Commit 6a4e31b4 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

gclient_scm: Add option to specify the branch the patch is based on.

Also add shortcuts, so we don't have to look through all the branches
if the patch is based on a common branch (i.e. master, infra/config, lkgr)

Bug: 870279
Change-Id: I625a8481dccac9a475b096b926e6fab7efe676b0
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
parent 284b5e0c
......@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# Arguments number differs from overridden method
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def run(self, revision_overrides, command, args, work_queue, options,
patch_refs, target_branches):
"""Runs |command| then parse the DEPS file."""'Dependency(%s).run()' %
assert self._file_list == []
......@@ -875,9 +875,11 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
patch_repo = self.url.split('@')[0]
patch_ref = patch_refs.pop(self.FuzzyMatchUrl(patch_refs), None)
target_branch = target_branches.pop(
self.FuzzyMatchUrl(target_branches), None)
if command == 'update' and patch_ref is not None:
self._used_scm.apply_patch_ref(patch_repo, patch_ref, options,
self._used_scm.apply_patch_ref(patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch,
options, file_list)
if file_list:
file_list = [os.path.join(, f.strip()) for f in file_list]
......@@ -1520,19 +1522,23 @@ it or fix the checkout.
index += 1
return revision_overrides
def _EnforcePatchRefs(self):
def _EnforcePatchRefsAndBranches(self):
"""Checks for patch refs."""
patch_refs = {}
target_branches = {}
if not self._options.patch_refs:
return patch_refs
return patch_refs, target_branches
for given_patch_ref in self._options.patch_refs:
patch_repo, _, patch_ref = given_patch_ref.partition('@')
if not patch_repo or not patch_ref:
raise gclient_utils.Error(
'Wrong revision format: %s should be of the form '
'patch_repo@patch_ref.' % given_patch_ref)
'patch_repo@[target_branch:]patch_ref.' % given_patch_ref)
if ':' in patch_ref:
target_branch, _, patch_ref = patch_ref.partition(':')
target_branches[patch_repo] = target_branch
patch_refs[patch_repo] = patch_ref
return patch_refs
return patch_refs, target_branches
def RunOnDeps(self, command, args, ignore_requirements=False, progress=True):
"""Runs a command on each dependency in a client and its dependencies.
......@@ -1546,6 +1552,7 @@ it or fix the checkout.
revision_overrides = {}
patch_refs = {}
target_branches = {}
# It's unnecessary to check for revision overrides for 'recurse'.
# Save a few seconds by not calling _EnforceRevisions() in that case.
if command not in ('diff', 'recurse', 'runhooks', 'status', 'revert',
......@@ -1554,7 +1561,7 @@ it or fix the checkout.
revision_overrides = self._EnforceRevisions()
if command == 'update':
patch_refs = self._EnforcePatchRefs()
patch_refs, target_branches = self._EnforcePatchRefsAndBranches()
# Disable progress for non-tty stdout.
should_show_progress = (
setup_color.IS_TTY and not self._options.verbose and progress)
......@@ -1571,7 +1578,7 @@ it or fix the checkout.
if s.should_process:
work_queue.flush(revision_overrides, command, args, options=self._options,
patch_refs=patch_refs, target_branches=target_branches)
if revision_overrides:
print('Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags will soon '
......@@ -1705,7 +1712,8 @@ it or fix the checkout.
for s in self.dependencies:
if s.should_process:
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=self._options, patch_refs=None)
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=self._options, patch_refs=None,
def ShouldPrintRevision(dep):
return (not self._options.filter
......@@ -1845,14 +1853,15 @@ class CipdDependency(Dependency):
def run(self, revision_overrides, command, args, work_queue, options,
patch_refs, target_branches):
"""Runs |command| then parse the DEPS file."""'CipdDependency(%s).run()' %
if not self.should_process:
super(CipdDependency, self).run(revision_overrides, command, args,
work_queue, options, patch_refs)
work_queue, options, patch_refs,
def _CreatePackageIfNecessary(self):
# We lazily create the CIPD package to make sure that only packages
......@@ -2520,13 +2529,21 @@ def CMDsync(parser, args):
'work even if the src@ part is skipped.')
parser.add_option('--patch-ref', action='append',
dest='patch_refs', metavar='GERRIT_REF', default=[],
help='Patches the given reference with the format dep@ref. '
'For dep, you can specify URLs as well as paths, with '
'URLs taking preference. The reference will be '
'applied to the necessary path, will be rebased on '
'top what the dep was synced to, and then will do a '
'soft reset. Use --no-rebase-patch-ref and '
'--reset-patch-ref to disable this behavior.')
