Commit 5b6ae8bc authored by Edward Lemur's avatar Edward Lemur Committed by Commit Bot

git-cl: Use bb to schedule try jobs.

Bug: 976104
Change-Id: I3423667f1ed9edfc5fa17842932de7704951fc62
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
parent 57fe4169
......@@ -416,78 +416,74 @@ def _trigger_try_jobs(auth_config, changelist, buckets, options, patchset):
buckets: A nested dict mapping bucket names to builders to tests.
options: Command-line options.
assert changelist.GetIssue(), 'CL must be uploaded first'
codereview_url = changelist.GetCodereviewServer()
assert codereview_url, 'CL must be uploaded first'
patchset = patchset or changelist.GetMostRecentPatchset()
assert patchset, 'CL must be uploaded first'
codereview_host = urlparse.urlparse(codereview_url).hostname
# Cache the buildbucket credentials under the codereview host key, so that
# users can use different credentials for different buckets.
authenticator = auth.get_authenticator_for_host(codereview_host, auth_config)
http = authenticator.authorize(httplib2.Http())
http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
buildbucket_put_url = (
buildset = 'patch/gerrit/{hostname}/{issue}/{patch}'.format(
shared_parameters_properties = changelist.GetTryJobProperties(patchset)
shared_parameters_properties['category'] = options.category
_, ret_code = subprocess2.communicate(
['bb', 'auth-info'], stdout=subprocess2.VOID, stderr=subprocess2.VOID)
if ret_code:
DieWithError('"bb auth-login" must be executed before scheduling try jobs.')
gerrit_change = changelist.GetGerritChange()
shared_properties = {
'category': options.category,
if options.clobber:
shared_parameters_properties['clobber'] = True
shared_properties['clobber'] = True
extra_properties = _get_properties_from_options(options)
if extra_properties:
batch_req_body = {'builds': []}
batch_request = {'requests': []}
print_text = []
print_text.append('Tried jobs on:')
for bucket, builders_and_tests in sorted(buckets.iteritems()):
print_text.append('Bucket: %s' % bucket)
project, bucket = bucket.split('.', 1)
for builder, tests in sorted(builders_and_tests.iteritems()):
print_text.append(' %s: %s' % (builder, tests))
parameters = {
'builder_name': builder,
'changes': [{
'author': {'email': changelist.GetIssueOwner()},
'revision': options.revision,
'properties': shared_parameters_properties.copy(),
properties = shared_properties.copy()
if 'presubmit' in builder.lower():
parameters['properties']['dry_run'] = 'true'
properties['dry_run'] = 'true'
if tests:
parameters['properties']['testfilter'] = tests
properties['testfilter'] = tests
tags = [
'builder:%s' % builder,
'buildset:%s' % buildset,
'key': 'builder',
'value': builder,
'key': 'user_agent',
'value': 'git_cl_try',
'bucket': bucket,
'parameters_json': json.dumps(parameters),
'client_operation_id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'tags': tags,
'scheduleBuild': {
'builder': {
'project': options.project or project,
'bucket': bucket,
'builder': builder,
'properties': properties,
'requestId': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'gerritChanges': [gerrit_change],
'tags': tags,
'triggering tryjobs',
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
(stdout, _), ret_code = subprocess2.communicate(
['bb', 'batch', '-host', options.buildbucket_host],
stdin=json.dumps(batch_request, sort_keys=True),
if ret_code:
print_text.append('Failed to schedule builds for some bots:')
if stdout:
responses = json.loads(stdout)
' ' + response['error']['message']
for response in responses['responses'] if 'error' in response)
print_text.append('To see results here, run: git cl try-results')
print_text.append('To see results in browser, run: git cl web')
......@@ -1617,10 +1613,6 @@ class Changelist(object):
"""Returns reason (str) if unable trigger tryjobs on this CL or None."""
return self._codereview_impl.CannotTriggerTryJobReason()
def GetTryJobProperties(self, patchset=None):
"""Returns dictionary of properties to launch tryjob."""
