Commit 6dd3e714 authored by Aaron Gable's avatar Aaron Gable Committed by Commit Bot

Remove scm.SVN from depot_tools

This code is no longer imported by anything.


Change-Id: Ib03f1185c3d90e271f4ee4bff6ad0184454facb8
Reviewed-on: 's avatarKatie Thomas <>
Commit-Queue: Aaron Gable <>
parent 814b1cab
......@@ -546,634 +546,3 @@ class GIT(object):
elif ver > min_ver:
return (True, cls.current_version)
return (True, cls.current_version)
class SVN(object):
current_version = None
def Capture(args, cwd, **kwargs):
"""Always redirect stderr.
Throws an exception if non-0 is returned.
return subprocess2.check_output(
['svn'] + args, stderr=subprocess2.PIPE, cwd=cwd, **kwargs)
def RunAndGetFileList(verbose, args, cwd, file_list, stdout=None):
"""Runs svn checkout, update, or status, output to stdout.
The first item in args must be either "checkout", "update", or "status".
svn's stdout is parsed to collect a list of files checked out or updated.
These files are appended to file_list. svn's stdout is also printed to
sys.stdout as in Run.
verbose: If True, uses verbose output
args: A sequence of command line parameters to be passed to svn.
cwd: The directory where svn is to be run.
Error: An error occurred while running the svn command.
stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
if file_list is None:
# Even if our caller doesn't care about file_list, we use it internally.
file_list = []
# svn update and svn checkout use the same pattern: the first three columns
# are for file status, property status, and lock status. This is followed
# by two spaces, and then the path to the file.
update_pattern = '^... (.*)$'
# The first three columns of svn status are the same as for svn update and
# svn checkout. The next three columns indicate addition-with-history,
# switch, and remote lock status. This is followed by one space, and then
# the path to the file.
status_pattern = '^...... (.*)$'
# args[0] must be a supported command. This will blow up if it's something
# else, which is good. Note that the patterns are only effective when
# these commands are used in their ordinary forms, the patterns are invalid
# for "svn status --show-updates", for example.
pattern = {
'checkout': update_pattern,
'status': status_pattern,
'update': update_pattern,
compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
# Place an upper limit.
backoff_time = 5
retries = 0
while True:
retries += 1
previous_list_len = len(file_list)
failure = []
def CaptureMatchingLines(line):
match =
if match:
if line.startswith('svn: '):
['svn'] + args,
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
def IsKnownFailure():
for x in failure:
if (x.startswith('svn: OPTIONS of') or
x.startswith('svn: PROPFIND of') or
x.startswith('svn: REPORT of') or
x.startswith('svn: Unknown hostname') or
x.startswith('svn: Server sent unexpected return value') or
x.startswith('svn: Can\'t connect to host')):
return True
return False
# Subversion client is really misbehaving with Google Code.
if args[0] == 'checkout':
# Ensure at least one file was checked out, otherwise *delete* the
# directory.
if len(file_list) == previous_list_len:
if not IsKnownFailure():
# No known svn error was found, bail out.
# No file were checked out, so make sure the directory is
# deleted in case it's messed up and try again.
# Warning: It's bad, it assumes args[2] is the directory
# argument.
if os.path.isdir(args[2]):
# Progress was made, convert to update since an aborted checkout
# is now an update.
args = ['update'] + args[1:]
# It was an update or export.
# We enforce that some progress has been made or a known failure.
if len(file_list) == previous_list_len and not IsKnownFailure():
# No known svn error was found and no progress, bail out.
if retries == 10:
print "Sleeping %.1f seconds and retrying...." % backoff_time
backoff_time *= 1.3
def CaptureRemoteInfo(url):
"""Returns a dictionary from the svn info output for the given url.
Throws an exception if svn info fails.
assert isinstance(url, str)
return SVN._CaptureInfo([url], None)
def CaptureLocalInfo(files, cwd):
"""Returns a dictionary from the svn info output for the given files.
Throws an exception if svn info fails.
assert isinstance(files, (list, tuple))
return SVN._CaptureInfo(files, cwd)
def _CaptureInfo(files, cwd):
"""Returns a dictionary from the svn info output for the given file.