help='Patches the given reference with the format '
'dep@[target-ref:]patch-ref. '
'For |dep|, you can specify URLs as well as paths, '
'with URLs taking preference. '
'|patch-ref| will be applied to |dep|, rebased on top '
'of what |dep| was synced to, and a soft reset will '
'be done. Use --no-rebase-patch-ref and '
'--no-reset-patch-ref to disable this behavior. '
'|target-ref| is the target branch against which a '
'patch was created, it is used to determine which '
'commits from the |patch-ref| actually constitute a '
'patch. If not given, we will iterate over all remote '
'branches and select one that contains the revision '
'|dep| is synced at. '
'WARNING: |target-ref| will be mandatory soon.')
parser.add_option('--with_branch_heads', action='store_true',
help='Clone git "branch_heads" refspecs in addition to '
'the default refspecs. This adds about 1/2GB to a '
......@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ class SCMWrapper(object):
This is the abstraction layer to bind to different SCM.
def __init__(self, url=None, root_dir=None, relpath=None, out_fh=None,
out_cb=None, print_outbuf=False):
self.url = url
......@@ -345,15 +344,22 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
self.Print('FAILED to break lock: %s: %s' % (to_break, ex))
def _GetBranchForCommit(self, commit):
# TODO(ehmaldonado): Remove after bot_update is modified to pass the patch's
# branch.
def _GetTargetBranchForCommit(self, commit):
"""Get the remote branch a commit is part of."""
if scm.GIT.IsAncestor(self.checkout_path, commit,
return 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
for branch in _WELL_KNOWN_BRANCHES:
if scm.GIT.IsAncestor(self.checkout_path, commit, branch):
return branch
remote_refs = self._Capture(
['for-each-ref', 'refs/remotes/%s/*' % self.remote,
['for-each-ref', 'refs/remotes/%s' % self.remote,
for ref in remote_refs:
for ref in sorted(remote_refs, reverse=True):
if scm.GIT.IsAncestor(self.checkout_path, commit, ref):
return ref
self.Print('Failed to find a remote ref that contains %s. '
......@@ -364,7 +370,42 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
# everything in between.
return commit
def apply_patch_ref(self, patch_repo, patch_ref, options, file_list):
def apply_patch_ref(self, patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch, options,
"""Apply a patch on top of the revision we're synced at.
The patch ref is given by |patch_repo|@|patch_ref|, and the current revision
is |base_rev|.
We also need the |target_branch| that the patch was uploaded against. We use
it to find a merge base between |patch_rev| and |base_rev|, so we can find
what commits constitute the patch:
Graphically, it looks like this:
... -> merge_base -> [possibly already landed commits] -> target_branch
-> [possibly not yet landed dependent CLs] -> patch_rev
Next, we apply the commits |merge_base..patch_rev| on top of whatever is
currently checked out, denoted |base_rev|. Typically, it'd be a revision
from |target_branch|, but this is not required.
Graphically, we cherry pick |merge_base..patch_rev| on top of |base_rev|:
... -> base_rev -> [possibly not yet landed dependent CLs] -> patch_rev
After application, if |options.reset_patch_ref| is specified, we soft reset
the just cherry-picked changes, keeping them in git index only.
patch_repo: The patch origin. e.g. ''
patch_ref: The ref to the patch. e.g. 'refs/changes/1234/34/1'.
target_branch: The branch the patch was uploaded against.
e.g. 'refs/heads/master' or 'refs/heads/infra/config'.
options: The options passed to gclient.
file_list: A list where modified files will be appended.
# Abort any cherry-picks in progress.
self._Capture(['cherry-pick', '--abort'])
......@@ -372,10 +413,12 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
base_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
branch_rev = self._GetBranchForCommit(base_rev)
target_branch = target_branch or self._GetTargetBranchForCommit(base_rev)
self.Print('===Applying patch ref===')
self.Print('Repo is %r @ %r, ref is %r (%r), root is %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, branch_rev, self.checkout_path))
self.Print('Patch ref is %r @ %r. Target branch for patch is %r. '
'Current HEAD is %r. Current dir is %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch, base_rev,
self._Capture(['reset', '--hard'])
self._Capture(['fetch', patch_repo, patch_ref])
patch_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
......@@ -386,9 +429,9 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
# Find the merge-base between the branch_rev and patch_rev to find out
# the changes we need to cherry-pick on top of base_rev.
merge_base = self._Capture(['merge-base', branch_rev, patch_rev])
merge_base = self._Capture(['merge-base', target_branch, patch_rev])
self.Print('Merge base of %s and %s is %s' % (
branch_rev, patch_rev, merge_base))
target_branch, patch_rev, merge_base))
if merge_base == patch_rev:
# If the merge-base is patch_rev, it means patch_rev is already part
# of the history, so just check it out.
......@@ -406,8 +449,11 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
self.Print('Failed to apply %r @ %r to %r at %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, base_rev, self.checkout_path))
self.Print('Failed to apply patch.')
