Commit 5bde4853 authored by's avatar

gclient: Add better error reporting and handling when there is a rebase conflict

When a rebase generates a conflict, report an error and exit immediately.
If in an existing conflict (no branch), report an error and exit immediately.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent e8dd16c7
......@@ -140,13 +140,32 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper, scm.GIT):
new_base = 'origin'
if revision:
new_base = revision
cur_branch = self._Run(['symbolic-ref', 'HEAD']).split('/')[-1]
cur_branch = self._GetCurrentBranch()
# Check if we are in a rebase conflict
if cur_branch is None:
raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s%s\n'
'\tAlready in a conflict, i.e. (no branch).\n'
'\tFix the conflict and run gclient again.\n'
'\tOr to abort run:\n\t\tgit-rebase --abort\n'
'\tSee man git-rebase for details.\n'
% (self.relpath, rev_str))
merge_base = self._Run(['merge-base', 'HEAD', new_base])
self._Run(['remote', 'update'], redirect_stdout=False)
files = self._Run(['diff', new_base, '--name-only']).split()
file_list.extend([os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
self._Run(['rebase', '-v', '--onto', new_base, merge_base, cur_branch],
redirect_stdout=False, checkrc=False)
# If the rebase generated a conflict, abort and ask user to fix
if self._GetCurrentBranch() is None:
raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s%s\n'
'\nConflict while rebasing this branch.\n'
'Fix the conflict and run gclient again.\n'
'See man git-rebase for details.\n'
% (self.relpath, rev_str))
print "Checked out revision %s." % self.revinfo(options, (), None)
def revert(self, options, args, file_list):
......@@ -204,6 +223,15 @@ class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper, scm.GIT):
elif min_ver < ver:
def _GetCurrentBranch(self):
# Returns name of current branch
# Returns None if inside a (no branch)
tokens = self._Run(['branch']).split()
branch = tokens[tokens.index('*') + 1]
if branch == '(no':
return None
return branch
def _Run(self, args, cwd=None, checkrc=True, redirect_stdout=True):
# TODO(maruel): Merge with Capture?
if cwd is None:
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class SVNWrapperTestCase(BaseTestCase):
scm.update(options, self.args, file_list)
class GitWrapperTestCase(SuperMoxBaseTestBase):
class GitWrapperTestCase(BaseTestCase):
"""This class doesn't use pymox."""
class OptionsObject(object):
def __init__(self, test_case, verbose=False, revision=None):
......@@ -506,6 +506,29 @@ from :3
self.assertEquals(scm.revinfo(options, (), None),
def testUpdateConflict(self):
if not self.enabled:
options = self.Options()
scm = gclient_scm.CreateSCM(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
file_path = gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.base_path, 'b')
f = open(file_path, 'w').writelines('conflict\n')
scm._Run(['commit', '-am', 'test'])
exception = \
'\n____ .\n' \
'\nConflict while rebasing this branch.\n' \
'Fix the conflict and run gclient again.\n' \
'See man git-rebase for details.\n'
self.assertRaisesError(exception, scm.update, options, (), [])
exception = \
'\n____ .\n' \
'\tAlready in a conflict, i.e. (no branch).\n' \
'\tFix the conflict and run gclient again.\n' \
'\tOr to abort run:\n\t\tgit-rebase --abort\n' \
'\tSee man git-rebase for details.\n'
self.assertRaisesError(exception, scm.update, options, (), [])
def testRevinfo(self):
if not self.enabled:
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