,7 @@ class BranchMapper(object):
for child in sorted(self.parent_map.pop(branch, ())):
for child in sorted(self.__parent_map.pop(branch, ())):
self.__append_branch(child, depth=depth + 1)
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class GitMutableFunctionsTest(git_test_utils.GitRepoReadWriteTestBase,
isinstance(x, int) for x in
def testGetAllTrackingInfo(self):
def testGetBranchesInfo(self):
self.repo.git('commit', '--allow-empty', '-am', 'foooooo')
self.repo.git('checkout', '-tb', 'happybranch', 'master')
self.repo.git('commit', '--allow-empty', '-am', 'foooooo')
......@@ -382,10 +382,10 @@ class GitMutableFunctionsTest(git_test_utils.GitRepoReadWriteTestBase,
self.repo.git('checkout', '-tb', 'parent_gone', 'to_delete')
self.repo.git('branch', '-D', 'to_delete')
actual =
supports_track = (
actual =, supports_track)
expected = {
'happybranch': (
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