Commit 61ea3073 authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

git-cl: Remove unused settings.

Bug: 770408
Change-Id: Ic5029d6b12cdb6ea30704d90229ab7e365dc7273
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
parent b0ee5ee2
......@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ import watchlists
__version__ = '2.0'
POSTUPSTREAM_HOOK = '.git/hooks/post-cl-land'
DESCRIPTION_BACKUP_FILE = '~/.git_cl_description_backup'
......@@ -807,7 +806,6 @@ class BuildbucketResponseException(Exception):
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
self.default_server = None = None
self.root = None
self.tree_status_url = None
......@@ -817,8 +815,6 @@ class Settings(object):
self.squash_gerrit_uploads = None
self.gerrit_skip_ensure_authenticated = None
self.git_editor = None
self.project = None
self.force_https_commit_url = None
def LazyUpdateIfNeeded(self):
"""Updates the settings from a codereview.settings file, if available."""
......@@ -834,20 +830,6 @@ class Settings(object):
self.updated = True
def GetDefaultServerUrl(self, error_ok=False):
if not self.default_server:
self.default_server = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(
self._GetRietveldConfig('server', error_ok=True))
if error_ok:
return self.default_server
if not self.default_server:
error_message = ('Could not find settings file. You must configure '
'your review setup by running "git cl config".')
self.default_server = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(
self._GetRietveldConfig('server', error_message=error_message))
return self.default_server
def GetRelativeRoot():
return RunGit(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup']).strip()
......@@ -857,50 +839,30 @@ class Settings(object):
self.root = os.path.abspath(self.GetRelativeRoot())
return self.root
def GetGitMirror(self, remote='origin'):
"""If this checkout is from a local git mirror, return a Mirror object."""
local_url = RunGit(['config', '--get', 'remote.%s.url' % remote]).strip()
if not os.path.isdir(local_url):
return None
remote_url = git_cache.Mirror.CacheDirToUrl(local_url)
# Use the /dev/null print_func to avoid terminal spew.
mirror = git_cache.Mirror(remote_url, print_func=lambda *args: None)
if mirror.exists():
return mirror
return None
def GetTreeStatusUrl(self, error_ok=False):
if not self.tree_status_url:
error_message = ('You must configure your tree status URL by running '
'"git cl config".')
self.tree_status_url = self._GetRietveldConfig(
'tree-status-url', error_ok=error_ok, error_message=error_message)
self.tree_status_url = self._GetConfig(
'rietveld.tree-status-url', error_ok=error_ok,
return self.tree_status_url
def GetViewVCUrl(self):
if not self.viewvc_url:
self.viewvc_url = self._GetRietveldConfig('viewvc-url', error_ok=True)
self.viewvc_url = self._GetConfig('rietveld.viewvc-url', error_ok=True)
return self.viewvc_url
def GetBugPrefix(self):
return self._GetRietveldConfig('bug-prefix', error_ok=True)
def GetIsSkipDependencyUpload(self, branch_name):
"""Returns true if specified branch should skip dep uploads."""
return self._GetBranchConfig(branch_name, 'skip-deps-uploads',
return self._GetConfig('rietveld.bug-prefix', error_ok=True)
def GetRunPostUploadHook(self):
run_post_upload_hook = self._GetRietveldConfig(
'run-post-upload-hook', error_ok=True)
run_post_upload_hook = self._GetConfig(
'', error_ok=True)
return run_post_upload_hook == "True"
def GetDefaultCCList(self):
return self._GetRietveldConfig('cc', error_ok=True)
def GetDefaultPrivateFlag(self):
return self._GetRietveldConfig('private', error_ok=True)
return self._GetConfig('', error_ok=True)
def GetIsGerrit(self):
"""Return true if this repo is associated with gerrit code review system."""
