Commit 6ecbb4ac authored by Dan Jacques's avatar Dan Jacques Committed by Commit Bot

Add gsutil recipe module.

Add the "gsutil" recipe module to depot_tools. This module is copied
from "tools/build"'s recipe module set at:

Two Chromium-specific functions have been removed:
- download_with_polling
- download_latest_file

It also adds a function, "gsutil_py_path", which mimics the function in
the "depot_tools" recipe module. Ultimately, the latter will be phased
out in favor of the module-specific function.


Change-Id: Ie049d637593b3f02b9ff029fbd20fd3f7170faa6
Commit-Queue: Daniel Jacques <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarRobbie Iannucci <>
parent 3aac7756
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ class DepotToolsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def gn_py_path(self):
return self.package_repo_resource('')
# TODO(dnj): Remove this once everything uses the "gsutil" recipe module
# version.
def gsutil_py_path(self):
return self.package_repo_resource('')
DEPS = [
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
class GSUtilApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def gsutil_py_path(self):
return self.package_repo_resource('')
def __call__(self, cmd, name=None, use_retry_wrapper=True, version=None,
parallel_upload=False, multithreaded=False, **kwargs):
"""A step to run arbitrary gsutil commands.
Note that this assumes that gsutil authentication environment variables
(AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE and BOTO_CONFIG) are already set, though if you want to
set them to something else you can always do so using the env={} kwarg.
Note also that gsutil does its own wildcard processing, so wildcards are
valid in file-like portions of the cmd. See 'gsutil help wildcards'.
cmd: list of (string) arguments to pass to gsutil.
Include gsutil-level options first (see 'gsutil help options').
name: the (string) name of the step to use.
Defaults to the first non-flag token in the cmd.
if not name:
name = (t for t in cmd if not t.startswith('-')).next()
full_name = 'gsutil ' + name
gsutil_path = self.gsutil_py_path
cmd_prefix = []
if use_retry_wrapper:
# We pass the real gsutil_path to the wrapper so it doesn't have to do
# brittle path logic.
cmd_prefix = ['--', gsutil_path]
gsutil_path = self.resource('')
if version:
cmd_prefix.extend(['--force-version', version])
if parallel_upload:
if multithreaded:
if use_retry_wrapper:
# The -- argument for the wrapped is escaped as ---- as python
# 2.7.3 removes all occurences of --, not only the first. It is unescaped
# in and then passed as -- to
# Note, that 2.7.6 doesn't have this problem, but it doesn't hurt.
return self.m.python(full_name, gsutil_path, cmd_prefix + cmd,
infra_step=True, **kwargs)
def upload(self, source, bucket, dest, args=None, link_name='gsutil.upload',
metadata=None, unauthenticated_url=False, **kwargs):
args = [] if args is None else args[:]
# Note that metadata arguments have to be passed before the command cp.
metadata_args = self._generate_metadata_args(metadata)
full_dest = 'gs://%s/%s' % (bucket, dest)
cmd = metadata_args + ['cp'] + args + [source, full_dest]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'upload')
result = self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
if link_name:
result.presentation.links[link_name] = self._http_url(
bucket, dest, unauthenticated_url=unauthenticated_url)
return result
def download(self, bucket, source, dest, args=None, **kwargs):
args = [] if args is None else args[:]
full_source = 'gs://%s/%s' % (bucket, source)
cmd = ['cp'] + args + [full_source, dest]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'download')
return self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def download_url(self, url, dest, args=None, **kwargs):
args = args or []
url = self._normalize_url(url)
cmd = ['cp'] + args + [url, dest]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'download_url')
self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def cat(self, url, args=None, **kwargs):
args = args or []
url = self._normalize_url(url)
cmd = ['cat'] + args + [url]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'cat')
return self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def copy(self, source_bucket, source, dest_bucket, dest, args=None,
link_name='gsutil.copy', metadata=None, unauthenticated_url=False,
args = args or []
args += self._generate_metadata_args(metadata)
full_source = 'gs://%s/%s' % (source_bucket, source)
full_dest = 'gs://%s/%s' % (dest_bucket, dest)
cmd = ['cp'] + args + [full_source, full_dest]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'copy')
result = self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
if link_name:
result.presentation.links[link_name] = self._http_url(
dest_bucket, dest, unauthenticated_url=unauthenticated_url)
def list(self, url, args=None, **kwargs):
args = args or []
url = self._normalize_url(url)
cmd = ['ls'] + args + [url]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'list')
return self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def signurl(self, private_key_file, bucket, dest, args=None, **kwargs):
args = args or []
full_source = 'gs://%s/%s' % (bucket, dest)
