Commit 40a3d0b6 authored by's avatar

Recursively find all tests in a git repo.

This method is necessary to allow good code organization (i.e., unittests live
adjacent to the source files they test) in the new infra.git repository.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent 46b87414
......@@ -562,6 +562,36 @@ def GetUnitTests(input_api, output_api, unit_tests, env=None):
return results
def GetUnitTestsRecursively(input_api, output_api, directory,
whitelist, blacklist):
"""Gets all files in the directory tree (git repo) that match the whitelist.
Restricts itself to only find files within the Change's source repo, not
def check(filename):
return (any(, filename) for f in whitelist) and
not any(, filename) for f in blacklist))
tests = []
to_run = found = 0
for filepath in input_api.change.AllFiles(directory):
found += 1
if check(filepath):
to_run += 1
input_api.logging.debug('Found %d files, running %d' % (found, to_run))
if not to_run:
return [
'Out of %d files, found none that matched w=%r, b=%r in directory %s'
% (found, whitelist, blacklist, directory))
return GetUnitTests(input_api, output_api, tests)
def GetPythonUnitTests(input_api, output_api, unit_tests):
"""Run the unit tests out of process, capture the output and use the result
code to determine success.
......@@ -744,7 +774,7 @@ def GetPylint(input_api, output_api, white_list=None, black_list=None,
if True:
return [GetPylintCmd(files)]
return map(GetPylintCmd, files)
return map(lambda x: GetPylintCmd([x]), files)
def RunPylint(input_api, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ class Change(object):
raise AttributeError(self, attr)
return self.tags.get(attr)
def AllFiles(self, root=None):
"""List all files under source control in the repo."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def AffectedFiles(self, include_dirs=False, include_deletes=True,
"""Returns a list of AffectedFile instances for all files in the change.
......@@ -965,11 +969,23 @@ class SvnChange(Change):
return [os.path.join(self.RepositoryRoot(), f[1])
for f in changelists[self.Name()]]
def AllFiles(self, root=None):
"""List all files under source control in the repo."""
root = root or self.RepositoryRoot()
return subprocess.check_output(
['svn', 'ls', '-R', '.'], cwd=root).splitlines()
class GitChange(Change):
_AFFECTED_FILES = GitAffectedFile
scm = 'git'
def AllFiles(self, root=None):
"""List all files under source control in the repo."""
root = root or self.RepositoryRoot()
return subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'ls-files', '--', '.'], cwd=root).splitlines()
def ListRelevantPresubmitFiles(files, root):
"""Finds all presubmit files that apply to a given set of source files.
......@@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ class AffectedFileUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
class ChangeUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
def testMembersChanged(self):
members = [
'AbsoluteLocalPaths', 'AffectedFiles', 'AffectedTextFiles',
'AbsoluteLocalPaths', 'AffectedFiles', 'AffectedTextFiles', 'AllFiles',
'DescriptionText', 'FullDescriptionText', 'LocalPaths', 'Name',
'RepositoryRoot', 'RightHandSideLines', 'ServerPaths',
'SetDescriptionText', 'TAG_LINE_RE',
......@@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ class CannedChecksUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
'RunPythonUnitTests', 'RunPylint',
'RunUnitTests', 'RunUnitTestsInDirectory',
'GetPythonUnitTests', 'GetPylint',
'GetUnitTests', 'GetUnitTestsInDirectory',
'GetUnitTests', 'GetUnitTestsInDirectory', 'GetUnitTestsRecursively',
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self.compareMembers(presubmit_canned_checks, members)
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