return self._codereview_impl.GetTryJobProperties(patchset=patchset)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# This is because lots of untested code accesses Rietveld-specific stuff
# directly, and it's hard to fix for sure. So, just let it work, and fix
......@@ -1760,10 +1752,6 @@ class _ChangelistCodereviewBase(object):
def GetReviewers(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetTryJobProperties(self, patchset=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
class _GerritChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
def __init__(self, changelist, codereview_host=None):
super(_GerritChangelistImpl, self).__init__(changelist)
......@@ -2882,26 +2870,27 @@ class _GerritChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
if data['status'] in ('ABANDONED', 'MERGED'):
return 'CL %s is closed' % self.GetIssue()
def GetTryJobProperties(self, patchset=None):
"""Returns dictionary of properties to launch a tryjob."""
data = self._GetChangeDetail(['ALL_REVISIONS'])
def GetGerritChange(self, patchset=None):
"""Returns a buildbucket.v2.GerritChange message for the current issue."""
host = urlparse.urlparse(self.GetCodereviewServer()).hostname
issue = self.GetIssue()
patchset = int(patchset or self.GetPatchset())
assert patchset
revision_data = None # Pylint wants it to be defined.
for revision_data in data['revisions'].itervalues():
if int(revision_data['_number']) == patchset:
data = self._GetChangeDetail(['ALL_REVISIONS'])
assert host and issue and patchset, 'CL must be uploaded first'
has_patchset = any(
int(revision_data['_number']) == patchset
for revision_data in data['revisions'].itervalues())
if not has_patchset:
raise Exception('Patchset %d is not known in Gerrit change %d' %
(patchset, self.GetIssue()))
return {
'patch_issue': self.GetIssue(),
'patch_set': patchset or self.GetPatchset(),
'patch_project': data['project'],
'patch_storage': 'gerrit',
'patch_ref': revision_data['fetch']['http']['ref'],
'patch_repository_url': revision_data['fetch']['http']['url'],
'patch_gerrit_url': self.GetCodereviewServer(),
'host': host,
'change': issue,
'project': data['project'],
'patchset': patchset,
def GetIssueOwner(self):
......@@ -2381,6 +2381,42 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
def test_git_cl_try_buildbucket_with_properties_gerrit(self):
self.mock(git_cl.Changelist, 'GetMostRecentPatchset', lambda _: 7)
self.mock(git_cl.uuid, 'uuid4', lambda: 'uuid4')
def mocked_call_with_stdin(*a, **kw):
args = list(a)
if kw.get('stdin'):
return ([self._mocked_call(*args), ''], 0)
self.mock(subprocess2, 'communicate', mocked_call_with_stdin)
bb_request = json.dumps({
"requests": [{
"scheduleBuild": {
"requestId": "uuid4",
"builder": {
"project": "luci",
"builder": "win",
"bucket": "chromium.try",
"gerritChanges": [{
"project": "depot_tools",
"host": "",
"patchset": 7,
"change": 123456,
"properties": {
"category": "git_cl_try",
"json": [{"a": 1}, None],
"key": "val",
"tags": [
{"value": "win", "key": "builder"},
{"value": "git_cl_try", "key": "user_agent"},
}, sort_keys=True)
self.calls = [
((['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'],), 'feature'),
......@@ -2410,46 +2446,12 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
((['bb', 'auth-info'],), ''),
((['git', 'config', 'branch.feature.gerritpatchset'],), '7'),
((['bb', 'batch', '-host', ''],
bb_request,), ''),
def _buildbucket_retry(*_, **kw):
# self.maxDiff = 10000
body = json.loads(kw['body'])
self.assertEqual(len(body['builds']), 1)
build = body['builds'][0]
params = json.loads(build.pop('parameters_json'))
self.assertEqual(params, {
u'builder_name': u'win',
u'changes': [{u'author': {u'email': u'owner@e.mail'},
u'revision': None}],
u'properties': {
u'category': u'git_cl_try',
u'key': u'val',
u'json': [{u'a': 1}, None],
u'patch_issue': 123456,
u'patch_project': u'depot_tools',
u'patch_ref': u'refs/changes/56/123456/7',
u'patch_set': 7,
u'patch_storage': u'gerrit',
self.assertEqual(build, {
u'bucket': u'luci.chromium.try',
u'client_operation_id': u'uuid4',
u'tags': [
self.mock(git_cl, '_buildbucket_retry', _buildbucket_retry)
self.mock(git_cl.sys, 'stdout', StringIO.StringIO())
self.assertEqual(0, git_cl.main([
'try', '-B', 'luci.chromium.try', '-b', 'win',
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