......@@ -950,24 +912,13 @@ class Settings(object):
return self.git_editor or None
def GetLintRegex(self):
return (self._GetRietveldConfig('cpplint-regex', error_ok=True) or
return (self._GetConfig('rietveld.cpplint-regex', error_ok=True) or
def GetLintIgnoreRegex(self):
return (self._GetRietveldConfig('cpplint-ignore-regex', error_ok=True) or
return (self._GetConfig('rietveld.cpplint-ignore-regex', error_ok=True) or
def GetProject(self):
if not self.project:
self.project = self._GetRietveldConfig('project', error_ok=True)
return self.project
def _GetRietveldConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
return self._GetConfig('rietveld.' + param, **kwargs)
def _GetBranchConfig(self, branch_name, param, **kwargs):
return self._GetConfig('branch.' + branch_name + '.' + param, **kwargs)
def _GetConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
return RunGit(['config', param], **kwargs).strip()
......@@ -3344,13 +3295,11 @@ def LoadCodereviewSettingsFromFile(fileobj):
# Only server setting is required. Other settings can be absent.
# In that case, we ignore errors raised during option deletion attempt.
SetProperty('cc', 'CC_LIST', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('private', 'PRIVATE', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('tree-status-url', 'STATUS', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('viewvc-url', 'VIEW_VC', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('bug-prefix', 'BUG_PREFIX', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('cpplint-regex', 'LINT_REGEX', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('cpplint-ignore-regex', 'LINT_IGNORE_REGEX', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('project', 'PROJECT', unset_error_ok=True)
SetProperty('run-post-upload-hook', 'RUN_POST_UPLOAD_HOOK',
......@@ -3422,43 +3371,6 @@ def DownloadGerritHook(force):
'chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg' % src)
def GetRietveldCodereviewSettingsInteractively():
"""Prompt the user for settings."""
server = settings.GetDefaultServerUrl(error_ok=True)
prompt = 'Rietveld server (host[:port])'
prompt += ' [%s]' % (server or DEFAULT_SERVER)
newserver = ask_for_data(prompt + ':')
if not server and not newserver:
newserver = DEFAULT_SERVER
if newserver:
newserver = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(newserver)
if newserver != server:
RunGit(['config', 'rietveld.server', newserver])
def SetProperty(initial, caption, name, is_url):
prompt = caption
if initial:
prompt += ' ("x" to clear) [%s]' % initial
new_val = ask_for_data(prompt + ':')
if new_val == 'x':
RunGit(['config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.' + name], error_ok=True)
elif new_val:
if is_url:
new_val = gclient_utils.UpgradeToHttps(new_val)
if new_val != initial:
RunGit(['config', 'rietveld.' + name, new_val])
SetProperty(settings.GetDefaultCCList(), 'CC list', 'cc', False)
'Private flag (rietveld only)', 'private', False)
SetProperty(settings.GetTreeStatusUrl(error_ok=True), 'Tree status URL',
'tree-status-url', False)
SetProperty(settings.GetViewVCUrl(), 'ViewVC URL', 'viewvc-url', True)
SetProperty(settings.GetBugPrefix(), 'Bug Prefix', 'bug-prefix', False)
SetProperty(settings.GetRunPostUploadHook(), 'Run Post Upload Hook',
'run-post-upload-hook', False)
class _GitCookiesChecker(object):
"""Provides facilities for validating and suggesting fixes to .gitcookies."""
......@@ -3766,43 +3678,6 @@ def CMDcreds_check(parser, args):
return 1
@subcommand.usage('[repo root containing codereview.settings]')
@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cl config')
def CMDconfig(parser, args):
"""Edits configuration for this tree."""
print('WARNING: git cl config works for Rietveld only.')
# TODO(tandrii): remove this once we switch to Gerrit.
# See bugs and
parser.add_option('--activate-update', action='store_true',
help='activate auto-updating [rietveld] section in '
parser.add_option('--deactivate-update', action='store_true',
help='deactivate auto-updating [rietveld] section in '
options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
if options.deactivate_update:
RunGit(['config', 'rietveld.autoupdate', 'false'])
if options.activate_update:
RunGit(['config', '--unset', 'rietveld.autoupdate'])
if len(args) == 0:
return 0
url = args[0]
if not url.endswith('codereview.settings'):
url = os.path.join(url, 'codereview.settings')
# Load code review settings and download hooks (if available).
return 0
@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cl baseurl')
def CMDbaseurl(parser, args):
"""Gets or sets base-url for this branch."""
......@@ -742,14 +742,12 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
codereview_file = StringIO.StringIO('GERRIT_HOST: true')
self.calls = [
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', ''],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.private'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.tree-status-url'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.viewvc-url'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.bug-prefix'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.cpplint-regex'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.cpplint-ignore-regex'],),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', 'rietveld.project'],), CERR1),
((['git', 'config', '--unset-all', ''],),
((['git', 'config', '', 'true'],), ''),
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