Commit 65874e14 authored by's avatar

git cl: add python implementation of Change-Id generation.

This allows to generate new IDs on the fly without installing
commit-msg hook and works just fine on Windows.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 3c3c034d
......@@ -2148,6 +2148,36 @@ def AddChangeIdToCommitMessage(options, args):
print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Gerrit commit-msg hook not available.'
def GenerateGerritChangeId(message):
"""Returns change id.
Works the same way as
but can be called on demand on all platforms.
The basic idea is to generate git hash of a state of the tree, original commit
message, author/committer info and timestamps.
lines = []
tree_hash = RunGitSilent(['write-tree'])
lines.append('tree %s' % tree_hash.strip())
code, parent = RunGitWithCode(['rev-parse', 'HEAD~0'], suppress_stderr=False)
if code == 0:
lines.append('parent %s' % parent.strip())
author = RunGitSilent(['var', 'GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT'])
lines.append('author %s' % author.strip())
committer = RunGitSilent(['var', 'GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT'])
lines.append('committer %s' % committer.strip())
# Note: Gerrit's commit-hook actually cleans message of some lines and
# whitespace. This code is not doing this, but it clearly won't decrease
# entropy.
change_hash = RunCommand(['git', 'hash-object', '-t', 'commit', '--stdin'],
return 'I%s' % change_hash.strip()
def GerritUpload(options, args, cl, change):
"""upload the current branch to gerrit."""
# We assume the remote called "origin" is the one we want.
......@@ -746,6 +746,22 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
self.assertEquals(5, record_calls.times_called)
self.assertEquals(0, ret)
def test_gerrit_change_id(self):
self.calls = [
((['git', 'write-tree'], ),
((['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD~0'], ),
((['git', 'var', 'GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT'], ),
'A B <> 1456848326 +0100'),
((['git', 'var', 'GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT'], ),
'C D <> 1456858326 +0100'),
((['git', 'hash-object', '-t', 'commit', '--stdin'], ),
change_id = git_cl.GenerateGerritChangeId('line1\nline2\n')
self.assertEqual(change_id, 'Ihashchange')
def test_config_gerrit_download_hook(self):
self.mock(git_cl, 'FindCodereviewSettingsFile', CodereviewSettingsFileMock)
def ParseCodereviewSettingsContent(content):
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