Throws an exception if svn info fails."""
result = {}
info = ElementTree.XML(SVN.Capture(['info', '--xml'] + files, cwd))
if info is None:
return result
entry = info.find('entry')
if entry is None:
return result
# Use .text when the item is not optional.
result['Path'] = entry.attrib['path']
rev = entry.attrib['revision']
result['Revision'] = int(rev)
except ValueError:
result['Revision'] = None
result['Node Kind'] = entry.attrib['kind']
# Differs across versions.
if result['Node Kind'] == 'dir':
result['Node Kind'] = 'directory'
result['URL'] = entry.find('url').text
repository = entry.find('repository')
result['Repository Root'] = repository.find('root').text
result['UUID'] = repository.find('uuid')
wc_info = entry.find('wc-info')
if wc_info is not None:
result['Schedule'] = wc_info.find('schedule').text
result['Copied From URL'] = wc_info.find('copy-from-url')
result['Copied From Rev'] = wc_info.find('copy-from-rev')
result['Schedule'] = None
result['Copied From URL'] = None
result['Copied From Rev'] = None
for key in result.keys():
if isinstance(result[key], unicode):
# Unicode results interferes with the higher layers matching up things
# in the deps dictionary.
result[key] = result[key].encode()
# Automatic conversion of optional parameters.
result[key] = getattr(result[key], 'text', result[key])
return result
def CaptureRevision(cwd):
"""Get the base revision of a SVN repository.
Int base revision
return SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], cwd).get('Revision')
def CaptureStatus(files, cwd, no_ignore=False):
"""Returns the svn 1.5 svn status emulated output.
@files can be a string (one file) or a list of files.
Returns an array of (status, file) tuples."""
command = ["status", "--xml"]
if no_ignore:
if not files:
elif isinstance(files, basestring):
status_letter = {
None: ' ',
'': ' ',
'added': 'A',
'conflicted': 'C',
'deleted': 'D',
'external': 'X',
'ignored': 'I',
'incomplete': '!',
'merged': 'G',
'missing': '!',
'modified': 'M',
'none': ' ',
'normal': ' ',
'obstructed': '~',
'replaced': 'R',
'unversioned': '?',
dom = ElementTree.XML(SVN.Capture(command, cwd))
results = []
if dom is None:
return results
# /status/target/entry/(wc-status|commit|author|date)
for target in dom.findall('target'):
for entry in target.findall('entry'):
file_path = entry.attrib['path']
wc_status = entry.find('wc-status')
# Emulate svn 1.5 status ouput...
statuses = [' '] * 7
# Col 0
xml_item_status = wc_status.attrib['item']
if xml_item_status in status_letter:
statuses[0] = status_letter[xml_item_status]
raise gclient_utils.Error(
'Unknown item status "%s"; please implement me!' %
# Col 1
xml_props_status = wc_status.attrib['props']
if xml_props_status == 'modified':
statuses[1] = 'M'
elif xml_props_status == 'conflicted':
statuses[1] = 'C'
elif (not xml_props_status or xml_props_status == 'none' or
xml_props_status == 'normal'):
raise gclient_utils.Error(
'Unknown props status "%s"; please implement me!' %
# Col 2
if wc_status.attrib.get('wc-locked') == 'true':
statuses[2] = 'L'
# Col 3
if wc_status.attrib.get('copied') == 'true':
statuses[3] = '+'
# Col 4
if wc_status.attrib.get('switched') == 'true':
statuses[4] = 'S'
# TODO(maruel): Col 5 and 6
item = (''.join(statuses), file_path)
return results
def IsMoved(filename, cwd):
"""Determine if a file has been added through svn mv"""
assert isinstance(filename, basestring)
return SVN.IsMovedInfo(SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([filename], cwd))
def IsMovedInfo(info):
"""Determine if a file has been added through svn mv"""
return (info.get('Copied From URL') and
info.get('Copied From Rev') and
info.get('Schedule') == 'add')
def GetFileProperty(filename, property_name, cwd):
"""Returns the value of an SVN property for the given file.
filename: The file to check
property_name: The name of the SVN property, e.g. "svn:mime-type"
The value of the property, which will be the empty string if the property
is not set on the file. If the file is not under version control, the
empty string is also returned.
return SVN.Capture(['propget', property_name, filename], cwd)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
return ''
def GenerateDiff(filenames, cwd, full_move, revision):
"""Returns a string containing the diff for the given file list.
