Commit 6e7ddb69 authored by Aaron Gable's avatar Aaron Gable Committed by LUCI CQ

Remove agable from depot_tools OWNERS and TODOs

Change-Id: I0667af4562208a111ab3673f3fca6aab655f5f26
Auto-Submit: Aaron Gable <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAnthony Polito <>
Commit-Queue: Anthony Polito <>
parent cdaf0be1
set noparent
......@@ -2698,11 +2698,6 @@ def CMDsync(parser, args):
parser.add_option('--lock_timeout', type='int', default=5000,
help='GIT ONLY - Deadline (in seconds) to wait for git '
'cache lock to become available. Default is %default.')
# TODO(agable): Remove these when the oldest CrOS release milestone is M56.
parser.add_option('-t', '--transitive', action='store_true',
help='DEPRECATED: This is a no-op.')
parser.add_option('-m', '--manually_grab_svn_rev', action='store_true',
help='DEPRECATED: This is a no-op.')
parser.add_option('--no-rebase-patch-ref', action='store_false',
dest='rebase_patch_ref', default=True,
help='Bypass rebase of the patch ref after checkout.')
......@@ -425,7 +425,6 @@ class Annotated(Wrapper):
# Continue lockless.
obj[0] += out
while True:
# TODO(agable): find both of these with a single pass.
cr_loc = obj[0].find(b'\r')
lf_loc = obj[0].find(b'\n')
if cr_loc == lf_loc == -1:
......@@ -2300,7 +2300,7 @@ class Changelist(object):
if self.GetIssue() and (reviewers or cc):
# GetIssue() is not set in case of non-squash uploads according to tests.
# TODO(agable): non-squash uploads in git cl should be removed.
# TODO( non-squash uploads in git cl should be removed.
......@@ -1612,7 +1612,6 @@ def CheckLucicfgGenOutput(input_api, output_api, entry_script):
# TODO(agable): Add this to PanProjectChecks.
def CheckJsonParses(input_api, output_api):
"""Verifies that all JSON files at least parse as valid JSON."""
import json
......@@ -1119,12 +1119,12 @@ class Change(object):
def TBRsFromDescription(self):
"""Returns all TBR reviewers listed in the commit description."""
tags = [r.strip() for r in self.tags.get('TBR', '').split(',') if r.strip()]
# TODO(agable): Remove support for 'Tbr:' when TBRs are programmatically
# determined by self-CR+1s.
# TODO( Remove support for 'Tbr:' when TBRs are
# programmatically determined by self-CR+1s.
footers = self.GitFootersFromDescription().get('Tbr', [])
return sorted(set(tags + footers))
# TODO(agable): Delete these once we're sure they're unused.
# TODO( Delete these once we're sure they're unused.
def BUG(self):
return ','.join(self.BugsFromDescription())
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