Commit 49fb93c1 authored by's avatar

Remove --milestone to force engineers to double-check with TPMs for branch number.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent bb050f61
......@@ -3,14 +3,11 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import datetime
import json
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib2
import urlparse
import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611
......@@ -30,10 +27,6 @@ Valid parameters:
--merge <revision> --branch <branch_num>
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --branch 187
[Merge from trunk to milestone]
--merge <revision> --milestone <milestone_num>
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --milestone 16
[Merge from trunk to local copy]
--merge <revision> --local
Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --local
......@@ -370,53 +363,6 @@ def getAllFilesInRevision(files_info):
return ['%s/%s' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in files_info]
def getBranchForMilestone(milestone):
"""Queries for the branch number given |milestone|.
response = urllib2.urlopen(OMAHA_PROXY_URL)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print "Failed to query %s: %d" % (OMAHA_PROXY_URL, e.code)
return None
# Response is in the form of:
# [{ os: "os_name", versions: [{ channel: "canary", true_branch: "1490" }] }]
os_versions = json.load(response)
branches = collections.defaultdict(list)
for os_version in os_versions:
for version in os_version['versions']:
if not version['true_branch'] or not version['version']:
branch = version['true_branch']
mstone = version['version'].split('.')
if not branch[0].isdigit() or mstone[0] != str(milestone):
branches[branch] += [os_version['os']]
if not branches:
return None
if len(branches) == 1:
return branches.keys()[0]
choices = ('-(%s): %s' % (b, ', '.join(o)) for b, o in branches.iteritems())
print >> sys.stderr, ("\nNot all platforms have same branch number for M%d.\n"
"\nHere's a list of platforms on each branch:\n"
"%s") % (milestone, '\n'.join(choices))
errors = 0
while errors < 3:
user_input = raw_input("Which branch? ('q' to cancel) ").strip().lower()
if user_input in branches:
return user_input
if user_input.startswith('q'):
errors += 1
return None
def getSVNAuthInfo(folder=None):
"""Fetches SVN authorization information in the subversion auth folder and
returns it as a dictionary of dictionaries."""
......@@ -487,12 +433,6 @@ def drover(options, args):
NO_ALT_URLS = options.no_alt_urls
# Translate a given milestone to the appropriate branch number.
if options.milestone:
options.branch = getBranchForMilestone(options.milestone)
if not options.branch:
return 1
DEFAULT_WORKING = "drover_" + str(revision)
if options.branch:
DEFAULT_WORKING += ("_" + options.branch)
......@@ -665,8 +605,6 @@ def main():
help='Revision to merge from trunk to branch')
option_parser.add_option('-b', '--branch',
help='Branch to revert or merge from')
option_parser.add_option('-M', '--milestone', type="int",
help='Milestone to revert or merge from')
option_parser.add_option('-l', '--local', action='store_true',
help='Local working copy to merge to')
option_parser.add_option('-s', '--sbranch',
......@@ -692,19 +630,12 @@ def main():
option_parser.error("You need at least --merge or --revert")
return 1
if options.merge and not (options.branch or options.milestone or
option_parser.error("--merge requires either --branch "
"or --milestone or --local")
return 1
if options.local and (options.revert or options.branch or options.milestone):
option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert "
"or --branch or --milestone")
if options.merge and not (options.branch or options.local):
option_parser.error("--merge requires --branch or --local")
return 1
if options.branch and options.milestone:
option_parser.error("--branch cannot be used with --milestone")
if options.local and (options.revert or options.branch):
option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert or --branch")
return 1
return drover(options, args)
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