cmd = ['signurl'] + args + [private_key_file, full_source]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'signurl')
return self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def remove_url(self, url, args=None, **kwargs):
args = args or []
url = self._normalize_url(url)
cmd = ['rm'] + args + [url]
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'remove')
self(cmd, name, **kwargs)
def _generate_metadata_args(self, metadata):
result = []
if metadata:
for k, v in sorted(metadata.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, _): k):
field = self._get_metadata_field(k)
param = (field) if v is None else ('%s:%s' % (field, v))
result += ['-h', param]
return result
def _normalize_url(self, url):
gs_prefix = 'gs://'
# Defines the regex that matches a normalized URL.
for prefix in (
if url.startswith(prefix):
return gs_prefix + url[len(prefix):]
raise AssertionError("%s cannot be normalized" % url)
def _http_url(cls, bucket, dest, unauthenticated_url=False):
if unauthenticated_url:
base = ''
base = ''
return base % (bucket, dest)
def _get_metadata_field(name, provider_prefix=None):
"""Returns: (str) the metadata field to use with Google Storage
The Google Storage specification for metadata can be found at:
# Already contains custom provider prefix
if name.lower().startswith('x-'):
return name
# See if it's innately supported by Google Storage
if name in (
return name
# Add provider prefix
if not provider_prefix:
provider_prefix = 'x-goog-meta'
return '%s-%s' % (provider_prefix, name)
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil upload",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil upload (2)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil cp"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil cp (2)"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil gsutil download url"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil download"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil signed url"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil remove"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil list"
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil copy",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
"name": "gsutil cat"
"name": "$result",
"recipe_result": null,
"status_code": 0
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
"""Move things around in a loop!"""
local_file = api.path['tmp_base'].join('boom')
bucket = 'example'
cloud_file = 'some/random/path/to/boom'
api.gsutil.upload(local_file, bucket, cloud_file,
'Test-Field': 'value',
'Remove-Me': None,
'x-custom-field': 'custom-value',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
# Upload without retry wrapper.
api.gsutil.upload(local_file, bucket, cloud_file,
'Test-Field': 'value',
'Remove-Me': None,
'x-custom-field': 'custom-value',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'gs://%s/some/random/path/**' % bucket,
'gs://%s/staging' % bucket])
'gs://%s/some/random/path/**' % bucket,
'gs://%s/staging' % bucket], version='3.25')
'' + bucket + '/' + cloud_file,
name='gsutil download url')
# Non-normalized URL.
name='gsutil download url')
except AssertionError:
new_cloud_file = 'staging/to/boom'
new_local_file = api.path['tmp_base'].join('erang'), new_cloud_file, new_local_file)
private_key_file = 'path/to/key'
_signed_url = api.gsutil.signurl(private_key_file, bucket, cloud_file,
name='signed url')
api.gsutil.remove_url('gs://%s/%s' % (bucket, new_cloud_file))
api.gsutil.list('gs://%s/foo' % bucket)
api.gsutil.copy(bucket, cloud_file, bucket, new_cloud_file)'gs://%s/foo' % bucket)
def GenTests(api):
yield api.test('basic')
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Wrapper that does auto-retry for gsutil.
Pass the path to the real gsutil as the first argument.
Deletes ~/.gsutil after failures, which sometimes helps.
import logging
import argparse
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'command', metavar='ARG', nargs='+',
help='the gsutil command (including the gsutil path) to run')
metavar='N', nargs=1, default=2, type=int,
help='number of times to retry')
metavar='N', nargs=1, default=2, type=int,
help='number of times to retry, with deleting trackers ')
args = parser.parse_args()
# The -- argument for the wrapped is escaped as ---- as python
# 2.7.3 removes all occurences of --, not only the first.
if '----' in args.command:
args.command[args.command.index('----')] = '--'
cmd = [sys.executable, '-u'] + args.command
for hard in range(args.hard_retries):
for soft in range(args.soft_retries):
retcode =
if retcode == 0:
return 0
logging.warning('Command %s failed with retcode %d, try %d.%d.' % (
' '.join(cmd), retcode, hard+1, soft+1))
# Failed at least once, try deleting the tracker files
logging.warning('Trying harder: deleting tracker files')
gsutil_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.gsutil')'Removing %s' % gsutil_dir)
except BaseException as e:
logging.warning('Deleting tracker files failed: %s' % e)
logging.error('Command %s failed %d retries, giving up.' % (
' '.join(args.command), args.soft_retries*args.hard_retries))
return retcode
if __name__ == '__main__':
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