Commit 6e7202bd authored by's avatar

Fix gclient branch ref mangling and allow --force branch switches.,

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git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 931b6c6a
......@@ -369,11 +369,14 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
verbose = ['--verbose']
printed_path = True
if revision.startswith('refs/'):
rev_type = "branch"
elif revision.startswith(self.remote + '/'):
remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(revision, self.remote)
if remote_ref:
# Rewrite remote refs to their local equivalents.
revision = 'refs/remotes/' + revision
revision = ''.join(remote_ref)
rev_type = "branch"
elif revision.startswith('refs/'):
# Local branch? We probably don't want to support, since DEPS should
# always specify branches as they are in the upstream repo.
rev_type = "branch"
# hash is also a tag, only make a distinction at checkout
......@@ -393,10 +396,6 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
self._Clone(revision, url, options)
if deps_revision and deps_revision.startswith('branch-heads/'):
deps_branch = deps_revision.replace('branch-heads/', '')
self._Capture(['branch', deps_branch, deps_revision])
self._Checkout(options, deps_branch, quiet=True)
if file_list is not None:
files = self._Capture(['ls-files']).splitlines()
file_list.extend([os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
......@@ -451,12 +450,16 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
# 2) current branch is tracking a remote branch with local committed
# changes, but the DEPS file switched to point to a hash
# - rebase those changes on top of the hash
# 3) current branch is tracking a remote branch w/or w/out changes,
# no switch
# 3) current branch is tracking a remote branch w/or w/out changes, and
# no DEPS switch
# - see if we can FF, if not, prompt the user for rebase, merge, or stop
# 4) current branch is tracking a remote branch, switches to a different
# remote branch
# - exit
# 4) current branch is tracking a remote branch, but DEPS switches to a
# different remote branch, and
# a) current branch has no local changes, and --force:
# - checkout new branch
# b) current branch has local changes, and --force and --reset:
# - checkout new branch
# c) otherwise exit
# GetUpstreamBranch returns something like 'refs/remotes/origin/master' for
# a tracking branch
......@@ -534,17 +537,37 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
newbase=revision, printed_path=printed_path,
printed_path = True
elif revision.replace('heads', 'remotes/' + self.remote) != upstream_branch:
elif remote_ref and ''.join(remote_ref) != upstream_branch:
# case 4
new_base = revision.replace('heads', 'remotes/' + self.remote)
new_base = ''.join(remote_ref)
if not printed_path:
self.Print('_____ %s%s' % (self.relpath, rev_str), timestamp=False)
switch_error = ("Switching upstream branch from %s to %s\n"
switch_error = ("Could not switch upstream branch from %s to %s\n"
% (upstream_branch, new_base) +
"Please merge or rebase manually:\n" +
"Please use --force or merge or rebase manually:\n" +
"cd %s; git rebase %s\n" % (self.checkout_path, new_base) +
"OR git checkout -b <some new branch> %s" % new_base)
raise gclient_utils.Error(switch_error)
force_switch = False
if options.force:
# case 4a
force_switch = True
except gclient_utils.Error as e:
if options.reset:
# case 4b
force_switch = True
switch_error = '%s\n%s' % (e.message, switch_error)
if force_switch:
self.Print("Switching upstream branch from %s to %s" %
(upstream_branch, new_base))
switch_branch = 'gclient_' + remote_ref[1]
self._Capture(['branch', '-f', switch_branch, new_base])
self._Checkout(options, switch_branch, force=True, quiet=True)
# case 4c
raise gclient_utils.Error(switch_error)
# case 3 - the default case
if files is not None:
......@@ -870,7 +893,8 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
if template_dir:
self._UpdateBranchHeads(options, fetch=True)
self._Checkout(options, revision.replace('refs/heads/', ''), quiet=True)
remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(revision, self.remote)
self._Checkout(options, ''.join(remote_ref or revision), quiet=True)
if self._GetCurrentBranch() is None:
# Squelch git's very verbose detached HEAD warning and use our own
......@@ -352,12 +352,35 @@ class GIT(object):
upstream_branch = None
return remote, upstream_branch
def RefToRemoteRef(ref, remote=None):
"""Convert a checkout ref to the equivalent remote ref.
