Commit 57564661 authored by's avatar

Fix File() to work with SVN 1.4 by using svn export in place

of svn co --depth.

This should work even if you change svn versions between gclient syncs.
Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 838f0f28
......@@ -749,16 +749,31 @@ class SVNWrapper(SCMWrapper):
def updatesingle(self, options, args, file_list):
checkout_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, self.relpath)
filename = args.pop()
if not os.path.exists(checkout_path):
# Create an empty checkout and then update the one file we want. Future
# operations will only apply to the one file we checked out.
command = ["checkout", "--depth", "empty", self.url, checkout_path]
if scm.SVN.AssertVersion("1.5")[0]:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkout_path, '.svn')):
# Create an empty checkout and then update the one file we want. Future
# operations will only apply to the one file we checked out.
command = ["checkout", "--depth", "empty", self.url, checkout_path]
scm.SVN.Run(command, self._root_dir)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkout_path, filename)):
os.remove(os.path.join(checkout_path, filename))
command = ["update", filename]
scm.SVN.RunAndGetFileList(options, command, checkout_path, file_list)
# After the initial checkout, we can use update as if it were any other
# dep.
self.update(options, args, file_list)
# If the installed version of SVN doesn't support --depth, fallback to
# just exporting the file. This has the downside that revision
# information is not stored next to the file, so we will have to
# re-export the file every time we sync.
if not os.path.exists(checkout_path):
command = ["export", os.path.join(self.url, filename),
os.path.join(checkout_path, filename)]
if options.revision:
command.extend(['--revision', str(options.revision)])
scm.SVN.Run(command, self._root_dir)
command = ["update", filename]
scm.SVN.RunAndGetFileList(options, command, checkout_path, file_list)
# After the initial checkout, we can use update as if it were any other
# dep.
self.update(options, args, file_list)
def revert(self, options, args, file_list):
"""Reverts local modifications. Subversion specific.
......@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ class GIT(object):
class SVN(object):
COMMAND = "svn"
current_version = None
def Run(args, in_directory):
......@@ -765,3 +766,22 @@ class SVN(object):
directory = parent
return GetCasedPath(directory)
def AssertVersion(min_version):
"""Asserts svn's version is at least min_version."""
def only_int(val):
if val.isdigit():
return int(val)
return 0
if not SVN.current_version:
SVN.current_version = SVN.Capture(['--version']).split()[2]
current_version_list = map(only_int, SVN.current_version.split('.'))
for min_ver in map(int, min_version.split('.')):
ver = current_version_list.pop(0)
if ver < min_ver:
return (False, SVN.current_version)
elif ver > min_ver:
return (True, SVN.current_version)
return (True, SVN.current_version)
......@@ -274,8 +274,17 @@ class SVNWrapperTestCase(BaseTestCase):
'URL': self.url,
'Revision': 42,
# Checks to make sure that we support svn co --depth.
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.current_version = None
).AndReturn('svn, version 1.5.1 (r32289)')
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, '.svn')
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, 'DEPS')
# When checking out a single file, we issue an svn checkout and svn update.
files_list = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
['checkout', '--depth', 'empty', self.url, base_path], self.root_dir)
......@@ -284,7 +293,7 @@ class SVNWrapperTestCase(BaseTestCase):
# Now we fall back on scm.update().
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, '.git')
gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, "."), '.'
......@@ -297,14 +306,87 @@ class SVNWrapperTestCase(BaseTestCase):
scm.updatesingle(options, ['DEPS'], files_list)
def testUpdateSingleUpdate(self):
def testUpdateSingleCheckoutSVN14(self):
options = self.Options(verbose=True)
base_path = gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.relpath)
file_info = {
'URL': self.url,
'Revision': 42,
# Checks to make sure that we support svn co --depth.
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.current_version = None
).AndReturn('svn, version 1.4.4 (r25188)')
# When checking out a single file with svn 1.4, we use svn export
files_list = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
['export', gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.url, 'DEPS'),
gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, 'DEPS')], self.root_dir)
scm = self._scm_wrapper(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
scm.updatesingle(options, ['DEPS'], files_list)
def testUpdateSingleCheckoutSVNUpgrade(self):
options = self.Options(verbose=True)
base_path = gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.relpath)
file_info = {
'URL': self.url,
'Revision': 42,
# Checks to make sure that we support svn co --depth.
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.current_version = None
).AndReturn('svn, version 1.5.1 (r32289)')
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, '.svn')
# If DEPS already exists, assume we're upgrading from svn1.4, so delete
# the old DEPS file.
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, 'DEPS')
gclient_scm.os.remove(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, 'DEPS'))
# When checking out a single file, we issue an svn checkout and svn update.
files_list = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
['checkout', '--depth', 'empty', self.url, base_path], self.root_dir)
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.RunAndGetFileList(options, ['update', 'DEPS'],
gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.relpath), files_list)
# Now we fall back on scm.update().
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, '.git')
gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, "."), '.'
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.CaptureInfo(file_info['URL'], '.').AndReturn(file_info)
print("\n_____ %s at 42" % self.relpath)
scm = self._scm_wrapper(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
scm.updatesingle(options, ['DEPS'], files_list)
def testUpdateSingleUpdate(self):
options = self.Options(verbose=True)
base_path = gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.relpath)
file_info = {
'URL': self.url,
'Revision': 42,
# Checks to make sure that we support svn co --depth.
gclient_scm.scm.SVN.current_version = None
).AndReturn('svn, version 1.5.1 (r32289)')
gclient_scm.os.path.exists(gclient_scm.os.path.join(base_path, '.svn')
# Now we fall back on scm.update().
files_list = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
......@@ -146,10 +146,11 @@ class SVNTestCase(BaseSCMTestCase):
def testMembersChanged(self):
members = [
'COMMAND', 'Capture', 'CaptureBaseRevision', 'CaptureHeadRevision',
'CaptureInfo', 'CaptureStatus', 'DiffItem', 'GenerateDiff',
'GetCheckoutRoot', 'GetEmail', 'GetFileProperty', 'IsMoved',
'ReadSimpleAuth', 'Run', 'RunAndFilterOutput', 'RunAndGetFileList',
'COMMAND', 'AssertVersion', 'Capture', 'CaptureBaseRevision',
'CaptureHeadRevision', 'CaptureInfo', 'CaptureStatus',
'current_version', 'DiffItem', 'GenerateDiff', 'GetCheckoutRoot',
'GetEmail', 'GetFileProperty', 'IsMoved', 'ReadSimpleAuth', 'Run',
'RunAndFilterOutput', 'RunAndGetFileList',
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self.compareMembers(scm.SVN, members)
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