Commit 6e269a0b authored by Yang Guo's avatar Yang Guo Committed by Commit Bot

Extend git-cl-owners to show all owners for a file

Change-Id: Ie1109c3da9c687a9543c0cfb91f8660c29fb36c4
Commit-Queue: Yang Guo <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarEdward Lesmes <>
parent d9ae3342
......@@ -5367,6 +5367,12 @@ def CMDowners(parser, args):
help='Do not run interactively, just suggest some')
# TODO: Consider moving this to another command, since other
# git-cl owners commands deal with owners for a given CL.
help='Show all owners for a particular file')
options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(options)
......@@ -5375,6 +5381,17 @@ def CMDowners(parser, args):
cl = Changelist(auth_config=auth_config)
if options.show_all:
for arg in args:
base_branch = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
change = cl.GetChange(base_branch, None)
database = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(), file, os.path)
print('Owners for %s:' % arg)
for owner in sorted(database.all_possible_owners([arg], None)):
print(' - %s' % owner)
return 0
if args:
if len(args) > 1:
parser.error('Unknown args')
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