A tuple of the remote ref's (common prefix, unique suffix), or None if it
doesn't appear to refer to a remote ref (e.g. it's a commit hash).
# TODO(mmoss): This is just a brute-force mapping based of the expected git
# config. It's a bit better than the even more brute-force replace('heads',
# ...), but could still be smarter (like maybe actually using values gleaned
# from the git config).
m = re.match('^(refs/(remotes/)?)?branch-heads/', ref or '')
if m:
return ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', ref.replace(, ''))
if remote:
m = re.match('^((refs/)?remotes/)?%s/|(refs/)?heads/' % remote, ref or '')
if m:
return ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, ref.replace(, ''))
return None
def GetUpstreamBranch(cwd):
"""Gets the current branch's upstream branch."""
remote, upstream_branch = GIT.FetchUpstreamTuple(cwd)
if remote != '.' and upstream_branch:
upstream_branch = upstream_branch.replace('heads', 'remotes/' + remote)
remote_ref = GIT.RefToRemoteRef(upstream_branch, remote)
if remote_ref:
upstream_branch = ''.join(remote_ref)
return upstream_branch
......@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ class UnmanagedGitWrapperTestCase(BaseGitWrapperTestCase):
def testUpdateCloneOnDetachedBranch(self):
def testUpdateCloneOnFetchedRemoteBranch(self):
if not self.enabled:
options = self.Options()
......@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ class UnmanagedGitWrapperTestCase(BaseGitWrapperTestCase):
def testUpdateCloneOnBranchHead(self):
def testUpdateCloneOnTrueRemoteBranch(self):
if not self.enabled:
options = self.Options()
......@@ -1618,9 +1618,17 @@ class UnmanagedGitWrapperTestCase(BaseGitWrapperTestCase):
self.assertEquals(file_list, expected_file_list)
self.assertEquals(scm.revinfo(options, (), None),
self.assertEquals(self.getCurrentBranch(), 'feature')
'Checked out refs/heads/feature to a detached HEAD')
# @refs/heads/feature is AKA @refs/remotes/origin/feature in the clone, so
# should be treated as such by gclient.
# TODO(mmoss): Though really, we should only allow DEPS to specify branches
# as they are known in the upstream repo, since the mapping into the local
# repo can be modified by users (or we might even want to change the gclient
# defaults at some point). But that will take more work to stop using
# refs/remotes/ everywhere that we do (and to stop assuming a DEPS ref will
# always resolve locally, like when passing them to show-ref or rev-list).
self.assertEquals(self.getCurrentBranch(), None)
'Checked out refs/remotes/origin/feature to a detached HEAD')
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
......@@ -122,6 +123,50 @@ class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
True), 'refs/remotes/bleeding_edge')
def testRefToRemoteRefNoRemote(self):
refs = {
# local ref for upstream branch-head
'refs/remotes/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/',
# upstream ref for branch-head
'refs/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# could be either local or upstream ref, assumed to refer to
# upstream, but probably don't want to encourage refs like this.
'branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# actively discouraging refs like this, should prepend with 'refs/'
'remotes/branch-heads/1234': None,
# might be non-"branch-heads" upstream branches, but can't resolve
# without knowing the remote.
'refs/heads/1234': None,
'heads/1234': None,
# underspecified, probably intended to refer to a local branch
'1234': None,
for k, v in refs.items():
r = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(k)
self.assertEqual(r, v, msg='%s -> %s, expected %s' % (k, r, v))
def testRefToRemoteRefWithRemote(self):
remote = 'origin'
refs = {
# This shouldn't be any different from the NoRemote() version.
'refs/branch-heads/1234': ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', '1234'),
# local refs for upstream branch
'refs/remotes/%s/foobar' % remote: ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote,
'%s/foobar' % remote: ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'foobar'),
# upstream ref for branch
'refs/heads/foobar': ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'foobar'),
# could be either local or upstream ref, assumed to refer to
# upstream, but probably don't want to encourage refs like this.
'heads/foobar': ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, 'foobar'),
# underspecified, probably intended to refer to a local branch
'foobar': None,
for k, v in refs.items():
r = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(k, remote)
self.assertEqual(r, v, msg='%s -> %s, expected %s' % (k, r, v))
class RealGitTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
def setUp(self):
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