The files in the list should either be absolute paths or relative to the
given root. If no root directory is provided, the repository root will be
The diff will always use relative paths.
assert isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple))
# If the user specified a custom diff command in their svn config file,
# then it'll be used when we do svn diff, which we don't want to happen
# since we want the unified diff.
if SVN.AssertVersion("1.7")[0]:
# On svn >= 1.7, the "--internal-diff" flag will solve this.
return SVN._GenerateDiffInternal(filenames, cwd, full_move, revision,
["diff", "--internal-diff"],
["diff", "--internal-diff"])
# On svn < 1.7, the "--internal-diff" flag doesn't exist. Using
# --diff-cmd=diff doesn't always work, since e.g. Windows cmd users may
# not have a "diff" executable in their path at all. So we use an empty
# temporary directory as the config directory, which bypasses any user
# settings for the diff-cmd. However, we don't pass this for the
# remote_safe_diff_command parameter, since when a new config-dir is
# specified for an svn diff against a remote URL, it triggers
# authentication prompts. In this case there isn't really a good
# alternative to svn 1.7's --internal-diff flag.
bogus_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
return SVN._GenerateDiffInternal(filenames, cwd, full_move, revision,
["diff", "--config-dir", bogus_dir],
def _GenerateDiffInternal(filenames, cwd, full_move, revision, diff_command,
root = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(cwd, ''))
def RelativePath(path, root):
"""We must use relative paths."""
if os.path.normcase(path).startswith(root):
return path[len(root):]
return path
# Cleanup filenames
filenames = [RelativePath(f, root) for f in filenames]
# Get information about the modified items (files and directories)
data = dict((f, SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([f], root)) for f in filenames)
diffs = []
if full_move:
# Eliminate modified files inside moved/copied directory.
for (filename, info) in data.iteritems():
if SVN.IsMovedInfo(info) and info.get("Node Kind") == "directory":
# Remove files inside the directory.
filenames = [f for f in filenames
if not f.startswith(filename + os.path.sep)]
for filename in data.keys():
if not filename in filenames:
# Remove filtered out items.
del data[filename]
metaheaders = []
for (filename, info) in data.iteritems():
if SVN.IsMovedInfo(info):
# for now, the most common case is a head copy,
# so let's just encode that as a straight up cp.
srcurl = info.get('Copied From URL')
file_root = info.get('Repository Root')
rev = int(info.get('Copied From Rev'))
assert srcurl.startswith(file_root)
src = srcurl[len(file_root)+1:]
srcinfo = SVN.CaptureRemoteInfo(srcurl)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError, e:
if not 'Not a valid URL' in e.stderr:
# Assume the file was deleted. No idea how to figure out at which
# revision the file was deleted.
srcinfo = {'Revision': rev}
if (srcinfo.get('Revision') != rev and
SVN.Capture(remote_safe_diff_command + ['-r', '%d:head' % rev,
srcurl], cwd)):
metaheaders.append("#$ svn cp -r %d %s %s "
"### WARNING: note non-trunk copy\n" %
(rev, src, filename))
metaheaders.append("#$ cp %s %s\n" % (src,
if metaheaders:
diffs.append("### BEGIN SVN COPY METADATA\n")
diffs.append("### END SVN COPY METADATA\n")
# Now ready to do the actual diff.
for filename in sorted(data):
filename, cwd, data[filename], diff_command, full_move, revision))
# Use StringIO since it can be messy when diffing a directory move with
# full_move=True.
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
for d in filter(None, diffs):
result = buf.getvalue()
return result
def _DiffItemInternal(filename, cwd, info, diff_command, full_move, revision):
"""Grabs the diff data."""
command = diff_command + [filename]
if revision:
command.extend(['--revision', revision])
data = None
if SVN.IsMovedInfo(info):
if full_move:
if info.get("Node Kind") == "directory":
# Things become tricky here. It's a directory copy/move. We need to
# diff all the files inside it.
# This will put a lot of pressure on the heap. This is why StringIO
# is used and converted back into a string at the end. The reason to
# return a string instead of a StringIO is that StringIO.write()
# doesn't accept a StringIO object. *sigh*.
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(filename):
# Cleanup all files starting with a '.'.
for d in dirnames:
if d.startswith('.'):
for f in filenames:
if f.startswith('.'):
for f in filenames:
if data is None:
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
data.write(GenFakeDiff(os.path.join(dirpath, f)))
if data:
tmp = data.getvalue()
data = tmp
data = GenFakeDiff(filename)
if info.get("Node Kind") != "directory":
# svn diff on a mv/cp'd file outputs nothing if there was no change.
data = SVN.Capture(command, cwd)
if not data:
# We put in an empty Index entry so knows about them.
data = "Index: %s\n" % filename.replace(os.sep, '/')
# Otherwise silently ignore directories.
if info.get("Node Kind") != "directory":
# Normal simple case.
data = SVN.Capture(command, cwd)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
if revision:
data = GenFakeDiff(filename)
# Otherwise silently ignore directories.
return data
def GetEmail(cwd):
"""Retrieves the svn account which we assume is an email address."""