self.Print('Patch ref is %r @ %r. Target branch for patch is %r. '
'Current HEAD is %r. Current dir is %r' % (
patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch, base_rev,
self.Print('git returned non-zero exit status %s:\n%s' % (
e.returncode, e.stderr))
# Print the current status so that developers know what changes caused the
......@@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ COMMIT_ORIGINAL_POSITION_FOOTER_KEY = 'Cr-Original-Commit-Position'
# Regular expression to parse gclient's revinfo entries.
REVINFO_RE = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):\s+([^@]+)@(.+)$')
# Regular expression to match gclient's patch error message.
PATCH_ERROR_RE = re.compile('Failed to apply .* @ .* to .* at .*')
# Copied from scripts/recipes/
......@@ -385,7 +382,7 @@ def gclient_sync(
except SubprocessFailed as e:
# If gclient sync is handling patching, parse the output for a patch error
# message.
if apply_patch_on_gclient and
if apply_patch_on_gclient and 'Failed to apply patch.' in e.output:
raise PatchFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
# Throw a GclientSyncFailed exception so we can catch this independently.
raise GclientSyncFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
......@@ -1088,12 +1088,12 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
for i in commits:
name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'commit ' + str(i))
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(name), 'Commit not found: %s' % name)
all_commits = set(range(1, len(self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'])))
for i in all_commits - set(commits):
name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'commit ' + str(i))
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(name), 'Unexpected commit: %s' % name)
def testCanCloneGerritChange(self):
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
......@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
......@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 5, 6])
......@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 9), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10])
......@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 7), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', None, self.options,
# We shouldn't have rebased on top of 2 (which is the merge base between
......@@ -1199,6 +1199,24 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 7, 10])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 7), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testCheckoutOriginFeaturePatchBranch(self):
scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(self.url, self.root_dir, '.')
file_list = []
# Sync to the hash instead of 'origin/feature'
self.options.revision = self.githash('repo_1', 9)
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 9), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply refs/changes/34/1234/1, created for branch 'origin/master' on top of
# 'origin/feature'.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', 'origin/master',
self.options, file_list)
# Commits 5 and 6 are part of the patch, and commits 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 are
# part of 'origin/feature'.
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 9), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
def testDoesntRebasePatchMaster(self):
"""Tests that we can apply a patch without rebasing it.
......@@ -1211,7 +1229,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
......@@ -1230,7 +1248,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 1), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
......@@ -1245,7 +1263,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
scm.update(self.options, None, file_list)
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 4), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
......@@ -1265,14 +1283,14 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
# Checkout 'refs/changes/34/1234/1' modifies the 'change' file, so trying to
# patch 'refs/changes/36/1236/1' creates a patch failure.
with self.assertRaises(subprocess2.CalledProcessError) as cm:
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/36/1236/1', None,
self.options, file_list)
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.cmd[:2], ['git', 'cherry-pick'])
self.assertIn('error: could not apply', cm.exception.stderr)
# Try to apply 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', which doesn't have a merge
# conflict.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 5), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
......@@ -1290,7 +1308,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
# 'refs/changes/34/1234/1' will be an empty commit, since the changes were
# already present in the tree as commit 11.
# Make sure we deal with this gracefully.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 12),
......@@ -1313,7 +1331,7 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
# Try to apply 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', which doesn't have a merge
# conflict.
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', self.options,
scm.apply_patch_ref(self.url, 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', None, self.options,
self.assertCommits([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.githash('repo_1', 5), self.gitrevparse(self.root_dir))
......@@ -601,6 +601,30 @@ class GClientSmokeGIT(GClientSmokeBase):
self.githash('repo_2', 1),
self.gitrevparse(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src/repo2')))
def testSyncPatchRefBranch(self):
if not self.enabled:
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
'sync', '-v', '-v', '-v',
'--revision', 'src/repo2@%s' % self.githash('repo_2', 1),
'%srepo_2@refs/heads/master:%s' % (
self.git_base, self.githash('repo_2', 2)),
# Assert that repo_2 files coincide with revision @2 (the patch ref)
tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'),
('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'),
('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'))
tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1'
tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2'
# Assert that HEAD revision of repo_2 is @1 (the base we synced to) since we
# should have done a soft reset.
self.githash('repo_2', 1),
self.gitrevparse(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src/repo2')))
def testSyncPatchRefNoHooks(self):
if not self.enabled:
......@@ -310,7 +310,8 @@ class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase):
work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(, None, False)
for s in client.dependencies:
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options, patch_refs={})
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options, patch_refs={},
[h.action for h in client.GetHooks(options)],
[tuple(x['action']) for x in hooks])
......@@ -361,7 +362,8 @@ class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase):
work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(, None, False)
for s in client.dependencies:
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options, patch_refs={})
work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options, patch_refs={},
[h.action for h in client.GetHooks(options)],
[tuple(x['action']) for x in hooks + extra_hooks + sub_hooks])
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