Use -prerelease flag to vswhere when packaging VS
With VS 2017 Update 3 Preview 4 the behavior of vswhere was changed so that it only reports on non-prerelease versions by default. This can be overridden by passing -prerelease. This broke our packaging setup. A temporary fix was used to package Preview 4 and this is the permanent. When -prerelease is passed then vswhere will report on all installed versions of VS, whether prerelease or not. The script will package the first one that it encounters. For best results you should only install one copy of VS when packaging it. Trivia: the original RTW version of VS 2017 was incorrectly tagged as isPrerelease: 1 which means that without the -prerelease flag it doesn't show up either! BUG=683729 Change-Id: I98c1acb671dccef7ede4443fbbf498796946c52b Reviewed-on: Graham <> Commit-Queue: Bruce Dawson <>
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