infos = SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], cwd)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
return None
# Should check for uuid but it is incorrectly saved for https creds.
root = infos['Repository Root']
realm = root.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
uuid = infos['UUID']
if root.startswith('https') or not uuid:
regexp = re.compile(r'<%s:\d+>.*' % realm)
regexp = re.compile(r'<%s:\d+> %s' % (realm, uuid))
if regexp is None:
return None
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
if not 'APPDATA' in os.environ:
return None
auth_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'Subversion', 'auth',
auth_dir = os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join('~', '.subversion', 'auth', 'svn.simple'))
if not os.path.exists(auth_dir):
return None
for credfile in os.listdir(auth_dir):
cred_info = SVN.ReadSimpleAuth(os.path.join(auth_dir, credfile))
if regexp.match(cred_info.get('svn:realmstring')):
return cred_info.get('username')
def ReadSimpleAuth(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r')
values = {}
def ReadOneItem(item_type):
m = re.match(r'%s (\d+)' % item_type, f.readline())
if not m:
return None
data =
if != '\n':
return None
return data
while True:
key = ReadOneItem('K')
if not key:
value = ReadOneItem('V')
if not value:
values[key] = value
return values
def GetCheckoutRoot(cwd):
"""Returns the top level directory of the current repository.
The directory is returned as an absolute path.
cwd = os.path.abspath(cwd)
info = SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], cwd)
cur_dir_repo_root = info['Repository Root']
url = info['URL']
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
return None
while True:
parent = os.path.dirname(cwd)
info = SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], parent)
if (info['Repository Root'] != cur_dir_repo_root or
info['URL'] != os.path.dirname(url)):
url = info['URL']
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
cwd = parent
return GetCasedPath(cwd)
def IsValidRevision(url):
"""Verifies the revision looks like an SVN revision."""
SVN.Capture(['info', url], cwd=None)
return True
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
return False
def AssertVersion(cls, min_version):
"""Asserts svn's version is at least min_version."""
if cls.current_version is None:
cls.current_version = cls.Capture(['--version', '--quiet'], None)
current_version_list = map(only_int, cls.current_version.split('.'))
for min_ver in map(int, min_version.split('.')):
ver = current_version_list.pop(0)
if ver < min_ver:
return (False, cls.current_version)
elif ver > min_ver:
return (True, cls.current_version)
return (True, cls.current_version)
def Revert(cwd, callback=None, ignore_externals=False, no_ignore=False):
"""Reverts all svn modifications in cwd, including properties.
Deletes any modified files or directory.
A "svn update --revision BASE" call is required after to revive deleted
for file_status in SVN.CaptureStatus(None, cwd, no_ignore=no_ignore):
file_path = os.path.join(cwd, file_status[1])
if (ignore_externals and
file_status[0][0] == 'X' and
# Ignore externals.'Ignoring external %s' % file_status[1])
# This is the case where '! L .' is returned by 'svn status'. Just
# strip off the '/.'.
if file_path.endswith(os.path.sep + '.'):
file_path = file_path[:-2]
if callback:
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# svn revert is really stupid. It fails on inconsistent line-endings,
# on switched directories, etc. So take no chance and delete everything!
# In theory, it wouldn't be necessary for property-only change but then
# it'd have to look for switched directories, etc so it's not worth
# optimizing this use case.
if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path):'os.remove(%s)' % file_path)
elif os.path.isdir(file_path):'rmtree(%s)' % file_path)
('No idea what is %s.\nYou just found a bug in gclient'
', please ping ASAP!') % file_path)
if (file_status[0][0] in ('D', 'A', '!') or
not file_status[0][1:].isspace()):
# Added, deleted file requires manual intervention and require calling
# revert, like for properties.
if not os.path.isdir(cwd):
# '.' was deleted. It's not worth continuing.
SVN.Capture(['revert', file_status[1]], cwd=cwd)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ class RootTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
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