Commit 30becc2d authored by's avatar

Fix gcl to pass in the suggested owners properly in order to fix the bug...

Fix gcl to pass in the suggested owners properly in order to fix the bug introduced in r78329 (we were passing in a generator to the owners object and it needed to be a list). Fix a couple of other minor bugs related to suggesting reviewers while we're at it.,
Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent fdecfb77
......@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611
# gcl now depends on gclient.
from scm import SVN
import gclient_utils
import owners
import presubmit_support
__version__ = '1.2'
......@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ FILES_CACHE = {}
DEFAULT_LINT_REGEX = r"(.*\.cpp|.*\.cc|.*\.h)"
REVIEWERS_REGEX = r'\s*R=(.+)'
def CheckHomeForFile(filename):
"""Checks the users home dir for the existence of the given file. Returns
......@@ -286,7 +290,10 @@ class ChangeInfo(object): = name
self.issue = int(issue)
self.patchset = int(patchset)
self.description = description
self._description = None
self._subject = None
self._reviewers = None
if files is None:
files = []
self._files = files
......@@ -298,6 +305,44 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
# Set the default value.
self.rietveld = GetCodeReviewSetting('CODE_REVIEW_SERVER')
def _get_description(self):
return self._description
def _set_description(self, description):
# TODO(dpranke): Cloned from These should be shared.
if not description:
self._description = description
parsed_lines = []
reviewers_re = re.compile(REVIEWERS_REGEX)
reviewers = ''
subject = ''
for l in description.splitlines():
if not subject:
subject = l
matched_reviewers = reviewers_re.match(l)
if matched_reviewers:
reviewers =',')
if len(subject) > 100:
subject = subject[:97] + '...'
self._subject = subject
self._reviewers = reviewers
self._description = '\n'.join(parsed_lines)
description = property(_get_description, _set_description)
def reviewers(self):
return self._reviewers
def subject(self):
return self._subject
def NeedsUpload(self):
return self.needs_upload
......@@ -714,10 +759,16 @@ def GenerateDiff(files, root=None):
def OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks(change_info, committing, args):
if FilterFlag(args, "--no_presubmit") or FilterFlag(args, "--force"):
return True
return presubmit_support.PresubmitOutput()
return DoPresubmitChecks(change_info, committing, True)
def suggest_reviewers(change_info, affected_files):
owners_db = owners.Database(change_info.GetLocalRoot(), fopen=file,
return owners_db.reviewers_for([f[1] for f in affected_files])
def defer_attributes(a, b):
"""Copy attributes from an object (like a function) to another."""
for x in dir(a):
......@@ -797,7 +848,9 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
if not change_info.GetFiles():
print "Nothing to upload, changelist is empty."
return 0
if not OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks(change_info, False, args):
output = OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks(change_info, False, args)
if not output.should_continue():
return 1
no_watchlists = (FilterFlag(args, "--no_watchlists") or
FilterFlag(args, "--no-watchlists"))
......@@ -808,6 +861,13 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
upload_arg = ["", "-y"]
upload_arg.append("--server=%s" % change_info.rietveld)
reviewers = change_info.reviewers or output.reviewers
if (reviewers and
not any(arg.startswith('-r') or arg.startswith('--reviewer') for
arg in args)):
upload_arg.append('--reviewers=%s' % ','.join(reviewers))
desc_file = ""
......@@ -841,14 +901,7 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
if cc_list:
upload_arg.append("--cc=" + cc_list)
upload_arg.append("--description_file=" + desc_file + "")
if change_info.description:
subject = change_info.description[:77]
if subject.find("\r\n") != -1:
subject = subject[:subject.find("\r\n")]
if subject.find("\n") != -1:
subject = subject[:subject.find("\n")]
if len(change_info.description) > 77:
subject = subject + "..."
if change_info.subject:
upload_arg.append("--message=" + subject)
if GetCodeReviewSetting("PRIVATE") == "True":
......@@ -981,7 +1034,7 @@ def CMDcommit(change_info, args):
revision = re.compile(".*?\nCommitted revision (\d+)",
viewvc_url = GetCodeReviewSetting("VIEW_VC")
change_info.description = change_info.description + '\n'
change_info.description += '\n'
if viewvc_url:
change_info.description += "\nCommitted: " + viewvc_url + revision
......@@ -1043,6 +1096,14 @@ def CMDchange(args):
affected_files = [x for x in other_files if file_re.match(x[0])]
unaffected_files = [x for x in other_files if not file_re.match(x[0])]
if not change_info.reviewers:
suggested_reviewers = suggest_reviewers(change_info, affected_files)
if suggested_reviewers:
reviewers_re = re.compile(REVIEWERS_REGEX)
if not any(
reviewers_re.match(l) for l in description.splitlines()):
description += '\nR=' + ','.join(suggested_reviewers) + '\n'
separator1 = ("\n---All lines above this line become the description.\n"
"---Repository Root: " + change_info.GetLocalRoot() + "\n"
"---Paths in this changelist (" + + "):\n")
......@@ -1164,8 +1225,6 @@ def CMDlint(change_info, args):
def DoPresubmitChecks(change_info, committing, may_prompt):
"""Imports presubmit, then calls presubmit.DoPresubmitChecks."""
# Need to import here to avoid circular dependency.
import presubmit_support
root_presubmit = GetCachedFile('', use_root=True)
change = presubmit_support.SvnChange(,
......@@ -1179,13 +1238,14 @@ def DoPresubmitChecks(change_info, committing, may_prompt):
if not output.should_continue() and may_prompt:
# TODO(dpranke): move into DoPresubmitChecks(), unify cmd line args.
print "\nPresubmit errors, can't continue (use --no_presubmit to bypass)"
# TODO(dpranke): Return the output object and make use of it.
return output.should_continue()
return output
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